The archived video is now available; The streaming feed begins approximately 17 minutes into the feed.
Senator McCain begins at approx 23 minutes and covers his "Televison Consumer Freedom Act"
1: Option to purchase individual channels mandated
2: In 1995 most popular package cost $25 - has increased to $54
3: 70+ year old widows are paying $70 per year for ESPN and don't watch it.
4: Average person pays $10/month for sports but average person does not watch sports.
5: Bundling : In 1995 - 41 channels in bundle and watched 11
In 2008 - 130 channels in bundle and watched 18
6: Prohibit blackouts in all publicly financed sports stadiums.
Minute 44: Dish Executive - only provider in all 210 markets
1: 2010 - 12 blackouts on re-transmit agreements , 2012 - 100 blackouts
2: Allow carriers to provide other market during negotiations to level field (being held hostage now)
2: remote area legislation expires in 2014 - 1.5 million households affected.
3: Sprint proposal would provide affordable mobile tv streaming
Nebraska Senator: North Central Nebraska can't get their PBS because of Nielson. Illogical and needs fixing.
1:31 into hearing : Dish again talking about Sprint
1:45 into hearing : Dish on DMA's. Need fixing. If customer wants to be in a neighboring DMA, let them. And, talked of the short markets (missing a major) and the RVrs that have no networks.
RE: the broadcasters; Their message was that all is well and nothing needs fixing.