I have another solution, which targets the advertisers who pay for the commercials. But it will take a campaign by many of us to make it work:
When a commercial is too loud, I hit the Mute button to kill all the sound. And I don't restore the sound until I see that all commercials are over and the main programming has returned.
What effect does this have? I not only miss the marketing of the loud commercial, I miss all the marketing of all the commercials that air after that, in this particular commercial block. If you are an advertiser, do you want consumers like me missing your ads that you paid to air because another company's ad forced me to turn the sound off? Maybe we can get the advertisers to set their own volume standards by doing this.
If I miss the start of the main programming, I just use Dish's skip back button to start a few seconds earlier. By using Mute instead of the volume buttons, I don't lose the volume I set correctly for the main programming.
So how about it? Can we start a movement here? A people's campaign, aimed at the advertising industry? Sande