Connecting 2 DVI-1 components to TV


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
May 29, 2004
Peabody, MA
Have a Panasonic PT-50lC13 TV and have Voom and am getting a Momitsu V880 DVD player. My set has only 1 DVI connection. Can I connect both to the TV and if I can, what do I need. Have had Voom for 3 months and DVI was never used when installed. Never got a DVI cable from Voom but realize I had one from the TV package which I will install when I get DVD player. Can someone tell me what to get if I can connect both components. I have a Yamaha RX-V793 AV receiver which has no DVI connections if that means anything.
Wierd you should have a DVI cable from Voom, it's standard. As for DVI switching there has to be some device out there to do it, never seen one though.
I never got a DVI cable from the installer either as the package was opened when he came in the house.....hmmmm :shocked . Called Voom though and they sent one out UPS and got it the next day. If you need it give them a call.
VOOM sending tech with DVI cable the 15th

Called VOOM and am getting cable by the installer. Thanks madtown and electr0n for the site - expensive bugger - imagine they are all around the same $$$. Will do a little searching. Curious if this cable will improve the pic. Voom said not neccessarily. Would like to know others feedback on this. Thanks again.
DVI is sharper, component seems to be more color saturated, however DVI seems to be the best choice although since it has a slightly better picture over component, you can see the flaws on the picture more.. hope thats not confusing :)
Confusing - "Yes"

Drako - confusing yes, but would love to say lousy picture that shows the imperfections on a stars face or elsewhere. Electr0n found one that had all connections on rear of switch unit so could put on top of a component. 2 inputs on rear of unit and output in front would make it difficult for me to position unit for a clear view for remote to work. This one is cheaper but don't think it comes with DVI cables and someone has already got it in "Harmony's" lists of remotes and will work with my 659 remote. Feel like someone who just bought a car and went to drive off and was told gotta buy tires for it to move and then buy a radio to hear music and if you want it to start gotta buy gas and if it rains better buy some wipers. Toys, Toys !!
You're better off using Component for Voom, as was mentioned above, you can see all the imperfections from their lack of bandwidth with DVI.
yeah I know how that is, but you gotta love new toys

the reason im interested on this as well is that im trying to connect my HTPC to my HDTV while voom is pluged in as well trough DVI..

however, I did it backwards though and kept DVI for voom and for HTPC im using one of these: DVI to component

or you can just do component for voom, just try both and see what you like best
Hey alsie731, how do you like your tv? I have that same one and had the lamp go out after 5 weeks! I love the picture and the features of the tv, but that lamp costs a lot of money if you don't have the extended warranty. It also took 3 weeks to get the replacement due to being on backorder. It really sucked having to watch voom on a standard tv for 3 weeks! :(
azquadfan said:
Hey alsie731, how do you like your tv? I have that same one and had the lamp go out after 5 weeks! I love the picture and the features of the tv, but that lamp costs a lot of money if you don't have the extended warranty. It also took 3 weeks to get the replacement due to being on backorder. It really sucked having to watch voom on a standard tv for 3 weeks! :(

what about manufacturer's warranty... you knew about that right?
I switched my Voom stb from DVI back to component since I bought my Bravo D2. I also dropped the VaVaVoom package and joined Netflix. The PQ over Bravo D2 is close to HD quality.

I also heard the V880 does a awesome job. Enjoy!!!
DRAKO said:
what about manufacturer's warranty... you knew about that right?


Yes, I knew about the manufacture's warranty, but is only for one year. I bought the tv at Best Buy and added the extended warranty for $300. The lamp costs $299, so I am glad to have it covered for the next 4 years. What sucks is waiting for the replacement. :mad:

Extended Warranty

Got my set at Tweeter and went for extensive warranty. Due to come in Jan and clean everything and will get 1 replacement of bulb(s) in a 4 year period. Supposedly a clean job once a year.Must have been a bummer of bulb burnout in 5 days for you azquadfan. Guess don't know what I got myself into trying DVI over component wires. Hope Murphys law doesn't come into the picture. Whatever happened to plug & play and everythings OK. Fearful of repeating scenario with first computer I bought when it kept locking up I threw it out the window into the back yard. And I did open the window first and it was a Acer laptop. Man at 63 what did I get myself into?

Dangerous to install preamp?


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