Comparing TNTHD on Voom VS Dish


I Think, therefore, I am.
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Nov 6, 2003
Salem, OR
I was switching back and forth between the two during the basketball game and it seems that Voom was pixelating just a tad more on fast breaks than Dish was, did anyone else notice this? Other than that, the PQ was solid, great PQ! :D
BlackHitachi said:
Yes PQ was better on Dish but Voom still Was nice.
Pq on Dish and D* always better on channels that Voom and the others carry-i.e. DHDT, HBO HD EAST, ESPN HD, and apparently now TNT HD-C'mon Voom, get that technical dept. working will ya'!!
Voom continues to struggle with compression problems. They need to get this issue fixed. MPEG 4 is NOT the answer. Don't sell HDTV delivered and not have high quality imaging! Another thing about TNT HD for those plasma CRT consumers, be very CAREFUL of the TNT logo 'bug' at the bottom right. Excessive watching could cause that bug to burn in. Be careful!!
Echostar has all kinds of bandwidth since they only have a handful of HD offerings. Once they actually add some content, you'll see the bandwidth drop like a rock in a river. The Rainbow 1 transponders actually have a higher capacity than the transponders on 110. Once dish places 3 HD channels/transponder, they will have around the same or less bandwidth per channel as D* has. WM9 is the answer. Rainbow 1 has 50mbps transponders while Dish has ~40-something on the 8PSK's.
cameron119 said:
Echostar has all kinds of bandwidth since they only have a handful of HD offerings. Once they actually add some content, you'll see the bandwidth drop like a rock in a river. The Rainbow 1 transponders actually have a higher capacity than the transponders on 110. Once dish places 3 HD channels/transponder, they will have around the same or less bandwidth per channel as D* has. WM9 is the answer. Rainbow 1 has 50mbps transponders while Dish has ~40-something on the 8PSK's.
I agree, Mpeg4 and WM9 is the answer. This will allow for more HD channels as well as reducing any bandwidth problems.
eschu commented:
> Pq on Dish and D* always better on channels that Voom and the others carry-i.e. DHDT, HBO HD EAST, ESPN HD, and apparently now TNT HD-C'mon Voom, get that technical dept. working will ya'!! <

This is very disappointing to hear. :(

And DragonLips added:
> Voom continues to struggle with compression problems. They need to get this issue fixed. <

I agree. This is unacceptable. Perhaps I'm wrong, but I equate HDTV with HighQuality. If all HDTV means is HighDefinition, but with visible motion artifacts, that's not going to cut it for me. It'll wind up making HDTV as meaningless as "digital quality video" already is from the satellite providers, cranking up compression to squeeze one more shopping channel in. That's bullsh!t.

- Tim
If they need bandwidth, take out the useless barker. Combine some of the channels, like Gallery and Auction. Reduce Cinema 10 to Cinema 5. This is unacceptable. Is anybody at V* listening?
I thought it was common knowledge that VOOM is compressing their content the most out of V*,D*,and E*?
I wonder if your VOOM dishes are peaked correctly. We are in northern California -- possibly one of the farthest reaches (except for Oregon and Washington) where you would expect distortion to be near its worst -- and we get superb PQ on every HD channel and on most SD channels. I notice artifacts on ABCfamily on a few graphics (when a program shows white vertical bars such as white columns in a room, the white bars have sparklies). Other than that, ZERO distortion.
slffl said:
I thought it was common knowledge that VOOM is compressing their content the most out of V*,D*,and E*?
Not hardly. I used to have Dish SD and dropped it like a hot potato it looked so bad. At least with Voom, I can now watch SD. I watch very little of it, but last night I tuned in the History channel and it looked very good. Dish was always fuzzy looking on my projector but Voom looks sharp. I think they must use different types of compression because Dish looks quite a bit different.
DarrellP said:
Not hardly. I used to have Dish SD and dropped it like a hot potato it looked so bad. At least with Voom, I can now watch SD. I watch very little of it, but last night I tuned in the History channel and it looked very good. Dish was always fuzzy looking on my projector but Voom looks sharp. I think they must use different types of compression because Dish looks quite a bit different.

Is this due to you're upconverting to 1080i on the VOOM stb as opposed to watching 420i stuff on the Dish stb?

Also, I notice blocky HD on OTA channels (ie Jay Leno), not just satellite. I'm thinking it's something to do with the stb.
slffl said:
Is this due to you're upconverting to 1080i on the VOOM stb as opposed to watching 420i stuff on the Dish stb?

Also, I notice blocky HD on OTA channels (ie Jay Leno), not just satellite. I'm thinking it's something to do with the stb.
I put my projector in Auto mode, so the stb puts out 480i and my pj scales it to 720p. I tried using the Voom stb set at 720p for everything but my pj seems to do the better job between the two.

Your blocky image could be hardware related, I have 2 Voom stb's and my OTA are rock-steady.
Walter L. said:
Hey Darrel - How DHDT compare these days on V* vs. E*?
I still think E* has a slight PQ advantage on DHDT, ESPNHD and TNTHD. It's very slight but to me, the Dish image seems a bit crisper.
slffl said:
I thought it was common knowledge that VOOM is compressing their content the most out of V*,D*,and E*?

Technically D* compresses the HD channels the most (2/QPSK transponder). I suppose this will change with 7S. Dish and Voom are using higher-capacity transponders and 8PSK.

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