CN is showing The Clone Wars in HD this morning...

I have the same problem with Metalocalypse. I have no idea why they insist on broadcasting 16:9 shows in Stretch-O-Vision, especially since CN-HD is a different feed from CN-SD. I'll send an email to Turner if you do.
I noticed this a few weeks ago. Our DVR has a recurring CW timer. Last season, only the Fri night Clone wars episodes were in HD. So I pretty much ignored them since there were in SD. But when the new season started up, I played a few of the recent recordings and found them in HD.

But like you saw, there was a slight studder to the video. Still, its good to seem them in HD. Even if it is a year late.
I'm a bit lost, I have seen CW in HD from day one (episode 1?) on CN early this year or late last year. I had also had to record subsequent airings of them or caught them live--again, subsequent airing, and they have always been in HD, not stretched, but at 16:9, albeit cropped, but not distored. Is it that some subsequent airings of CW were in SD like the Legend of the Seeker situation on the CW (CBS-Warner) network? Both WGN and KTLA would play the same episode at subsequent airings in SD when the premier was in HD. But some subsequent airing would also be in HD? Can anyone explain that?

For what it is worth, Clone Wars was actually made at the theatrical aspect ratio, so what we see in HD is cropped for 16:9. This causes no distortion, just cropping. Cartoon Network obviously feels the kiddies don't like black bars and don't care about accurate aspect ratio.
I thought I've seen them air it in HD several months ago, but for the past several months its been stretch SD. So hopefully they air in the correct aspect ratio on the HD channel. It would be nice if they kept Aqua Teen in non-stretch because a lot of the new episodes are 16:9, but they insist on stretching the SD feed out with black bars on top and bottom....
Gotta say, again, I've always, since the first day, seen Clone Wars on CN HD always in HD, never distorted or stretched. However, it is cropped for 16:9 because Clone Wars was made at the theatrical aspect ratio, but the cropping for 16:9 causes NO distortion.
Clone wars is in HD not stretch-o-vision

This show has always been in HD not stretch-o-vision. However this is only the case with NEW episodes (same as last season). New eps are on Fridays, if you watch on any other day, it's usually stretched (last season anyway). Not sure why they do this.
Gotta say, again, I've always, since the first day, seen Clone Wars on CN HD always in HD, never distorted or stretched. However, it is cropped for 16:9 because Clone Wars was made at the theatrical aspect ratio, but the cropping for 16:9 causes NO distortion.

Most of the showings were in SD stretched. I'm guessing you only watched them when they debuted?