Connection Issues!


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Jun 13, 2006
Semi-rookie from the tech side, so bear with me...

Using a Dish 500. I'm having connection issues with my 625 DVR receiver, but none with my basic 322 receiver. Sometime Tuesday or Wednesday, it lost connection. I can still get full broadcast on my 322, but was getting no connection whatsoever with the 625, and the switch test showed no satellites. I swapped out the 322 and 625, and the 625 worked in the other room, while the 322 did not, so it's definitely not a receiver issue. I climbed to the dish today, disconnected and reconnected the wiring, and I am now able to get 1 satellite with intermittent reception (and the switch test only shows one satellite). However, the receiver controlling my 2 TV's now operates both TV's as one, with only remote #2 working and the picture showing both TV's as TV2. Also, the connection drops quite often (lucky to have signal for 5 minutes at a time). All of this while the 322 works flawlessly.

I've checked the dish for any foreign objects (nothing within 300 feet of its directional point), cleaned it off, all to no avail. I've also checked the wiring inside the house by disconnecting and reconnecting each coax point (all wires run straight from the dish to the basement, then from the basement to each individual room). Support tells me they can only send out a tech at a minimum $29 charge. Should I be pushing to Tier 2 Support? Is this most likely an alignment issue? They've scheduled a tech for Saturday, but I'd rather not wait 2 days to have this resolved.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I'm in the Home Protection Advantage Plan, but they tell me it still costs $29 for the visit. Any hardware issues are covered, but I'm still charged for the service call.
Yeah, doesn't dish suck, cable doesn't charge for service calls.............LOL, Dish so blows ass!
You are lucky to get cable to even show up to try to find your problem. They DO charge for service calls in this area. YOu will have to call them again in a few days for the same problem. Cable ...................................
couple questions... is there a DPP Seperator behind the receivers? (if you dont know what that is..... is there only one wire going from the dish to each receiver?)
secondly, if there is a seperator... when you moved the 625 to the 322 location, did you take the seperator with you, or did you use the one behind the 322?
if you did take it with the receiver, and it worked in the 322's place, then you can eliminate that as part of the problem... if you didnt, then it is still an option....
my three options would be either cable, seperator, or one of the ports on the lnb died...
way to check the cable and lnb would be to swap the cables on the dish and see if the problem moves to the 322, if it does then it is a lnb issue, if it doesnt than it is a cable or seperator problem...
just throwing out some ideas, good luck
What dish fails to tell any of their customers at sign up is as follows. They candy coat their DHPP and say that everything is covered, which it is kind of. If you don't sign the 18 month contract, your forced into paying $99 bucks for a service call and $29 bucks for a sevice call with an 18 month contract. The reason why they charge is because they know their sh*t sucks and will break, now is that us as a customers fault, hell no its not. But in the long run we get shafted because the gods of dish above say we have to be to cover dishes mistakes. Thats why I say dish soooooooooooooo blows ass, their customer service sux, their equipment sux, and their HD compression sux the biggest balls of them all. Now heres the kicker, all of what I just said above about the service warrenty is found in microscopic writing on a pice of paper that most techs don't even bother to give a copy of to the customer, now im not saying all techs but a good majority. Merry Christmas.
Yeah, doesn't dish suck, cable doesn't charge for service calls.............LOL, Dish so blows ass!
And just who do you think is going to compensate the tech fro HIS time?..
You people amaze me... You expect champaigne service on a beer budget...
I have an suggestion for you. Switch to cable..And get what you pay for...
Ok Dishcomm, I understand your frustration, but hear me out. You sound like a tech in the field, and if so, how many times have you come accross a moment where dish never said squat about a charge a customer needs to pay. And inturn you take the full brunt of it because your there representing pathetic dish network. Let me spew out a couple examples, no phone equals 5 bucks more which 99% of the time dish fails to mention, they just want the sale at any cost. Another is the DHPP, its not free by any means, thats never mentioned. I could go on and on with other stuff but I think I made my point. Dish is a very crooked bunch of people that want sales and money and will lie thru their ass to get it.
Ok Dishcomm, I understand your frustration, but hear me out. You sound like a tech in the field, and if so, how many times have you come accross a moment where dish never said squat about a charge a customer needs to pay. And inturn you take the full brunt of it because your there representing pathetic dish network. Let me spew out a couple examples, no phone equals 5 bucks more which 99% of the time dish fails to mention, they just want the sale at any cost. Another is the DHPP, its not free by any means, thats never mentioned. I could go on and on with other stuff but I think I made my point. Dish is a very crooked bunch of people that want sales and money and will lie thru their ass to get it.
Youir original angle implied that the fault was thta of the contractor techs. Now you transfer blame to Dish..
The fact is we are the ones whose feet are held to the fire. The sales partners are sitting at their desks moving on to the next prospect.
I get a lot of why's and what if's. Quite frankly I'm sick of it. I am also tired of customers who think we are compensated thru soem magical pile of cash and that they should get any service they wish free of charge.
I did a jopb for a customer who works for Vonage customer service..Vonage usues contractor techs. However if the customer needs additional services, the customer must agfree to pay. Also if a customer confirms an appointment then misses it without notifying Vonage, that customer is assessed a $50 fee. If that customer does not wish to pay, the service is not performed.
Dish will not allow us to charge for missed appointments. So If a cusomer does a no show I have to eat the cost of my time and expenses. Dish and DTV are going to bury themselves if they continue to exonerate customers of responsibilty.
There are serivces I used ot perform as a courtesy. No more. If the customert does not want to compensate me for my time and materials I will not perform the service.They can call Dish to complain and then they will get billed anyway. So what's the difference.
But please do not imply that just because a tech happens to be a contractor that the work will be substandard.

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