Connecticut Voomers thread

also - Sean - you must have a SERIOUS antenna to be getting some of these stations from the city! :)
THe interesting thing about 2510 is that it shows the orientation for me as about 12d off what Antennaweb told me. Not sure how to interpret that. Still playing with what I can get, but it's actually a good amount more than I thought. Going to love it come football season.
I like it because it doesn't give a BS antenna designation. Antennaweb has really changed in the last 2 years. I don't believe any of their ratings anymore
Is anybody able to get WTIC channel 61 lately. I haven't been able to pick up anything lately. Were they hit by the storm?


Hi gang. I just moved to CT less than a month ago and I'm finally getting around to setting up my high-def. My situation is an odd one in that I'm a gear reviewer for DVD ETC. and HDTV ETC. magazines and since I'm going to be writing up some of VOOM's programming, they set me up with an installation last week. I didn't have much say in the hardware specifics, but it appears to be decent stuff. I was set up with a roof-mounted 97" UHF-only antenna and a remote-controlled rotor. The amp and rotor/controller are Channel Master, but I'm not sure on the antenna itself. I think it's either CM or Wineguard.

Now, I live on one of, if not THE, biggest hills in Ashford, CT and... I'm getting NOTHING except PAX from New London. Does that sound possible? Nothing from hartford or providence or springield, MA. Suggestions? Tips? I've been told there is some high-def around in VHF so I think I'm gonna need to swap out the antenna for a VHF/UHF model. Does it sound like the antenna is the only weak link in my chain? Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!
Have you checked with to see what you should be picking up in your area?

Give that a shot first...

And when writing about VOOM make sure you give us a mention. :D

Let us know how it goes. :D
Scott - yep, went there first even before I moved here. :) Says I should get nothing besides PAX and PBS. But I just don't believe it. And I don't know where in Ashford those readings were taken. I'm pretty high on a wide open lot with no major obstacles. My installer thought I was maybe TOO high, but I don't know. He said the antenna is rated for 100 miles. I just can't believe that I'm not getting ANYTHING besides PAX.

And if someone on here can help me find SOMETHING worthwhile in HD, I'll sing your site's praises in my first writeup. :)
Personally - I believe antennaweb is getting worse and worse with accuracy. IMHO

I tend to use to map my OTA things. The info there is much more complete, albeit without antenna ratings.

There have also been channel mapping issues with voom in the past - I would suggest contacting Sean Mota (voom moderator) to confirm. I would bet the voom box is locking you out of anything from Springfield by default.

FYI - not a voomer - I just lurk here for OTA fun :)
VOOMer in WHtfd, 24-inch dish

Hey, I'm new here. Had VOOM for a few months and am getting a new 24" dish today to fix rain fade problems. Also, I've had some problems when it isn't raining - best just to use the magic words though if you need to get a new dish though. I'll post results.

Other than that, I've been having enormous problems with locals, WFSB and WVIT.
They consistently show 95-99% and then about every 10-30 seconds they drop to 20-60% in a big spike which totally nukes the picture quality. Anyone ever seen this? ANy idea what would do that? I've got the stock VOOM OTA antenna now. I'm going to get a new antenna from antennasdirect and hitch it up myself (DB4?) to see what that yields.
Just had Voom installed last week so far so good I get all the locals that I was getting with my old Integra 910s. I called E* over the weekend to cancel my service with them. Hard to believe I was with them for almost 5 years. It was time to move the dish anyway the neighbors pine tree was starting to block one of the sats.
Just as a note, the easiest way tog et your long/lat is to go to Terraserver and enter your address. Plus it's cool to see the pictures.

WFSB Fade Out

I live in East Hartford and over the last week or so WFSB (RF33) fades in and out. When I check the signal strength in the install wizard it varies from 95 to 60 on a clear day over a matter of just 15 to 20 seconds. Has any one else had this problem?

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