Club Dish


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Sep 17, 2003
How long does the credit take to appear on the bill once someone signs up using a card? I just got my bill and there was no credit. The person signed up and had his dish installed in October. Any ideas?
I had one also. It never did show up.

I wonder if Dish some how forgets to enter them into the system.
On average, it takes about 90 days for the 1st credit to appear. So, I guess a little patience will be all you need to see it work itself out. Basically Dish waits to make sure the person remains a customer past their initial 30 days or so and that they pay a bill after that. (No credits for deadbeats I guess)

How can we use any DVI with DVI-less Mits's (and others)

721...change remote address?

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