Bob Haller said:
Please show me the difference between product placement and advertising?
there arent any differences, and besides marketing and selling to youths is against the law. advertising cigarettes and tobacco are illegal, then why is product placement still allowed?
I believe I am ahead of the curve on smoking. I remember when it was a smokers right to smoke in a restaurant
or office etc. Now were close to it being illegal in any public place. One day soon smoking around kids will be child abuse.
That day is coming slowly but surely!~
You seem to not get the point, first, noone here argues that smoking is or was a right (afaik it was NEVER a right to smoke in public, it does NOT show up anywhere in the constitution of the United States, thus showing how 'out of touch' and how much of an alarmist you and those like you, truley are) TV does NOT cause kids to DO things that PARENTS teach them is not RIGHT, unless there are other underlying parental problems, you are blaming smoking on something for which there is 0 proof is the root cause.
It is peer pressure and enviromental exposure by those the child is brought up by and whom the child trusts (TV does NOT fall under this catagory, unless you are one of them parents who leaves the child in front of a TV all day, rather than go out and do something with the child, in which case, it is NOT the TV at fault, but the PARENTS (get it yet?), which causes children to drink or smoke, not TV, please join reality, it's not such a bad place.
Do you really think if ALL stations stopped putting cigs or cigars in ads or tv shows, suddenly kids would miraculously stop smoking? You are dreaming.
When they removed alcohol 'glamourization' in tv shows, there was no reduction in underage drinking, in fact it went UP, same thing with banning smoking from public establishments, it did not solve a thing, except to get cig makers RAISE the prices of cigs via 'vice taxes', which has already been found, the majority are POOR people are the only ones affected by it, not the tabacco companies, which were supposed to be the REAL target.
Thinking like yours is INACCURATE, pure conjecture and fantasy backed by invisible statistics, people like you wave your arms like a maniac, stating that the sky is falling because of TV?, you are an alarmist, the information you base this beleif on is WRONG, but that never seems to stop busy bodies who fail to see the error in their thinking, thinking like yours is becoming obsolete.
The sky is not falling because of TV, Chicken Little, the sky is falling because of the failure of todays parents to accept their roles and responsibilities in thier childrens failings, this makes you an enabler, the blaming of TV for the worlds problems is a lazy, uneducated parents argument to cover up their own inadequecies as a parent.
Noone here is arguing smoking is 'good for kids', but you are attacking the WRONG cause, and frankly, fewer and fewer people think like this anymore.
Let's look at prohibition (which in fact this is a form of) it never worked, look at alcohol prohibition, this did nothing but provide black marketers with a product to overcharge the poor for, it was repealed (gee i wonder why?), look at the 'drug war', the same thing, the gov flails it's arms around and proclaims the drug war is working, and if you look at their statistics as they show them to you, it will look that way, but only because the gov changed the standard by which these statistics are generated, prohibition NEVER worked, cannot work, and will NEVER work, all of them punish the sick and poor, never the actual people responsible, thanks for backing this kind of thinking, you are more harm to the world than all the cigs in the world smoked at once, the secret is to TEACH YOUR KIDS right from wrong, not content editing and censorship, kids need ALL the information, not just part of it, you are cheating your children if you think otherwise.
I know LOTS of children whom do not smoke, and watch every bit of TV any adult does, becuase their parents spend time with them, and teach them wrong from right, and teach by example, if your kids started smoking, it's your fault, period, not TVs.
Pick up knitting or something and toss your TV out, obviously you cannot handle reality.