Computer Help

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LonghornXP - Sorry, I stand corrected. (egg on my face) :o

I wasn't thinking about the power circuit inside the laptop. I was just thinking about the power converter on the outside. duh!

I used XP-Pro so that is why I listed all of those other OS's.

It is clear that you know your stuff.

Shutting up now.. :D
now this, so after trying to get window unsuccessfully to install tried the knoppix cd, nuthing, doesnt work. So I was thinking what if I try the windows xp recovery console and try to repair the master boot record, and if that didnt work to reformat the hard drive. Well for whatever reason when i get the c:\ it will not allow me to change the drive over to the d drive so i can reformat the hard drive, is it me or am i doing something wrong

c:\> ch d:\

that should change it over to the cdrom drive correct?
well my wife got tired of me trying to fix it so we brought it to best buy to try and figure it out.
went into the bios to try and change it and they computer just kept shutting off
hbk409 said:
now this, so after trying to get window unsuccessfully to install tried the knoppix cd, nuthing, doesnt work. So I was thinking what if I try the windows xp recovery console and try to repair the master boot record, and if that didnt work to reformat the hard drive. Well for whatever reason when i get the c:\ it will not allow me to change the drive over to the d drive so i can reformat the hard drive, is it me or am i doing something wrong

c:\> ch d:\

that should change it over to the cdrom drive correct?
Try d: to change drives.
hbk409 said:
well best buy called said it was the harddrive

Sorry to post so late. I was at Busch Gardens all day on the 31st and went on Sheikra exactly 18 times. Half on the front row while the other half in the back row. What a ride but the St. Pete Times said the ride was about 3 minutes and the ride is only about 1:30 or so. Montu is longer if that says anything. My longest streak on this new ride was 10 times back to back before I had lunch and went right back another 8 times right after eating lunch. As you can guess I have one hell of a stomach. I couldn't believe the lines or lack of them.

Sorry I got a little carried away but it seems your hard drive is the problem but Knoppix should have run or given some type of error even with a trashed hard drive so I'm sadden to think that maybe your power supply is bad and that trashed your hard drive so Best Buy found the hard drive first and will replace it not knowing that the new drive might be trashed by the same power supply that they just overlooked. Maybe I'm wrong but get ready to pay again and fight with Best Buy in the next month or so.
when i go tonight to pick it up im going to see if they will allow me to buy some sort of extended warrenty now that the just serviced it.
went to bestbuy they put in the new hard drive, so far so good. They said that when they started it it sound like a dying animal. lol, when i was messin around with it the other night it made a weird noise and my wife was like what was that it sounds like a dying cat
hbk409 said:
went to bestbuy they put in the new hard drive, so far so good. They said that when they started it it sound like a dying animal. lol, when i was messin around with it the other night it made a weird noise and my wife was like what was that it sounds like a dying cat

Well if more problems start within the next 30 days just make sure they don't charge you another diagnostic fee but you might have to pay for labor and parts but at least qeek squad only charges flat rate so it shouldn't be too bad. I don't think they would sell you an extended warranty and even if they did expect it to be very expensive and could come close to almost half of the cost of a new laptop and at least one third of the cost and the reason for this is that older parts cost more and I mean way more than new stuff if its a big repair like a CPU and/or motherboard. Because if one goes bad they both have to be replaced with brand new chips and that requires a new case and design in most cases this making it cheaper to just replace the machine with a newer one. From their point of view let you pay twice as much instead of us paying half the amount.

I ended up getting my Dell notebook with my credit card bonus points which wasn't that bad at all. Its a Dell 600m but its about 8 months old now. This is a very good machine. If you do plan in the future to get a new notebook I highly suggest both the iBook and PowerBook lines from Apple. Now if only Apple would release a G5 powerbook to match my G5 Powermac.

Or better yet wait until Intel starts shipping dual core x64 CPUs to Apple. That should bring the price of all product lines down close to PC computers and both the ibook and powerbooks should get very fast and power friendly Centrino type CPUs. Now again these CPUs will be different than current PC systems but Apple would still have a special hardware bios checker so the new version of OS X can't be installed on anything but their computers. But at least the new version can install Windows XP on a dual boot config. Also Apple is working on some type of emulation layer for current PPC based apps so they would work until companies update their products. The emulation layer would interpret the commands the software sends into the commands the new chips use so that processing power won't be too much.

That above is just what I've heard from my one Apple contact.
well they said i have 30days if anything goes wrong theyll fix it no charge. They would probably make some excuse however that its a different problem and not covered but we will see.

As for as a new notebook my wife doesnt need anything that powerful she just uses it for basic websurfing and message boards
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