co-rotor2+ with g-box

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Apr 2, 2006
Maiden Rock, WI
I read somewhere that you can't use a old co-rotor 2+ feedhorn with +5v skew for polarity together with a g-box to change satellite positions. I bought a receiver that you can manually change polarity and would like to use it, but not if it won't allow my g-box to get diseqc commands to change satellites. Anyone using a dish mover with a co-rotor? Thanks
I read somewhere that you can't use a old co-rotor 2+ feedhorn with +5v skew for polarity together with a g-box to change satellite positions. I bought a receiver that you can manually change polarity and would like to use it, but not if it won't allow my g-box to get diseqc commands to change satellites. Anyone using a dish mover with a co-rotor? Thanks

I dont know of one. I wish there was one because I would LOVE to order a more professional C/KU band LNB like a Chapparel CoRotor 2+ all of these LNBF's I have tried on my dish seem to vary greatly in quality and reception.
exactly, My (old) co-rotor and digital lnb's always worked perfect and if I needed a little skew adjustment. I just adjusted it. Thanks
I read somewhere that you can't use a old co-rotor 2+ feedhorn with +5v skew for polarity together with a g-box to change satellite positions. I bought a receiver that you can manually change polarity and would like to use it, but not if it won't allow my g-box to get diseqc commands to change satellites. Anyone using a dish mover with a co-rotor? Thanks

It should work fine. I build a servo controller and mounted and wired it inside my gbox and I have not had a problem with it. The design came from member equant and it makes the servo auto switch with the lnb voltage i.e. 13volts moves the servo Vertical and 18volts moves it Horizontally .
does anyone know what the Freq.'s are for the old C & Ku band lnb's that go on a Co-Rotor 2+, so I can set the receiver to pick up the signal from them? Thanks.
That's what I was thinking, but thanks I wanted to know for sure.

If the setting don't work with your vertical tp's, then you will have to make two sat list for each satellite. One for horizontal tp's and one for vertical tp's and use the freq of 5150-5750 for Horizontal, and freq of 5750-5150 for Vertical. With the lnb freq set to this, it will give you 18volts all the time for the c-band. I can't remember if there is a setting for ku to run 18volt all the time. When I did the ku I made two list, one for Horizontal and one for Vertical. When I did a scan I scanned only the Horizontal tp's on both list, but on the Vertical list I just adjusted the skew for V tp's. This way you always have 18volts powering the lnb, if you need it. I realized that mine works fine with 13volts on the Vertical side. Hope this help's if needed.
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