Complete/Partial Signal Loss


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Original poster
Mar 28, 2011
Indiana, USA
Hello, looking for some assistance with a new problem I've been experiencing with my Dish system.

My current setup is:

1000.2 dish which from what I've read has a built-in switch. I have 1 HD dual tuner (VIP 222K) and 1 HD single tuner.

Over the past few months I've been getting complete and partial signal loss messages. I have only been experiencing these problems on the dual tuner. I called Dish and got them to send me a new 222k, but the problem is still occurring. I disassembled the LNB and swapped the two feeds, but the dual tuner is still getting partial/complete signal loss while the single tuner works fine (possibly ruling out the LNB)..

I'm looking for possible solutions to this problem. The satellite signal to the dual tuner runs through a DPP Separator, as well as the splitter that lets you power a second TV in another room. Restarting the 222k makes the problem go away for a few days.

I've run the switch test, which passes, and I am getting strong signals from all three LNBs under the installation screen... Please help! :)
Could also be a bad lnb.I had the same issue with 1000.4.Tried new separators and ran new cable,made no change.Left the 612 on 1000.4,switched the 622 to a hybrid w/arc and have had no trouble since.
HIFI, I've done all of the network and cable wiring in the house myself, so it's silver. The installer ran 3 cables from the dish to an upstairs "information box" which houses our home alarm, phone, and satellite distribution, after which i ran 1 to the basement and 1 to the master bedroom. (I've already switched receiver location and cabling order on the LNB before). The coax runs down a pvc tube from the 2nd floor to the basement, I've checked both ends of the coax, no shorts, good amount of core sticking out, etc, so I don't think it's the wiring.

I ordered a new LNB and separator off of eBay this weekend, they'll be here on Wednesday. Any other possibilities someone can think of incase this doesn't solve the case?
I think its a problem that has been mentioned in this forum since the L630 update. I have had this problem off/on for months and it switches between 2 622s. I have had technicians come out 2-3 times . It never affects my 4700 nor both 622s at the same time. I paid for the first visit. The rest have been under the 90 day warrenty. They can find nothing wrong with my hw setup and cable runs. Evey time I get this problem I request the free technician. Of course, the problem is never present when the technician is here.So far they send them out and don't offer to update any equipment.
HIFI, I've done all of the network and cable wiring in the house myself, so it's silver. The installer ran 3 cables from the dish to an upstairs "information box" which houses our home alarm, phone, and satellite distribution, after which i ran 1 to the basement and 1 to the master bedroom. (I've already switched receiver location and cabling order on the LNB before). The coax runs down a pvc tube from the 2nd floor to the basement, I've checked both ends of the coax, no shorts, good amount of core sticking out, etc, so I don't think it's the wiring.

I ordered a new LNB and separator off of eBay this weekend, they'll be here on Wednesday. Any other possibilities someone can think of incase this doesn't solve the case?
what color is the center of that connection? what I'm getting at is, is it a high frequency connection? if its not blue in the center that could be a big part of your trouble.
Sorry, no it isn't blue. I've had this install for almost 6 years now with no problems.. When I switch receivers the problem follows the 222k (meaning it's not the wiring?)
If it is following the rec, it is most likely the problem. If you haven't already, try changing the separator, diplexer and cables in between them.
mlapaglia said:
Sorry, no it isn't blue. I've had this install for almost 6 years now with no problems.. When I switch receivers the problem follows the 222k (meaning it's not the wiring?)

If the barrel in the wall plate is not high frequency id change that out. Low frequency barrels cause problems. Try that out.

If all your cabling is high frequency (rg6, 3Ghz) then i can only see the barrel or maybe even the software in the reciever being an issue.
Are you by chance running a ota antenna? I had this problem with my system, replaced everything and still get it every once in a while. I think it has something to do with the software....
That was my question. With an OTA antenna, if the station the OTA tuner is on has a signal problem, the Sat channel you are watching thinks it has a problem and you get the signal message. Remedy it to not have an OTA tuner on a station that has signal problems.
I do have an OTA tuner running on it. If I were having OTA problems, would some satellite channels work and others not? Right now that's what happens. I'll get the error, but still be able to watch some channels (unless it says complete signal loss, then I can't watch anything). By "not have an OTA tuner on a station that has signal problems" do you mean someone would have to be actively tuning into the station? This problem occurs when no one is watching OTA.

I got the new lnb and satellite separator today, I'll post back if the problem rears its head again. Thanks for all the suggestions!

cant access 922 with droid

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