Clearing Purchase History


Supporting Founder
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Supporting Founder
Sep 14, 2003
Athens, Texas, United States
I've noted that I have 23 movies in the purchase history since September. Two of which have not been reported. Doing a search, I found nothing. Does this mean that this history can't be cleared? I can see leaving the unreported one's, but why still have all of the PPV's that have been paid for?
The only way that you are going to be able to clear them is by plugging in the phone line and waiting for the modem in the receiver to dial out. If you already paid for them and they showed up in the PPV Purchase screen as not being reported then maybe it would show up as a duplicate. If you do get charged twice for the same ones then hopefully you can get it resolved by telling them that you already got billed for the same movie at the same time and getting it taken back off of the bill.
The phone line is connected, and the modem is obviously dialing out. Hence the reason 21 of the 23 are reported. As stated, there are 23 PPV's listed in the history. All but 2 have been reported and paid for. How does one clear the reported items from the history list?
I had same problem

I talked to the tech and he said it took quite a while for them to get reported. I forgot the exact figures but it seems like it waited before reporting them till you either had 9 programs to report or it had been 3 months.

Anyway, I did not get billed twice.

Also, I did not have my phone line plugged in. In this case, it let me watch 9 movies and then quit allowing me to watch more till I plugged the line in and let it download.
It is a PPV limit. A dollar amount. I paid for my MLBEI monthly and it was on my PPV purchases for some reason. Then we bought a fight and it has not been right since. I just call in and they activate the movie or whatever for me. It should be straight after this month is what I am being told. When the ppv is reported it sends in a code. the code is stored in the system till it is pulled from history. When one gets paid for and is still in history, it will not charge you again because the one that is in your history is the same as the one on Dish's end. Or so I was told by one Tech at dish.
120inna55 said:
The phone line is connected, and the modem is obviously dialing out. Hence the reason 21 of the 23 are reported. As stated, there are 23 PPV's listed in the history. All but 2 have been reported and paid for. How does one clear the reported items from the history list?

23 PPV's? You oughta try NetFlix. :D
OK, apparently no one is hearing me...the question has nothing to do with billing or "how long it takes to get reported". There are 21 REPORTED (paid) PPV's that still show up in the "Purchase History". How does one clear the REPORTED PPV's.

You Can Not Clear it

My understanding is that you can not clear it. It stays forever.
My 721 still shows all purchased (and reported) PPV movies that I have purchased for more than the past year. There doesn't appear to be any way to manually clear them. The 721 appears to store them on the HD, and doesn't have any memory problems with keeping the infor forever. I have never cleared the caller ID on the receiver either, and it contains a listing of every call I received sincd May 2003.

One note of interest. I crashed my 721 in May of 2003 by turning off/on the power at the house circuit panel several times while the 721 was trying to reboot (I forgot the 721 was plugged into the circuit). When I found the 721, both lights on the front were blinking. I powered it off, and it indicated the sofware was corrupt and promptly (well slowly) downloaded new software from the sattellite. When the system reload finished, I had lost all of my personal settings, all of my recorded programs, and all of the PPV movie listings and caller ID history. The receiver has worked fine ever since. I don't recommend doing the rapid power cycle to your receiver though...

- Paul
I lost a Dish Network customer because it took them like 2 or 3 months to get the PPV's reported and they seen a big bill and they switched to DirecTv as a result.
My PPV stayed in the history for one month and after it got reported it showed up on my bill. I had a Charlie free movie coupon, I included it in the last payment and the PPV event is gone from my history. I did nothing to clear it. I would think that once it is reported it would be cleared from the history.


522 (care)

Just me or anyone else noticed........

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