Considering upgrading to VaVa?

Hmmm... we need an extra option in that poll... 'Yeah, maybe, but I'm still waiting to see what happens'.
Voom4Me said:
I don't think Voom is currently charging for TAX. At lease in my area, so you can subtract the $14.97.

This is a state issue. Some states, I suppose, don't charge sales tax while others do. There are some that charge a DBS tax. Florida is one of them. We pay 7% sales and what amounts to about 5.55% DBS tax as well. Voom has correctly charged this since day one. Since it is based on the sales as a % then to figure cost differences one has to consider the total with tax.

I will add Va Va Voom based on what I posted. Sorry CharlieE., you lose! You offer no more than a #4 position for HDTV here. Even Comcast now has you beat!

When the DVR arrives, I will add that too and reduce E* to even less, whatever I can to just have the HDNet pack and my CBSHD waivered channel.
DarrellP said:
TV is just not worth that much money to me. Heck, it could all be HD and I would not pay it.

You Have a 9 ft diag hd screen and hd channels are not worth that much to you?

I also have a dlp projector on a 10 ft screen and love my hd tv. I find it a great value and i don't even watch that much tv. I have 250 hours on my projector in a little over a year.

BTW my favorite channel is equator hd. on a 10 foot wide screen is amazing. I am hooked. I do not even watch sd Anymore. (that is for the small tvs)

I upgraded to Vava just before the first set of new channels came out. I wouldn't upgrade to VaVa just for the new channels but if you look at what you get for the money, it really is a good value. Even if they do end up offering a middle tier (and I think they will), that tier plus one premium will end up costing about what VaVa does.

I went to VaVaVoom both to support Voom through hard times and to take my HDTV to it's full potential. It still feels crazy spending over $100/mo for TV but I'm happy with Voom.

Personally I like the Military channel. The Blue angels special was even cooler when it was shown on Discovery HD Theater in HD :).

msav said:
You Have a 9 ft diag hd screen and hd channels are not worth that much to you?Mark
No, they are not. I currently pay Voom $64/month for about 5 hours of TV/month, is that economical? Not to me. OTOH, I pay Dish $10/month and watch about 40 hours/month.

Even if Voom had PQ equal to HDNET, I would not pay them a dime more per month than I currently do, I just don't watch that much TV. :no I'd rather spend my money on other fun stuff, like taking my daughter to the Zoo or somewhere else cool. :yes
DarrellP said:
No, they are not. I currently pay Voom $64/month for about 5 hours of TV/month, is that economical? Not to me. OTOH, I pay Dish $10/month and watch about 40 hours/month.

Even if Voom had PQ equal to HDNET, I would not pay them a dime more per month than I currently do, I just don't watch that much TV. :no I'd rather spend my money on other fun stuff, like taking my daughter to the Zoo or somewhere else cool. :yes

I know I'm blocked: " But get real you must have the worst equipment in the world to made such a statement : maybe you're screen is to large for any "HD" , How is you're Local's coming in?. and What channel does "E" have better ????."EDIT" I forgot to add, 5HRS, I watch over 100hrs of HD this month," HDNET, is on DTV, E, and all cable companies, maybe "VOOM" has the answer.


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