Circular and Linear

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yes i know but iceberg said that i can get a few channels with the linier on a circulare sat..
johnny_baker said:
yes i know but iceberg said that i can get a few channels with the linier on a circulare sat..
never said I could get 91 or 82. I said 119 and here is the exact post

you may be able to get a couple of the free channels but the signal is very low. I have been able to get NASA on Dish 119 (which is free) but at 1/2 the power I normally would

But sometimes it wont come in on a scan at all
just get a quad... from invacom

just get a quad... from invacom and then you get both! :)

Add a Universal to the side too via a wire tie and then you should get just about all the KU that's up there. I am planning on adding my univeral to my setup someday, but not any time soon because that part of the arc seems like it may be blocked by trees, so putting the universal on may not be worth it...
no problem :)

There are lots of things we do here to try and see if possible and this is one of them. Alot of the fun things we do may not obtain results, but its fun.

This is one of them. Another one some of us have tried is to get KU on a smaller dish (18") or C-band on a smaller than 6 foot dish

Its what makes this hobby fun :)
johnny_baker said:
also can u get ku on 18' dish?? hahaha

god I hope I can get it on a 18 foot dish :)

If you mean 18", you can get the really strong transponders. I know I can get some TP's on IA6 (Doc Scott for one), CCTV on G3 and 3 Angels Network on AMC4

skew is CRITICAL when working with smaller dishes :)
(it helps that IA6 is my true south)
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is there any way to find out what the strongest transponders are in my area of a plece to find out???
Not really because transponders sometimes come and go and weather will affect the uplink stations where these channels originate.

There are some satellite footprints out there which will give you a rough idea but for the most part you just have to try it and see!
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