Cinema Connection Kit Internet Issues

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Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Nov 28, 2011
Hi Guys,
New to the forum but fairly technical in nature. Heres my setup 2 HR24s in basement and 2 H25s upstairs. I have whole home service and everything is working fine but my tech could not connect my CCK. It detects my wireless network fine and am able to enter my password, it then confirms a successful addition of a wireless device but it will not for the life of me connect to the internet. Spend 3 hours on the phone with tech support and even deactivated my entire firewall with my router (SMC Gateway through Comcast) to see if it was the issue. Still nothing. The CCK is connected correctly and during the diagnostic tool everything checks OK(IP address, IP Gateway etc) Network says coax connected but internet says no and then next to it (22). Anyone experienced this? Is it as simple as a channel setting on my router? All of my other wireless devices are and have connected fine and continue to do so. Please note I am not using any ethernet as the whole home with the HR24s says touse coax for the networking. Please help guys.
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Just so you know, your Cinema Connection Kit has no addressing of its own. (It is a pass-through conversion device not a router.) All the D* HD DVRs should show up on your wireless router table as separate entities. (The receivers may show up too, but all my HD is DVR and I don't see my SD receiver on my router.)

You say the IP addresses checked OK, but what does that mean? The DVRs typically use DHCP addressing when connected to your internal network. Did the tech have you reboot your DVRs? If so, they should show 192.168.x.x. addresses at the receiver and in your router table. (The raw SWM will generate other addresses that typically are not compatible with your router.) This is key to having the Cinema Connection work.

One other thought. You say all your other wireless devices work OK. Do you have enough that may have exceeded the capacity of your gateway? It is worth checking.
Hi Bob,
Nope the tech never had me reset the DVR's which may be the case. If that works, you are a life saver. I did go into my router and I was able to see all of the HD DVR's and HD recievers on the network. I even went ahead and reset the router to have all devices wiped from appearing in case of a limit being exceded. What I meant by the IP address showing OK is after goign into the Setup,---Network----When setting up a wireless device the Subnet Mask and IP Address associated with my Router all appeared OK is all. Is there an order that I need to reset the devices in? Should I also reset the CCK? I have a swim attached to one of the HR24s and then the CCK attached to another, with the standard HD recievers just going directly to the splitter/LNB. Ill post back tonight whether it worked or not, but thank you so much.
Guys I reset all of my DVRs and my HD recievers and the CCK and still same issue, any ideas? Also I checked my router settings and I have DHCP enabled. I even reset the router.
It is your call. But, I would highly recommend you take your phone # off the site. I have your number, but would prefer to keep the info on the forum. (I will be away from the computer for a bit. Dinner time here.)
Have you tried to do a network reset when you are in the networking part of the menu? I was having trouble with getting mine to connect and did this reset and it finally did connect.
Just tried to take it off but its appearing in some reposts sorry I was trying to expedite this. New to the whole forum thing.
BobStokesbary said:
It is your call. But, I would highly recommend you take your phone # off the site. I have your number, but would prefer to keep the info on the forum. (I will be away from the computer for a bit. Dinner time here.)

Hi Bob,
Thanks, I just got the number off, I wasn't trying to cause an issue I'm on EST so I'm going to tinker with this a bit longer but if you check on this tomorrow and I still don't have a fix would you mind giving me a ring? I'm trying to avoid a tech for the 4th time and avoid having to take off work. Thanks again.
Will be here when you need it. The reason for taking your number off is to stop spam and other unwanted calls. You will find that forums are monitored by bad people and you never want to put your phone number or email in the open. As I learned the hard way on another forum, what you think is hidden may turn up in the open on mirror images of the forum.

Our concern was for your protection. You did not do anything wrong from the forum standpoint. Seasoned posters just know what to avoid.
OK. I had my connection disconnected so I was working from memory. I have the hardwired version, but there should be no difference as to how it shows up in the router table. I started with my DECA disconnected. Then I connected it and lo and behold my receivers automatically readdressed themselves and showed up in my router list of attached devices. So, if you are not seeing your receivers in your router list you need to be sure that your Network Services is set to Automatic. (You find it via Menu>System Setup>Network Setup>Network Services. Make sure the Configuration Type is set to Automatic. (My STB Services Port and Audio Services Port options are greyed out. Yours should be too.) Now exit out of the whole setup and plug in your Connection Kit. Look at your router table on your wireless router. You should see that the receivers picked up their IP addresses. You can now confirm that things are working right by getting to the Advanced Setup screen and seeing IP addresses consistent with your home network. (Menu>System Setup>Network Setup> Advanced Setup.) My IP Address for one DVR is; Subnet Mask: Default Gateway (which is the internal address of my router) and DNS as Your addresses should be very similar to these.

On edit: It would help to know what SMC gateway you have. I am looking at the SMC8014WG manual and your attached device list is confusing. On your router it is called a LAN Client Log and it only shows the MAC address of the attached device. So, you will need to go to your DVRs and get the MAC address from the "Advanced Setup" screen (see above). When things are working you will see a "Device Operating" entry for each of the DVR MAC addresses.

I certainly hope this helps.
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How big is the HR24/200's hard drive?

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