Ok, I've kept myself out of this discussion long enough. First of all Gutter, who really cares? Setup a poll right now in the general forum, and ask "Is HD-lite a problem?, Yes, or no" heck go on ahead and setup a poll at DBStalk, AVSforums, etc. and then figure up how many people say yes, and how many say NO, and I would say by 20% or better most would say NO.
Gripping about what Mark Cuban said 6 months ago and what he said here the other day, is not going to get you ANYTHING, except Mark Cuban walking away from Satelliteguys.
2. Satguys is great site, however, 35,000 members or so isn’t going to bring that many more customers to Mark, Directv has what 14 million customers or so, and Dish has what about 12 million? I think he already has a larger group "going" doing HDnet a favor. I mean 26 million is bigger than 35,000, I would say, wouldn’t you? So the only reason Mark is here, is none other than to be nice to us, to give us a taste of who he is, what is coming around the corner for HDNet, etc... Not, how we can fight the evil HD-Lite. we aren’t doing him nor HDNET a favor, HE IS DOING US A FAVOR. I would think you will say, "not all of those 26 million customers are affected by HD-Lite, well, guess what, not all of the 35,000 members here are affected by it either, and out of those that are affected by it, I’d say half, don’t care. But certainly, you would admit Mark already has a great platform via Dish and Directv.
3. So what if Mark changed his opinion, you mean to tell me you never changed your mind about something? Surely, you once thought Ford (or Chevy, Dodge, Toyota, etc...) was great, and now you think they stink, or perhaps you once thought Dish was top of the line, or perhaps Cable, or perhaps, Directv. I’ll bet, 15 years or so a go, you thought VHS was the wave of the future, and now you don’t even watch VHS tapes, instead you watch DVD’s. Perhaps, Mark learned something new, like others have said, why not send him a PM asking him VERY nicely, why his opinion changed, and ask PLEASE for an answer, I’ll bet he would have answered you. But instead, you ridicule him, in many ways, I would say, you flamed him. He said that was the last HD-lite response he would make, but I’m sure he would have told you, if you would have asked in the right way, why the change of heart. In my opinion, I’d say, he is simply tired of fighting with providers, and he don’t want HD to die, so he tries to push HD-Lite to the side. Like he said, he’d rather them mess with stuff now, than when there is 10's of million HD customers.
4. And finally, why are you attacking Mark Cuban? Guess what, it don’t matter what he says, or doesn’t, just like it don’t matter what we say or don’t, Dish, Directv, etc. are going to do with the channels as they please, go ahead and walk, but chances are, the next wagon you jump on, will do HD-Lite or reduce quality some other way. Give the companies until after MPEG4 is complete, and if they don’t start going to "True" HD as you call it, then start up the gripping again, but for right now, give it some time. They are trying to get as many channels up as possible, with a limited amount of bandwidth. Which would you have? 2 "True" HD channels, or 20 HD channels? But, let this thread end, enough of the "OMG, Mark said something different, he is evil cause he ...." And try to welcome Mark to the board, let him at least get his coat off.