Congrats to the St Louis Cardinals... WS 2006 CHAMPS!!!


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Jul 18, 2005
Congrats to the Cards for winning the World Series in 2006 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
X factor for MVP has my vote :up

Congratulations They deserve it. Tony LaRussa had outstanding teams in the past and was knocked out of the playoffs or beaten by another team in the WS. This year with a team that, at least, on paper looks inferior to previous teams, he takes them to the promise land! How about that!

Congratulations to all the IDIOT EXPERCTS (me included :D ) who called the St. Louis Cardinals Lame Ducks. How is the USA reporter feel now when he said "Tigers in three". How about Campbell from ESPN he was quoted, "The Mets and St. Louis are playing for second place" after the Tigers won the American League pennant.

MVP: wienwright (without him... they can't get all those games).

Goat: Kenny Rogers.... Only game the Tigers won was tainted by Pine Tar controversy innitiated by Kenny Rogers. Guess what Rogers.... Justice was served.

Hero: LaRussa. Not only did not cry foul about the Kenny Roger's first inning pine tar but also won the Championship.

It is just fitting: The team with the 2nd most WS title wins it for the 10th time.

Congratulations to all St. Louis Fans.... It was fun....
thank you!!!!!

it was fun, if cold!!
we had our buts beat in 04, nice to get our first since 82!!
10 WS championship. more then any other team!!( that dont wear pinstripes; damn, 26 a way to go)
tiger fans, jimbo, paul, michstate, ect i know how you feel( see 2004) young players lead to mistakes, as they mature, IF you can keep the team due to free agencey, i think you will have a ring.

anyway , condrads to the 2006 world series champions, your ST LOUIS CARDINALS!!!
and congards to me, i did my part by giving the owners lots of money for holding and buying new players via $8.50 per beer!! LOL
thank you!!!!!

it was fun, if cold!!
we had our buts beat in 04, nice to get our first since 82!!
10 WS championship. more then any other team!!( that dont wear pinstripes; damn, 26 a way to go)
tiger fans, jimbo, paul, michstate, ect i know how you feel( see 2004) young players lead to mistakes, as they mature, IF you can keep the team due to free agencey, i think you will have a ring.

anyway , condrads to the 2006 world series champions, your ST LOUIS CARDINALS!!!
and congards to me, i did my part by giving the owners lots of money for holding and buying new players via $8.50 per beer!! LOL

Can you give us our 2 runs a game spot we continued to give St. Louis back ???
5 errors, maybe 6 I lost count with the pitchers ...8-10 runs, yup, that will kill ya every time.

IF you could turn those very simple plays into the normal outs, this series would have possibly been still going.
But we all know you can't do that , you can only hope to learn from the experience.
Duncan also had 2 errors last night, and did not look comfortable out there at all. Although they took one away,it should have been caught.

I am dissapointed that Leyland was not able to get Marcus Thames into the game where he could have had some at bats... He too was a spark for the Tigers thruout the year.

Congrats, Cards :)

Way to go St Louis! St Louis had gone to 3-1 lead (at least) twice in WS play - only to lose in 7 - one of which was to the Tigers. Of course, they are also one of the few teams to fall 1-3 and come back to win. It was good to see them end it last night. Congrats Cards! Also Congrats Tigers! Sure there were mistakes - on both teams BTW. It was cold and I suspect the field was still a bit soggy. Like I said before, if you want to play a World Series game just before Halloween, you better be ready for some foul conditions. But both teams had some great plays too. All I heard from the announcers was how badly the teams were hitting. Hey - give the pitchers some credit. I though both teams rolled out some great pitching starts - people playing a notch above for the series. Case in point - Weaver. The way he pitched, I'm not sure any team would have hit better. So Congrats to both teams.
Thats easy ....

Go BUCKS !!!!

you whore!!! LOL just kidding. to tell you thr truth, dont even knoes what it
means, brine drinking for several days now. OH TO BE YOUNG AGAIN!!!!

im to old to drink this much!!!! i like the osu!! have since i was a kid . my god, WS championships arev taxing!! LOL

please line up for spellinmg erros!!
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Dantheman, are you fat? (fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life). You certainly have the drunk and stupid (spelling errors) parts down. I've got drunk and stupid, down cold. Working on the fat part.
LOL! yes, im 5' 10" 220. BUT i have a cute face AND im easy. i kant spell sober, much less drunk. the line though is from Dean Warmer, Animal House.
Dan, has the party ended there yet?

sadly for me it has. been working 16+ hours a day getting product out. and during the playoffs, i was slacking so i had alot of catching up to do. its still fun to reflect on though. i watched the final game again and got to see all the clubhouse fun for the first time.

Bonus Trivia Question

Klitschko Vs Calvin Brock

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