People keep saying I only signed a 2 year contract for a special deal. There was no special deal. Having to pay $150 to upgrade my service and get an HDDVR is a special deal/discount? Do you guys work for Dish Network or something?
I have a legitimate argument/concern. If you are a Dish Network customer, how can you not have some anger/resentment towards the company if they switch their HD programming with NON HD, upconverted, stretched, commerical ridden content.
Either I'm insane or people would prefer to watch a movie like Casino on Bravo for 4 hours with 1 1/2 hours of commercials, vs. commercial free 720p/1080i HD films on Monsters HD/Rave/Kung Fu/Gallery.
My other argument is this: If you live in an apartment, and the landlord has a dispute with the water company and doesn't pay the bill, the tenant is left to suffer when the water gets turned off.
Dish network has a dispute with Voom, so they decide to terminate their contract. In the apartment situation, a tenant has the legal right to sue the landlord for loss of services. Why shouldn't that apply in this situation?
Granted im biased but thats a good argument!