Chuck season finale......let's hope it is just that.

Chuck and Reaper are the only network type shows I watch every week. I had no idea both of them are in trouble. Guess my family is eating subway tonight. So many good shows have been canceled the past few years. There really isn't any reason for me to watch local channels other than news or sports if they go.
I would have done a chat but I had softball practice.
Looks like they raised the bar with that ending. Chuck getting the intersect back and still having something to grow on with Chuck and Sara.
I bought Subways for all of my staff.
If they cancel Chuck, I will fire them all. LOL

From the ending it seems to be setup for another season, I hope.
Can't imagine Monday evenings without seeing Yvonne on the telly.
Even though most of this season is waiting on my DVR, I caught this one live. Good fianale, I will be miffed majorly at NBC if they don't bring this back.

At the very least it would be a good fit for USA or SciFi. Maybe, as a WB production, The CW would be a good home.
Even though most of this season is waiting on my DVR, I caught this one live. Good fianale, I will be miffed majorly at NBC if they don't bring this back.

At the very least it would be a good fit for USA or SciFi. Maybe, as a WB production, The CW would be a good home.

Maybe that is why they gave Chuck skills... If he went to the CW they would not be able to afford any more people in the production it would just be Chuck...
Maybe that is why they gave Chuck skills... If he went to the CW they would not be able to afford any more people in the production it would just be Chuck...
Had to give Chuck balls, getting to predicatable. Makes for a new spin on the show.
Reason for ending the Buy-More tie in. Now only 3 regulars Sarah, John and Chuck , with an occasional guest appearance by Orion and of course Bryce Larkins
I can't imagine the Buy More going anywhere. The Nerd Herd is like the logo of the show...

That's why they tied up all the loose ends for that set. Year three -different location and cheaper production costs. The Buy-More has been outgrown. Seems they may be moving to a more of a Get Smart with skills scriptline

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