Comments about Mark Cuban Answers

BobMurdoch said:
think of yourself as a reporter asking questions.
. don't really mean this. A trained reporter would never let himself be used or allow such a public figure to get away with his own contradictions. A good reporter askes the tough questions and tries to put his subject on the spot. That's his job. I know. I spent 30 years in PR answering those tough and, yes, sometimes stupid reporters quetions. But I always respected their right to ask it. As long as we don't muck up the Q&A thread, I don't see why we have to roll over dead or step on tip toes. Mr. Cuban isn't...that's for sure.
This is great. A thread to basically slam Mark Cuban's reply about HD-Lite.
I find it interesting that Mr. Cuban hasn't been back since his initial appearance. Maybe he isn't to keen on this thread and doesn't appreciate it being around. Or maybe being a multi-millionaire doesn't leave him much time to spend here.
I'm also disappointed in Cuban's responses in regards to hd-lite. I think Cuban knows their is a problem but he can't do anything about it because he is going to lose $$$ so he just keeps his mouth shut. Its pretty telling when he spoke about that issue last year and now he's refusing to acknowledge it. I'm also disturbed at people treating Cuban as a god. I feel as though I'm in his shrine right now. He's a person just like the rest of us. He's not Jesus.
txcruiser said:
This is great. A thread to basically slam Mark Cuban's reply about HD-Lite.
I find it interesting that Mr. Cuban hasn't been back since his initial appearance. Maybe he isn't to keen on this thread and doesn't appreciate it being around. Or maybe being a multi-millionaire doesn't leave him much time to spend here.

perhaps with the effort to all the emails FTC receives about the FAKE HDTV

advertising by D* it will eventually also include ALL original content providers.

heck he(cuban)has to change the name of HDNET to HARDLY..DECENT..NET


and i hope someday all channels will be available separately so i can

txcruiser said:
This is great. A thread to basically slam Mark Cuban's reply about HD-Lite.
I find it interesting that Mr. Cuban hasn't been back since his initial appearance. Maybe he isn't to keen on this thread and doesn't appreciate it being around. Or maybe being a multi-millionaire doesn't leave him much time to spend here.

Giveing doubt and credit where it is due, I find your latter suggest probably the most accurate. He is a very busy man and he is also active and participates in AVSFORUM. He can give only so much time. When Scott says "From Time to Time" I can believe that. If we see him once a week, that would be great, but if he skips a week or so, it would not suprise me either.
txcruiser said:
This is great. A thread to basically slam Mark Cuban's reply about HD-Lite.
I find it interesting that Mr. Cuban hasn't been back since his initial appearance. Maybe he isn't to keen on this thread and doesn't appreciate it being around. Or maybe being a multi-millionaire doesn't leave him much time to spend here.
My thoughts exactly. Hmmm, let's see, if I'm Mark Cuban, do I...
  1. Go see a Mavs Game?
  2. Check on upcoming HDNet Programming?
  3. Make more lucritive movie deals through HDNet Movie Productions?
  4. Discuss that "Hoodwinked" movie with Robert Wilonsky?
  5. Hang out with the Mavs Dance Squad?
  6. Sign in to SatelliteGuys.US and get reamed for not denouncing DirecTV and their 15M subscribers for putting up with "HDLite"?
I go with #5 :devil:
I just found it amusing that after years of complaining we finally get a direct line to someone in the top chair of these organizations and a bunch of people are lining up to beat him up like the line of people in the original Airplane movie who were waiting to slap the bejesus out of the hysterical female passenger.....

And that's the last I'm gonna say about talking about Mark's response re: HD lite that he said would be the last time he would address it.....

Ow, my head hurts from that sentence......
That is right Bob...he has insulted some of us by not allowing an open dialogue to discuss. That's what has me pissed. I have had discusstions with 2 Presidents of the US several governors and cabinet secretaries. I didn't hold back then and I am not going to now. Show me in he Q&A thread where I insulted him or took him to task.? He is a member here like the rest of us as well as a member at AVSFORUM and debates issues often. I will leave it at that for now. However, the issue is not over. Now Scott reports new news about DISH and HDLITE. I hope he is correct and the clock is ticking to show how accurate his sources are.
some people don't get it
or they think it is amusing, for us to be voicing our opinions and point of views in this forum ,instead of looking at the comedy channel
as for direct lines of communication with the corporate gods,they have been around
for a long time (and their representives) all over the forums,to push their product
to get feedback to make changes, improvements etc.
i am not saying this is bad ,BUT and this is a big BUT,when they finally reach the public and the people are amazed ...that they are talking to someone who is famous.... that's where it ends because they don't give a dam about you...period.
i have many many examples from different forums from over the years.
i could care less if someone does not want to make a comment about cubans response ..hell they can go watch another airplane movie...but wait the HEAD might blow up from THE CABIN PRESSURE......

oh you'll get there allright
Keep in mind that Satguys is going HDNET a big favor in promoting these channels and programming. That's what Satguys does. But for giving a moment or two to graciously shine on us, he is given a lot of promotion for his channels and companies. A good trade and I think it is worth it. I have said that I wish Charlie at E* would do the same.

You know.... the companies and ourselves might even learn something and promote communication. Now wouldn't that be novel?
Ok, I've kept myself out of this discussion long enough. First of all Gutter, who really cares? Setup a poll right now in the general forum, and ask "Is HD-lite a problem?, Yes, or no" heck go on ahead and setup a poll at DBStalk, AVSforums, etc. and then figure up how many people say yes, and how many say NO, and I would say by 20% or better most would say NO.
Gripping about what Mark Cuban said 6 months ago and what he said here the other day, is not going to get you ANYTHING, except Mark Cuban walking away from Satelliteguys.
2. Satguys is great site, however, 35,000 members or so isn’t going to bring that many more customers to Mark, Directv has what 14 million customers or so, and Dish has what about 12 million? I think he already has a larger group "going" doing HDnet a favor. I mean 26 million is bigger than 35,000, I would say, wouldn’t you? So the only reason Mark is here, is none other than to be nice to us, to give us a taste of who he is, what is coming around the corner for HDNet, etc... Not, how we can fight the evil HD-Lite. we aren’t doing him nor HDNET a favor, HE IS DOING US A FAVOR. I would think you will say, "not all of those 26 million customers are affected by HD-Lite, well, guess what, not all of the 35,000 members here are affected by it either, and out of those that are affected by it, I’d say half, don’t care. But certainly, you would admit Mark already has a great platform via Dish and Directv.
3. So what if Mark changed his opinion, you mean to tell me you never changed your mind about something? Surely, you once thought Ford (or Chevy, Dodge, Toyota, etc...) was great, and now you think they stink, or perhaps you once thought Dish was top of the line, or perhaps Cable, or perhaps, Directv. I’ll bet, 15 years or so a go, you thought VHS was the wave of the future, and now you don’t even watch VHS tapes, instead you watch DVD’s. Perhaps, Mark learned something new, like others have said, why not send him a PM asking him VERY nicely, why his opinion changed, and ask PLEASE for an answer, I’ll bet he would have answered you. But instead, you ridicule him, in many ways, I would say, you flamed him. He said that was the last HD-lite response he would make, but I’m sure he would have told you, if you would have asked in the right way, why the change of heart. In my opinion, I’d say, he is simply tired of fighting with providers, and he don’t want HD to die, so he tries to push HD-Lite to the side. Like he said, he’d rather them mess with stuff now, than when there is 10's of million HD customers.
4. And finally, why are you attacking Mark Cuban? Guess what, it don’t matter what he says, or doesn’t, just like it don’t matter what we say or don’t, Dish, Directv, etc. are going to do with the channels as they please, go ahead and walk, but chances are, the next wagon you jump on, will do HD-Lite or reduce quality some other way. Give the companies until after MPEG4 is complete, and if they don’t start going to "True" HD as you call it, then start up the gripping again, but for right now, give it some time. They are trying to get as many channels up as possible, with a limited amount of bandwidth. Which would you have? 2 "True" HD channels, or 20 HD channels? But, let this thread end, enough of the "OMG, Mark said something different, he is evil cause he ...." And try to welcome Mark to the board, let him at least get his coat off.
tonyp56 said:
Ok, I've kept myself out of this discussion long enough. First of all Gutter, who really cares? Setup a poll right now in the general forum, and ask "Is HD-lite a problem?, Yes, or no" heck go on ahead and setup a poll at DBStalk, AVSforums, etc. and then figure up how many people say yes, and how many say NO, and I would say by 20% or better most would say NO.

. Satguys is great site, however, 35,000 members or so isn’t going to bring that many more customers to Mark, Directv has what 14 million customers or so, and Dish has what about 12 million? I think he already has a larger group "going" doing HDnet a favor. I mean 26 million is bigger than 35,000, I would say, wouldn’t you?

Boy you really don't check very well do you? There have been at least 2 or 3 polls in the last month on that very subject on this forum last I saw it was over 80% not only against HDLITE but prefering quality or quantity. There was a similar poll on AFSFORUM. Also please provide your specific source that HDNET has 26 million actual subs? I think you add too much.

I like HDNET. I didn't ask Mark Cuban to visit this thread. He is the one that said he will answer no more questions on HDLITE. He knew when he jointed her that this question was the hottest question of the month.

I respect Mr Cuban but I won't let him get away with contraditons that he refuses to face. This entire discussion has been kept on a professional level and not personal. It is a debate on the issue itself and not on Mr. Cuban's spending habits or how he runs his company. That would be out-of-bounds. He knew when he came here that his is a vocal group. And I am sure he is not surprised.
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gutter said:
Boy you really don't check very well do you? There have been at least 2 or 3 polls in the last month on that very subject on this forum last I saw it was over 80% not only against HDLITE but prefering quality or quantity.

Whilst your point is correct, your argument is a little flawed as the sample is too small.
For the 3 survey's i could find, in the dish network forum, the number of votes was less than 200 in every case. so using 80%, 160 max resposnes saying they do not want HD-Lite.

edit- removed last para as it seemed to add no value to the discussion
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One of the benefits of being a citizen in this country, is the ability to vote, those that dont take that opportunity, shame on you and please shut up ! You voted so good I welcome your opinion. But i dont have to agree :p

So my vote stands, get rid of them all !.
I didnt vote Voom, coz i dropped that already

i see your point ...........stick with your avatar
gbjbany said:
Whilst your point is correct, your argument is a little flawed as the sample is too small. please shut up ! You voted so good I welcome your opinion. But i dont have to agree :p

I never said that it was a scientific sample. But I have conducted and been involved in many polls over the last 30 years. A 1200 person poll is considered representative of the entire country. In just a city like New York, 300 would be considered a good enough poll to give you an accuracy of + or - 3%. The difference is that those who conduct polls are very specific about how their sample is pulled by age, demographic, income and geography. But you are right that self polls have no scientific validity. The polls I have seen done on this site are usually very poorly worded as well. so I have to give you that point as. well.

The writer was suggesting that a poll should be done on this site on the issue and I was trying to be polite to say that it has been polled to death on these kind of forums.
vurbano said:
Cuban makes money selling his product to D* and E*. Of course he is going blow off our PQ concerns. Greed has killed the HD savior so many of you worshipped, he is certainly not going to bite the hands putting money in his coffers, i.e. D*. If you want to know his programming plans then ask him but other than that he is irrelevant to the PQ we see on our screens. Our providers control that. And Cuban could care less.

I suggest everyone watch the Insider show this coming Tue. at 1830 Eastern, on HDNet. It came on yesterday but I only got the last few minutes. The last speaker (I forget his name, but he was some analyst for some big financial concern scared me & I am in the HD-Lite/more channels camp right now.

Basically he was advocating that this time around the product cycle is going to be mucn faster, He made a lot of oblique references to big, established players (the sony's, pioneers, etc) getting cut out with a deadly 1-2 of Big Box stores going private lable on one side & Chinese manufactueres of raw components competing directly with the above on the other.

The phrase "Good Enough" came out of his mouth 3 times in the 11 minutes that I watched him.

Also he directly challenged a earlier speaker (who I didi not get to see) who seemed to be the "Dean" of this industry conference. He all but called the man an old fool. All the rest of the panel was quite nervous when he was making these types of remarks.

He called for such things as no more HDTV sets, just monitors & that the Wal-Martatization of this industry is coming, like this summer.

He took an inderect swipe at Blu-Ray/HDTV by hinting that HD VOD* will be the killer app.

I have never seen this guy before, but he seemed to represent the interest of the men with the money. I have a sickly feeling in my stomach that HD-LiTe may be as good as it gets, & it may even get worse.

* I think that mass acceptance of VOD will never happen, until such time as we, as a species, have evolved to the point that our fingers & oppossable thumbs are nothing more than vestigial. I just can't see paying my money, en masse, for something as emphemeral as VOD.
"I have a sickly feeling in my stomach that HD-LiTe may be as good as it gets, & it may even get worse."

C'mon guys, you're working yourselves into a lather here,'ve just gotta be a little more patient. In the other thread "Is HD LITE that BAD" or whatever it is...someone made the point that only a couple years ago there was no such thing as HD (or even ED). Then someone else commented that if we are willing to settle for HD-LITE things will never improve.

OK then, weren't people willing to settle for SD for all these years until HD came around? I mean millions of people were paying for cable and satellite with NO HD available at all, and not really bitching about picture quality all the time....So then what incentive was there for the cable and satellite companies to move to HD at all, since everybody was settling for SD? Especially when HD is so much more expensive to provide?

I don't think I even have to answer that question, but I will. It's a free market. Companies are in competition with each other for customers. Every company is always going to want to provide the latest and greatest technology/gimmick/product to attract customers away from the competitors. The problem right now is BANDWIDTH. There is just not enough available right now to satisfy the demands of the jonesing HD aficionados out there. But all the providers are scrambling to put up more satellites, or otherwise increase the available bandwidth so they can provide more HD and eventually even BETTER HD. Have faith in competition and the free market. It just takes a little longer than we would like, but it will happen.
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sixteenbynine said:
OK then, weren't people willing to settle for SD for all these years until HD came around? I mean millions of people were paying for cable and satellite with NO HD available at all, and not really bitching about picture quality all the time....So then what incentive was there for the cable and satellite companies to move to HD at all, since everybody was settling for SD? Especially when HD is so much more expensive to provide?

The problem is that you and others were willing to settle for less than full rez SD. are not even getting full rez SD and and people accept it by the millions. If you can't tell that you are not geting full rez have no hope in knowing HD when you see it.

SD on E* and D* suck. if you really want to see good SD (yes I mean SD) you have to go OTA or 4DTV from a nice big BUD.
sixteenbynine said:
"I have a sickly feeling in my stomach that HD-LiTe may be as good as it gets, & it may even get worse."
C'mon guys, you're working yourselves into a lather here,'ve just gotta be a little more patient. In the other thread "Is HD LITE that BAD" or whatever it is...someone made the point that only a couple years ago there was no such thing as HD (or even ED). Then someone else commented that if we are willing to settle for HD-LITE things will never improve.
OK then, weren't people willing to settle for SD for all these years until HD came around? I mean millions of people were paying for cable and satellite with NO HD available at all, and not really bitching about picture quality all the time....So then what incentive was there for the cable and satellite companies to move to HD at all, since everybody was settling for SD? Especially when HD is so much more expensive to provide?
I don't think I even have to answer that question, but I will. It's a free market. Companies are in competition with each other for customers. Every company is always going to want to provide the latest and greatest technology/gimmick/product to attract customers away from the competitors. The problem right now is BANDWIDTH. There is just not enough available right now to satisfy the demands of the jonesing HD aficionados out there. But all the providers are scrambling to put up more satellites, or otherwise increase the available bandwidth so they can provide more HD and eventually even BETTER HD. Have faith in competition and the free market. It just takes a little longer than we would like, but it will happen.

I would like to believe that things could improve PQ wise in thefuture but answer this. Has the PQ improved in all the years they have been doing SD or did it get worse?

I see the new bandwidth being freed up will just be taken away by an ever increasing number of Local HD channels. If everyone accepts lower quality then thats what you will keep getting, just look at all the cheaply made crap that is being sold in stores nowadays that has replaced well made stuff we used to be able to buy. We have power to change things by not buying substandard quality, if you can except the PQ as good enough you should buy it. I myself hope that enough people will be willing to say no.

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