Congrats to the Giants

TOP 10 New England Patriots excuses for Losing the Super Bowl!

Top Ten New England Patriots Excuses

10) What? It's best-of-seven

9) Too much pre-game chowder

8) Since when is that dude allowed to catch a ball with his head?!

7) Terrified by that Fox football robot

6) Everything was fine til' Dr. Phil decided to straighten us out

5) Should have campaigned harder in Florida

4) Entire team stayed up late that night before watching Hannah Montana
concert movie

3) Exhausted after spending hours consoling a weepy Terrell Owens

2) Thought game was supposed to be played on Super Tuesday

And the NUMBER ONE Top Ten excuses for the Patriots to lose the Super Bowl.....

1) Airline lost our 'roids!

CBS | Late Show with David Letterman :
I even have to believe that Peyton (who has played the Pats many times the past 4 years) had to be working with Eli to give him advice, and reads on the Pats defensive schemes.

Makes sense to me.

Actually, the local media here interviewed Peyton and he said that they did talk several times, but it was more about what to expect from the SB experience, etc. He said he told Eli he was "beyond the point of needing advice from me" or something to that effect.

Now, I'm not sure I believe that... especially watching Peyton's reactions in the suite on Sunday... but that's what he said. :)
Top Ten New England Patriots Excuses

10) What? It's best-of-seven

9) Too much pre-game chowder

8) Since when is that dude allowed to catch a ball with his head?!

7) Terrified by that Fox football robot

6) Everything was fine til' Dr. Phil decided to straighten us out

5) Should have campaigned harder in Florida

4) Entire team stayed up late that night before watching Hannah Montana
concert movie

3) Exhausted after spending hours consoling a weepy Terrell Owens

2) Thought game was supposed to be played on Super Tuesday

And the NUMBER ONE Top Ten excuses for the Patriots to lose the Super Bowl.....

1) Airline lost our 'roids!

CBS | Late Show with David Letterman :

Manhattan or New England chowder?
A few points from the Giants fan here..... (Thank God for USB storage, adding a bunch of programs to my drive for archival)

1. If you look at how both teams played in January ONLY and against which teams, it's obvious that the Pats weren't what they were in the first half of the season. Yes they kept winning, but they kept winning by 3 points, not 30 (against the Ravens, Eagles, Giants in week 17, etc.)

2. We mugged him in Week 17 and we mugged him in the Super Bowl. It's hard to be cocksure and accurate when you are constantly getting face planted.

3. While everyone was focused on Umeniyora and Strahan, Tuck was going after Brady like he owed him money.

4. My suggestions for the name of the play of the decade (I had originally wanted "The Escape", but that ignored Tyree's contribution):
a. Shock (how'd he get away?!!??) and Awe (HOLY SH!T, how did he catch that?!??? )
b. The Hip Slip and the Fingertip Grip
c. Eli and David's Most EXCELLENT Adventure

5. Eli just became Joe Namath in New York. No matter how bad he does in the future, he is now immortal here. Time for Farrah Fawcett (or the 2008 equivalent) to do the Noczema commercial.

6. Get ready for the commercial onslaught from Peyton and Eli. The ESPN ad with them punching each other in the hallway while Archie took a tour was a sneak preview.

7. New Yorkers actually cheered for a guy that addressed them with a sentence that began with "Y'all". Might be a first.

8. Once again, a miracle comeback by a New York team drives a stake through the heart of Boston fans. And we all know how long it took them to get over that whole 86 Met thing. They even made a movie about it. A few even.

9. Peter King, Bob Costas, and... Frank Caliendo (????) get to gloat that they called it.

10. The Giants did this with 11 rookies. See you next year.
Oh, and one more.....

11. NFL Films is gonna have to throw out a LOT of "perfect" Pats footage. The only problem with planning the inauguration BEFORE the election.....
16 - 0........ Perfect regular season

18 - 0........ Almost there

18 - 1........ PRICELESS


4-12 Still Sucks

4-12 Still Sucks


Yes but an identity with a true fan base outside of the state they play in!! lol Hell there are Raider fan's in New englang!! How many outside of the state!! Until Al Davis has nothing else to do with the RAiders you are right. I still go and see at least 3 games a year!!:hungry::hungry:
I saw this sign in the stands on the replay of the game on the NFL channel.....

1986: Simms almost perfect.
1990: Wide Right
2007: Shock the World
Things run in cycles...

The Dolphins have an unbeaten season and this year almost went winless.The Gators were down in basketball when I went there and dregs later; now they are two time defending champions (when did we become Duke?). The Gators football team went 0-10-1 in 1979; now they have won 2 national titles. Remember when Nebraska and Miami dominated and USC was a little down? LSU wanted to "fire Curly early" (I think I have the right program). The Marlins have won as many World Series as the Red sox since 1918 (and since 1997).

Enjoy the winning now...

I have thought this over and decided that New England did not choke. The Giants should be hailed for playing a great game. They were hot and good. New England had the big 4th quarter drive to get the lead back and then Eli Manning and David Tyree made 1 of the great plays in NFL history to put the Giants in position to win. New England lost to a hot team which played a great game and it took a herculean play to beat them.

As for the close games the Pats played the last weeks of the season, everyone was "up" and "gunning" for them. I remember how "hard" the teams played against Miami when it was unbeaten in 1972-- including the Giants in the second to last week of the season.

It just goes to show how hard it is to go unbeaten in the NFL. Any week, a team can come up with a great play and win.

In my view, the Giants realized how good they were when they almost beat New England in week 17. The Giants had that game won until Sam Madison got hurt and the Pats hit big passes at the end. It was nice to see a team "go all out" in what was a "meaningless" game for them.
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Manning MVP????

Ok. I am going to start it: A-Rod on the Juice?

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