confuzed 921 lol :)


SatelliteGuys Master
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Aug 5, 2004
-.-. .... .. -.-. .- --. ---
hey im watching forest gump on abc 7-1 and i switched to wbbm 2-1.... just to check things out on channel 2... (dt-3) Im out here in northern kankakee county just 36 mi south of chicago. (way out in the sticks for wbbm as it pixalates in and out but for wbbm that is dammmmmmmm goood... cauz anywhere in chicago land is the sticks as far as wbbm is concerned) channel 3 aka chan 2-1 pixolating at a 64-69... aquireing signal.. no big deal... switch back to 7-1... 125 there.. poped up on my banner to see what time it is... it shows 2-1 in the left hand corner.. and 125 % for signal... no picture.... thought to my self.. nOOOOOO WAY! what did i just do to get that kind of signal out of cbs... I was shocked.. then the picture poped on.... and it was ABC!!!!!!!!!! just took pictures thougt it was funny.. I will post them when i get time to because i got to work tom through wed.. its just kind of funny... just wish that i could get that kind of signal out of cbs as far as every other station in chicago... i get at 125 Not bad for a 15ft antenna and a channel master 7777 preamp in kakakee county.. I just wish that cbs would get there act togther soon and get this deal going with channel 11. thought you guys would get a kick out of my findings tonight..! :D
well if were going for weird 921 happenings, try this one:

Im on say channel 183. i push the up arrow (to change channels), then i quickly press the right arrow (because i thought id see whats on instead) so it changes channels then pops up overlay bo:mad:on the bottom of the screen) to show whats on now and whats on next like usual. So i push up to check some other channels...but heres where it get good. It keeps the onscreen at the bottom, but starts changing channels on the top bar (and changes the channel im viewing). weird huh? anyone seen this before?


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