Don't ALL On Demand programming have a shelf life of about a week when recorded ?
Actually, the expiration date for half of them was 4/26 and the other half 5/3 (so more like a month of self life.) I was trying to get them all so that I could do a marathon this weekend and when I finally went to play the first episode, the DVR froze.
Gotcha, I knew the expired , wasn't sure how long.
Unfortunately, your recvr gave you issues that cost you your recordings.
Can you not watch them almost live with another recvr ?
I was going to rant about how I lost 12 episodes of Dexter HD that took me almost a week to download when my HR24 locked up and I had to reset - but then I decided to bite my tongue (and I assumed the thread would be removed.)
Anyway. Now I know that it isn't safe to download large quantities of OnDemand programming with my slow internet connection being they can so easily be lost.
What I meant was, if I cleared out my statement, I assumed the thread would be removed being there was nothing there. I don't have censorship concerns here.