Connect Broadband - Receiver 722- Airport Express


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Oct 9, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
OK, so I'm trying to connect the 722 via Ethernet cable to a Airport Express that's than bridged to a Airport Extreme hooked up to the wall and I cannot for the life of me make it work.

The purpose for this is to avoid the $5 programming fee. I don't have a phone line nearby and thought this would be a logical step to have a wireless connection. When checking the broadband setup on the 722 menu, it will not connect.

Anybody have this configuration? What are the settings required on a Mac's Airport Utility? I have the new Airport Extreme and a 2 year old express.

I'm currently sharing the Airport Extreme wireless internet connection to all the macs in the house without any problems.


Have you confirmed that the two apple products can talk to each other wirelessly OK? Perhaps by connecting another device that you are more familiar with (e.g. a Mac) you can find your way around better.

If I understand bridging (never done it on my network), after the two wireless components have made their handshake (WAP passwords, etc.) then the RJ45 port on the remote wireless device looks like a hard line to any device plugged into it.
philiphotog, please keep me posted on your findings. I'm wanting to do the same thing. However, the home network install guide from indicates that the receiver ethernet port does not support wireless connections.
This works but only if both the Airports are setup in WDS mode for some reason. Also, the Express must be in bridge mode. I had my 622 setup like this for awhile before I ran hard lines.
Problem solved.

Here's a detailed follow up and I'm using a mac. Hopefully this will be useful if you have a similar setup to mine. I was trying to set up Airport Utility manually, when really I should of taken the much easier route and used the automatic setup :-)

1. First, if you haven't already, it might be good to reset the AX if you've been having problems with it. To do this, put a paper clip end into the reset button on the AX and hold it there for about ten seconds. Three of four green lights will flash as it resets.

2. Open up Airport Utility found in the application/utilities folder. Check that the network you want to extend, in this case my Airport Extreme is participating in a WDS network and this 'allow network to be extended' box is ticked. You'll find these options in the 'Wireless' tab of Airport Utility. Then update the Airport Extreme.

3. Now staying in Airport Utility, switch to the Airport Express-the one connected to your 722 that you want to work wirelessly. You may have to rename it and enter a new password. I call mine 'Dish'.

4. Of the three options, choose the top one to ask AX to an existing network.

5. On the next page, choose the second option to choose AX to wireless join network.

6. On the next page, choose the second option to extend range of Airport Extreme.

7. On the next page, choose the network name you want to join, you may have to enter a password for that network.

8. Hit continue, and the AX will update.

9. Lastly, in the broadband menu on the Dish 722, reset the connection. This takes a few moments, but you should have new settings. Click done. You may also have to rest the modem by unplugging for 30 seconds or so.

Any questions, please do not hesitate to reply back and I'll do my best to help.

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