Chuck most definitely does NOT stink :--)

Comcast is offering it in HD along with:
Bionic Woman - which was awesome
Life - was good, will watch more
Journeyman - yet to watch

... will watch Chuck tonight.
Well, Chuck was in HD and looked great. At least one of the actresses looked REALLY good. :)

Does Chuck stink? Not yet. I found the show humorous. This is not a serious show for those who miss the humor. The Nerd Heard and all the jabs at Best Buy and the Geek Squad were classic. The whole cast of characters were quirky and not to be taken seriously. How did the computer get downloaded in his brain? Who CARES? It's supposed to be fun.

I am reminded of the best explanations for some things is "it just happened, okay?" If you load it up with technobabble explanations, it loses its fun and becomes "Star Trek". ---which reminds me, of one of the ways they explained the appearance of Worf in the movie "Insurrection". For those keeping score, during that movie Worf was supposed to be off on Deep Space Nine. When Picard asked "Worf, what are you doing here?" the answer was cut off by the third word and the subject never brought up again. Why was he there? Did it REALLY matter to the rest of the story? Nope! How was the imagery embedded in Chuck's brain? Does it matter? It could have been a psychotropic flashing sequence newly discovered by Dr. Whosiwatsi of the Uniter Federation of Who Gives a Rat's Ass designed to teach CIA agents things in a hurry but still in development when it was stolen!

Does it matter? Nope. Not for this genre.

Think Dr. Who! Have fun.

After saying all that, I obviously enjoyed the first episode. But like many of you I wonder if the show can really go anywhere after a few weeks. I plan to stick around a while and see if the show slides into a poorly written campy show, or a well written campy show! :)

See ya
Tony <--- Likes the NBC Monday line-up so far
I said this earlier in this thread when I watched it on Dish VOD; last night I watched with my son in HD. The HD didn't improve the situation -- still lacks in key plot areas.

I don't see this succeeding. That's my prediction and I am sticking to it. chuck stinks. :)
I liked this pilot. I think the show could continue to be good or it could slip. We will just have to wait and see.
My kid wanted to watch Chuck -- so I sat with him - and early in the episode they do some strange thing having him look at images; all of a sudden he starts spouting out secrets.

One of the things he said was "Oceanic Flight 815 was shot down by... "

I had to do a double-take. That is the flight that went down on LOST. :D
I'm not going to complain about anything that has a semi-sci fi theme and isn't a reality show.

Is is dumb. Yes. But then, so was Get Smart.
I thought it was hilarious that the super comptuter was an Apple Lisa. The ninja computer theft was funny. I also laughed at all the Best Buy and Costco (or perhaps Sam's Club) jokes. Like the nerd herd, and they would really be having briefings on new viruses...

It was a Macintosh SE, I would have been more impressed with a Lisa because they are rare.

I love all the computer jokes, I thought it was great they used an ~18 year old computer as a government super computer and how he hacked the computer through the floppy drive. In tonights episode he had to take the linux (like they would work on linux) job because the mac tech was too much of an artist to work on anything but a mac.
One of the things he said was "Oceanic Flight 815 was shot down by... "

I had to do a double-take. That is the flight that went down on LOST. :D

LOL! I thought I was hearing things when that went by. :D I'm glad some one else heard it. :D

Look folks this is a FARCE!!! A Farce! Not serious. A farce. Once people wrap their brains around the genre, they can enjoy the show much more.

See ya
LOL! I thought I was hearing things when that went by. :D I'm glad some one else heard it. :D

Look folks this is a FARCE!!! A Farce! Not serious. A farce. Once people wrap their brains around the genre, they can enjoy the show much more.

See ya

Yeah, I think you are right. I'll finish it tonight.

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