madpoet said:Yes, but who's the subcontractor. Just curious. Signalvision is doing mine, but even then they subcontracted to yet another local person.
madpoet said:Ok, wasn't you then!I know chatted with someone here who will be near me... have to look through my PMs.
CKNA said:Can you guys post what OTA channels are mapped on your Voom receivers.
Mine are:
3.1 WFSBDT1- Received fine
3.3 WFSBDT3 - Received fine
8.1 WTNHDT - Received fine
8-15 INVOOM – This is weird as it is the same as channel 999 from satellite.
20.1 WTXXDT - Received fine
30.1 WVITDT- Received fine
59.1 WCTXDT - Received fine
61.1 WTICDT - Does not come in at all on Voom receiver. I can receive it fine on my other 2 OTA receivers.
Jrek said:I used the link to the reciever dimen. but it keeps coming up invalid,so can anybody give me the height,width,and depth for the reciever.Thanks in advance Jim
When I installed my large cm antenna I tried it without the amp first and only got WTNH. After installing amp I get all CT stations and some from NY. I used samsung reciever to to get fox and NY channels to test antenna.madpoet said:Well, I got my second box yesterday and had my antenna fixed. My 2nd box is targeted for the upgrade, but I can't seem to force it to happen no matter what I try. Hopefully it occurs soon, since this thing is locking up like mad.
My OTA situation has improved, but I do still have an annoying issue with Channel 30. I'm so close to getting it cleanly, but still get all sorts of pixelation and drops. I'm wondering if I need to get a CM7777 amp. I'm right on the fringe, and NBC is fairly critical. Like the rest of you, I am unable to tune Fox. They really need to get this fixed soon.