Completely Unwatchable( Audio Sync issue )

The 722 has a little feature which is "lip sync to HD" or "lip sync to SD."

I have set mine to "lip sync to HD", but it doesn't work well enough, the audio usually precedes the video in high def shows. This is very noticable when watching golf in high def, since the sound of the swing precedes the video of the actual swing. About a 1/2 second audio delay would probably fix that (maybe less).

I don't recall whether there is a lip sync issue in SD--if there is one, it's not as bad.

The optimal solution would be a variable lip sync feature (as described by HDhockey guy in his post) in the 722, so the viewer could adjust the audio/video sync to his/her own satisfaction based on the type of programming being watched. Fast action sports shows in HD would probably be most problematic due to processing needs (which was mainly why ABC/ESPN went with 720p for broadcasting/programming years ago, so as to decrease motion blur).

Just my views.

The sync issue is driving us nuts.

Where is this "lip sync to HD or SD" feature found? I'd like to try and see if it helps, but can't find it on any of the menus?
Like other posters I started seeing these problems recently, with the new shows. I stopped by to see if I was the only one. I guess not! I will try a FPR and hope for the best.

Here in Seattle it seems to be mostly CBS and NBC though I think I have seen it on TNT HD too. I'm watching Letterman on my 722 now and the same sync problem is on OTA and Dish--though I can't say if the source is to blame util I plug my antenna into another HD tuner.

The optimal solution would be a variable lip sync feature ...

That would be useful when the source is goofed up. But if Dish gets a good source and it's mangled by my 722, that is something that Dish needs to fix and not punt to me with setup options. The excuses from the companies involved are cold comfort.
The real issue here is MPEG4. It doesn't have any sound/video sync mechanism. the two just free run. It gets to be an issue (as has been mentioned) when the sound and vision are transmitted over different paths, or when there is a long dely in video processing (compression/decompression).

The real answer is to tag sound and video with sequence numbers to allow the pair to be matched up at some point - ideally in the receiver, but this would add to the expense of the receiver. Simply doing this at each (re) transmission point would help a lot.

I think practical experience is much worse than people expected, so maybe, one day, the standard will be changed to give this facility.
PhilipPeake said "The real answer is to tag sound and video with sequence numbers to allow the pair to be matched up at some point - ideally in the receiver, but this would add to the expense of the receiver. Simply doing this at each (re) transmission point would help a lot."

I agree with Mr. Peake that his suggestion is the real answer to the problem, and computer gurus may be working on that solution now. Updating a standard, however, is typically a long process, and implementing it can be even longer.

A couple of weeks ago I sent Dish Quality an e-mail regarding the lip sync issue, and received a very polite response (which I appreciated). Their comment in response was, in essence, that they're working feverishly on the problem but there are just so many weak links in the chain that its tough pulling (i.e., they keep finding different causes in different situations).

For the interim, I would be satisfied with a 722 update that would let me manually set the audio delay. If I'm watching a program that will be 3 to 4 hours in length, I wouldn't mind taking 15 to 20 seconds to set the delay. This would be especially easy if Dish provided a guide with recommended settings depending on the type of material being viewed, and could be done as an upgrade to the current lip sync feature (I would hope). I think I'll e-mail that idea to Dish.


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