In case anybody else does not know German.
Schadenfreude | Define Schadenfreude at
So, if I read this right, Schadenfreude = Bob H.


In case anybody else does not know German.
Schadenfreude | Define Schadenfreude at
Both my parents and I got the same end of month expiration letter last December and we are still getting the one cent a year deal. We are both well into the third (2 3/4) year of this promo.
Huh. They probably gave your 2nd year to me, since I'm well into my 3rd year despite getting TWO letters last year saying it was ending. (One letter said it would automatically end, and the other said it would automatically continue but at the normal Cinemax rate.) So far I've only seen 3 cents charged to my account.As a new subscriber Dish stopped my one cent deal excatly one year to the date I signed up...
Huh. They probably gave your 2nd year to me, since I'm well into my 3rd year despite getting TWO letters last year saying it was ending. (One letter said it would automatically end, and the other said it would automatically continue but at the normal Cinemax rate.) So far I've only seen 3 cents charged to my account.
I wonder where they are going to find a comparable package for anywhere near the same price?A lot of members have said that once they remove the Absolute package, they will leave Dish. I'm wondering if this is actually going to happen but if this is true more people will be leaving Dish.
As everyone is surely aware, there's nothing anywhere that's even remotely close to this package. I switched to it for a # of reasons:I wonder where they are going to find a comparable package for anywhere near the same price?