Just clarifying... were you on the "point dish" screen when you were moving the dish, or were you just on a channel and waiting for it to detect a signal? I'm not trying to be insulting, but when troubleshooting, if I (we) assume you've done a step correctly, we can miss what the problem is. And were you able to confirm that you had voltage at the LNB end of the cable?
If you want to continue trying to solve this yourself, here's what I would do... First, I'm going to assume your elevation is supposed to be 40 and azimuth 180 (just sample numbers)...
1) Hook up the receiver and little TV as you did before.
2) Go through the menu to the "point signal" screen.
2.5) Do a "Check Switch".
3) Tilt the elevation to 38 degrees and aim at 90 degrees.
4) Pan clockwise slowly (~2 degrees every second) until you're at 270 degrees while watching the signal strength meter. If you get even a blip of signal, stop, move dish left right/up/down to maximize that signal. If you don't get any signal, continue to step 5.
5) Raise the elevation to 39 degrees, and repeat step 4, but in the opposite direction.
6) Continue to raise the elevation by 1 degree and pan across the sky. Do this until you get to 44 degrees of elevation
ETA: I forgot to address the plug.
Either get a replacement cord (I don't remember if the cord is meant to be separated from the receiver), call Dish, or, if you own the receiver, you can cut that end of the cord off, go to your favorite store and pick up and install a new end.
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If you can't handle putting this onto the end of the cable, you shouldn't even bother trying to troubleshoot your receiver.