Comcast Sports Net Chicago in HD or NOT??


Original poster
Oct 24, 2005
I live in the Chicago region and we STILL do not have Comcast Sports Net in HD!! I was told that this would be a reality by mid 2007, yet I have not heard a word about it. What gives?? All I hear about is Direct TV brag about 150 HD channels by years end. Plus, they already have Comcast in HD as we speak. It appears Dish is the only service who does not provide RSN in HD.

I seriously would dump them for Direct TV, but I'm obligated for the next year or so on a contract. I would have to say that this is the most unhappy I've been with a service provider of any kind in years. All I wanted was to watch my local sports in HD... was that too much to ask? They can keep those crappy VOOM channels. Just give us what we really want.
They are adding RSN's in HD, (I think they have 9 up in HD so far) they have to come to an agreement with the RSN before they can add them, and why do i feel that Comcast doesnt always play nice with Sat?

I still am waiting for my RSN (FSN North) as well, do what i do, send an email frequently or call. I am sure they will be adding more over time, they have said they will add a few more for sure by the end of the year.
why do i feel that Comcast doesnt always play nice with Sat?
It always only seems to be an issue with E* when they try to fight to save every penny on the channels, yet somehow there is no noticeable price difference between D* and E*. D* didn't seem to have any trouble negotiating with Comcast, yet we're stuck with E* waiting and watching another season of baseball go by in not-so-beatiful SD.
I have been asking this very same question and am very fed up with dish in regards to the lack of comcast sports net HD. I too have very seriously considered switching because of this service not being offered to Echostar customers. Honestly I dont care what the price is to see my RSN in hd. I would pay to see it. Wether its one buck per sub or 3. (it cant go for more than what ESPN does.) I just wish they would launch it already.. While there at it then can add WGNHD (CW) ,WCIUHD (Currently has SOX, Cubs, and Bulls games in HD),WTTWHD (PBS) ,WPWRHD (local HD programming) All the missing LIL's that currently do HD and the missing EPG programming for all of them with the big one being WTTWHD 11-01. Honestly, I would rather have the EPG as I get WGN,WCIU,WPWR,and WTTW via OTA and could wait, But add CCSNCHD already please :)
Hey I just went to Comcast's website and pulled This up.

Why doesn't DISH Network carry your home games in HD?

It is up to DISH Network, not Comcast SportsNet, to decide if they want to create a channel location for our HD telecasts. You may want to contact them to express your concerns.

Now, there is A place holder for Comcast Sports Net HD in Chicago up, the last I heard it had nothing on it. So, dish? Whats up with this. Can someone contact dish and get the scoop. I would but I'm 6000 miles away.
I'd love to see Comcast Sports Net in HD. I currently have access to the Foxsports Midwest HD even though every game on it is blacked out. Really doesn't make sense to me why I'm even offered the channel.

It is absolutely horrible that dish has not yet picked up CSNHD Chicago, especially since 2 of the 3 games vs the Cubs this weekend are on CSN! I have said this before and asked in other posts, but no good answers. i have called both dish and comcast, again no good answers. i would bet that directtv and comcast have some kind of high priced agreement that is keeping dish from carrying the hd knows that everyone in chicago needs their station to watch cubs/bulls/sox...and they basically have a monopoly on the sports programming around here..yet somehow we live in one of the largest television markets in the country and can't get our hd rsn do they justify that putting up some small town podunk fsnhd is more profitable than a major market rsnhd?
They are adding RSN's in HD, (I think they have 9 up in HD so far) they have to come to an agreement with the RSN before they can add them, and why do i feel that Comcast doesnt always play nice with Sat?

I still am waiting for my RSN (FSN North) as well, do what i do, send an email frequently or call. I am sure they will be adding more over time, they have said they will add a few more for sure by the end of the year.

Also waiting for FSN North as well. I had heard E* was supposed to add Altitude this fall. I doubt that I will see FSN North in HD this year.
All the Cubs/Sox games this weekend will be on both CSN and WGN. CSN will have Hawk and DJ on Friday and Sunday, WGN on Saturday. Csn Will Have Bob and Len on Saturday, WGN on Friday and Sunday.

I got the impression from speaking with someone at CSN recently that they expected Dish would be carrying the HD channel soon.
CSN Chicago HD

It's even more depressing to see the SOX in LOW DEF!!! :) The gods have not favored us this year. :( ...Though we did beat Cleveland 2 games to 1. :D
Dish, HD RSN for Chicago, please!!! 3rd largest market :eek: :hungry::hungry::hungry::hungry:
From what I've read in other threads, CSN-Hd & NESN are taking the longest to get on E* because they require Full Time coverage. On the other HD RSN's E* is only carrying the games in HD, not other programming. CSN is insisting that they caryy all HD programming, as is NESN, and E* doesn't have the bandwidth yet to make that available. Don't know that that is the 100% truth, but it is what I've read.

HD channels

622 l406?

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