CNN and HLN gone/ Dish-Turner Dispute - Now Back 11/21

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Dish rep keeps saying they're fighting Turner for my rights.. but they keep raising prices
anyway on Feb every year. I already expect next Feb, I am going to see another increase
on my bill for the doing nothing.

I don't understand why Dish is forcing their customers to go thru this inconvenience.
This is nuts.. and does not make business sense.

Pretty much every contract has built in price increases every year. This of course assures a price increase every year. Even if Dish manages to keep Turner price increases at bay, they are still going to have to raise prices every year because of all the other contracts. But, of course the new Turner contract will have annual price increases in it, so it is all just a matter of how much price increases will be every year. Until the industry is fundamentally changed (like a la carte, or everyone cutting the cable) these business practices will continue. Dish has little choice with Turner, it is too popular to be gone long. Viacom on the other hand seems to be having problems...
I don't like price increase anymore than the next guy... Who remembers when a Big Mac meal from McDonald's cost $2.99 ? I do and they ain't that price today. I know much they cost because I still get them.

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I don't like price increase anymore than the next guy... Who remembers when a Big Mac meal from McDonald's cost $2.99 ? I do and they ain't that price today. I know much they cost because I still get them.

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But.... Do you get their coffee? :biggrin
Ah, the death and taxes knee-jerk reactions are starting to pour in.
Hey Scott, you're falling down on the job. Didn't see the warning on this one? I think if Charlie were still your friend, he would have been on the phone to you to clear this with you first, right? :D

This was really weird. I was tuning across the channels and saw Glenn Beck and the Blaze where CNN was, then at the top of the hour, it switched to Aljezeera network on 201. At first I thought Dish Network was hijacked by ISIS terrorists and they were taking over the entire channel lineup. Came here and saw the thread. Another budget dispute! of course.

I haven't watched CNN much since they put on Pears Morgan. Never could stand his pompous demeanor. But since he is now off, I never went back. Just don't care for their arrogant talking heads. Mostly I watch CNBC and Fox Business channel. I would drop Dish but still like the DVR for the two tuner OTA recording. I have excellent locals here off my own antenna so I don't need satellite. I can live without CNBC over Dish as I get it through my brokerage service over IPTV. My wife likes a few shows that we record. Frankly, it's not worth the $124 per month I pay but until I find a replacement, cheaper, and just as convenient, I'll keep Dish.
Dish's response would be, yes, there will almost always be a price increase but not as much if we hadn't "fought" the programmers and gave in to their demands.

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Is Dish that much cheaper than their competitors for comparable packages? Since they keep "fighting" to keep costs down, they must really be cheaper.
The overall cost is less in many cases. Depending on the configuration they are either less than or a little more than DirectTV. In the case of cable in Eastern Ct and the Tampa area much less with much better equipment. In the case of cable in my areas DISH is indeed that much less. But importantly since they put money into technology their equipment is generally that much better. There is a cost to that too.
That is the only channel I keep top 200 around for too. I only use it for Dr. Who and I like to watch Grahmn Norton on Saturday nights. So two shows and I spend another $15.00 a month to watch them. I need to find a way to cheaply stream these two shows and pay just for them when I need them.

If you're patient, Dr. Who comes on Amazon Prime streaming. I am unaware of another option for Graham Norton though.
Is Dish that much cheaper than their competitors for comparable packages? Since they keep "fighting" to keep costs down, they must really be cheaper.

I believe it is but not a whole lot. It's been a year since I compared but then for same programming I wanted, it was around $22 per month lower at Dish, plus Dish had a far superior DVR with features and I only have 2- VIP722K models, not even Hopper.

I decided that the only advantage to be with DirecTV is to have NFL ST which isn't available on Dish, but if you can substitute NFL Red Zone and be happy with that, then the difference is huge Price advantage for Dish. (I agree this is borderline apples and oranges comparison of NFL.) In my personal wish list, I was also looking to have the DirecTV 3D channels, but they have since shut them down so comparing the two now is a non-starter.
Is Dish that much cheaper than their competitors for comparable packages? Since they keep "fighting" to keep costs down, they must really be cheaper.

The issue of course is that Dish is fighting for the other companies too since most have a most favored nations clause, and if Dish gets a discount the others get it too.
I dropped Showtime about two years ago...realized I rarely watched anything on it and they seldom had movies I was interested in watching. I liked the drop in my bill too. Then, the rate freeze expired, price increases went into effect and now with this Turner dispute, come February, they'll likely be probably 3%-5% increase in the monthy fee. Right now, what I pay per month is already $10 above what it was before I dropped Showtime 2 years ago, due to Dish's rate increases. So now I'm seriously contemplating dropping HBO. I don't really want to drop HBO, but it's a matter of economics. Dish keeps raising their rates...I haven't gotten a raise in 6, come February, I'll have to make a decision and I'm sure this dispute with Turner won't help matters any...
This dispute is really not about CNN and the Cartoon Network but how Turner is going to be able to pay for the $24 BILLION contract they just signed with the NBA. This outage could last for several months, because it is really about TBS and TNT Sports.

NBA player salaries and owner profits are expected to skyrocket after the league announced Monday a new media rights extension with partners ESPN/ABC/Disney and TNT/Turner Broadcasting that will nearly triple annual revenue from $930 million to $2.67 billion through 2025.

The deal will be worth $24 billion, according to the New York Times, over the next nine years and take effect after the 2015-16 season
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Is Dish that much cheaper than their competitors for comparable packages?
I just looked at D* and E*'s websites and the "comparable packages" is the hard part. Just looking at the 100+ channel packages, Dish has

AT120 (190) - $54.99
AT200 (220) - $64.99
AT250 (290) - $79.99

while Directv has

Select (130+) - $49.99
Entertainment (140+) - $57.99
Choice (150+) - $66.99
Extra (205+) - $73.99
Ultimate (250+) - $81.99

These are regular, non-promotional prices from and I am not factoring in equipment, # of rooms, etc, etc as that would make it impossible to compare generically. Yes, if potential customer "A" knows they need (2) rooms with a DVR in both, they can do a more accurate comparison for their own circumstance.
I believe in a lot of situations that dish is a tad cheaper than directv. Surely not enough to warrant bragging rights about being the low cost leader. They're both overpriced IMO.
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