On Tuesday, November 6, I decided to try out Dish On Line by downloading the movie Andre. I have an Earthlink cable modem tied to a netgear router. I have a netgear home plug adapter tied to 1 port of the router. My 622 was able to get an IP address of by using the built in home plug hardware.
After 4 hours, the movie was still 0% done with no time estimate. I deleted the download and restarted the download again. 12 Hours later the movie download was 4% finished. 24 hours later the movie was 35% finished. 48 hours later, the Dish On Line My Rentals list indicated that the movie was ready for viewing.
I started watching the move and everything was fine for about 35 minutes. Then I got an error message "Buffering Video" and the movie stopped. After acknowledging the error message and starting Dish On Line again, the Download List now stated that the movie was only 35% done downloading. Fot the last 4 days, this has not changed. However, my 2 days to view the movie started on Wednesday and the movie finally expired on Friday.
My interaction with DISH technical support has been fruitless. The one CSR insisted that my phone line must be the problem. I patiently explained that the download was through the internet (not the phone line). She was completely confused. Another CSR insisted that 622's were not able to use DISH On Line. I finally got a CSR to make an engineering report regarding my problem. She said that they would credit my account for the movie but I should not try to download any more movies until engineering could find the problem. She said this could take 1-2 weeks.
I was curious if the download problem was due to my home plug connection. My other 622 is directly plugged into the router using an RJ45 internet cable. I called Technical Support and asked if I could try this out to see if the download problem was due to the home plug configuration. The technical support person insisted that my problem was due to the fact that I use a router. He insisted that DISH equipment will not work with a router. I patiently explained that a router is necessary to assign local IP addresses to my computers, REPLAY TV, and my two 622 receivers. He insisted that my 622 should be plugged in directly to the cable modem and nothing else should be connected. Needless to say, he was incorrect but I was unable to convince him otherwise.
I have looked at the LAN configuration and all of my equipment have unique IP addresses. I have dedicated IP addresses for most of my equipment using the MAC address in the netgear router. I have not assigned a dedicated IP address for the 622 receivers.
I have tested my internet connection speed and my download speed is 230 - 310 kbps and my upload speed is 490 kbps. My Earthlink service is supposed to be 5 Mbps and Roadrunner is supposed to be 7 Mbps. I suspect that Warner Cable is throttling back my Earthlink connection since they want me to switch to Roadrunner service which is $20 more expensive.
Anyway, that is my story regarding Dish On Line. DISH needs to train their technical support regarding DISH On Line. I will wait to hear back from the engineering group. I have submoitted this thread to the DISH Technical support e-mail.