Well, my attempt to replace my 256GB C: SSD this past Monday was an utter failure. EVERYBODY told me to decrypt the Bitlocked drive first and turn off Bitlocker, but I didn't when I saw Macrium said it could clone without doing that. Stupid me, that was good advice. Anyway, I printed out my saved Bitlocker keys, just in case, as both my Dell Inspiron 5505's 256GB C: drive, and a separate 1tb SSD D: drive for user stuff was Bitlocked. That's because Dell by DEFAULT, forces Windows 10 to encrypt the drives right after first installation setup. That's turned on in BIOS.
So, since my laptop has two SSD slots, I removed my D: drive, installed the new Crucial brand 1tb SSD, and proceeded to clone. It got almost all the way done, and FAILED with an error that said I had to run CHKDSK /r on the new drive! So, I set it up to do that, and rebooted. It ran through the CHKDSK, and completed successfully. I then re-ran the clone with Macrium, but forgot to expand the volume this time, so the image was the same size as on the original 256GB SSD. I then ran it a THIRD time, and expanded it. This time it completed successfully. I shut down my computer, removed the former 256GB C: drive, and swapped it for the new 1TB drive. Reassembled the laptop, and powered up. It booted up, asked for the Bitlocker key, but none of them would work! Holy CRAP!
I went on my wife's laptop, logged into my Microsoft account, and WTF, there's 3 NEW bitlocker keys uploaded TODAY (Monday) all listed for those installation drive attempts! Anyway, ONE of them (last one) worked to access it. I then entered my pin, and it went into Windows. After less than 5 minutes BAM! Blue screen of DEATH with an error, but it was so fast, I couldn't even take a photo of the error screen, and it rebooted. Dell Support Access fails hardware test every time. It does the same thing every time I tried to boot it up. Tried it like 5-6 times. So, I'm back to the original drives.
So, I believe that drive is faulty in some way, since I was forced to run CHKDSK the very first clone. I returned it to Amazon today, and hope I can get a good replacement drive that'll work.
P.S.: I spent all day Tuesday running Bitlocker decryption on both my original drives, and it only took about 6 hours and decrypted both of them at the same time, and Bitlocker is now turned OFF. So I'll be better prepared next time I try.
This is the BAD drive I tried, and returned: Amazon.com
This is the replacement drive I have coming, which is the original one upthread that I had planned on getting, but stupidly decided to try saving a few bucks on the one that failed, or was bad: Amazon.com
P.S. arlo You saved me with the: 'manage-bde -status', etc commands you posted above, so I could watch what was going on. THANK-YOU!
So, since my laptop has two SSD slots, I removed my D: drive, installed the new Crucial brand 1tb SSD, and proceeded to clone. It got almost all the way done, and FAILED with an error that said I had to run CHKDSK /r on the new drive! So, I set it up to do that, and rebooted. It ran through the CHKDSK, and completed successfully. I then re-ran the clone with Macrium, but forgot to expand the volume this time, so the image was the same size as on the original 256GB SSD. I then ran it a THIRD time, and expanded it. This time it completed successfully. I shut down my computer, removed the former 256GB C: drive, and swapped it for the new 1TB drive. Reassembled the laptop, and powered up. It booted up, asked for the Bitlocker key, but none of them would work! Holy CRAP!
I went on my wife's laptop, logged into my Microsoft account, and WTF, there's 3 NEW bitlocker keys uploaded TODAY (Monday) all listed for those installation drive attempts! Anyway, ONE of them (last one) worked to access it. I then entered my pin, and it went into Windows. After less than 5 minutes BAM! Blue screen of DEATH with an error, but it was so fast, I couldn't even take a photo of the error screen, and it rebooted. Dell Support Access fails hardware test every time. It does the same thing every time I tried to boot it up. Tried it like 5-6 times. So, I'm back to the original drives.
So, I believe that drive is faulty in some way, since I was forced to run CHKDSK the very first clone. I returned it to Amazon today, and hope I can get a good replacement drive that'll work.
P.S.: I spent all day Tuesday running Bitlocker decryption on both my original drives, and it only took about 6 hours and decrypted both of them at the same time, and Bitlocker is now turned OFF. So I'll be better prepared next time I try.
This is the BAD drive I tried, and returned: Amazon.com
This is the replacement drive I have coming, which is the original one upthread that I had planned on getting, but stupidly decided to try saving a few bucks on the one that failed, or was bad: Amazon.com
P.S. arlo You saved me with the: 'manage-bde -status', etc commands you posted above, so I could watch what was going on. THANK-YOU!