I'm having issues with songs recording only partials of songs before the software thinks the song is over and cuts it off before it's captured it all (on some, the last 1 min is lost). I've checked the logs and the rest of the song is showing up as a second song and ignored as a dup. I've looked at the FAQ and user guide but I can find specifics on how to solve this issue. I'm playing with the song change delay and record buffer to see if that makes a diff. (up and down the values).... no luck yet.
Experts, what should one do to fix this and is there better docs somewhere (anyone have guidlines for configuration menu?)? *or* is it XM sending data that is confusing Recast into thinking the song is done before it really is?
Thanks in advance for any help.
FYI: I've used older versions of TimeTrax without this issue... it only showed on v1.4.
Experts, what should one do to fix this and is there better docs somewhere (anyone have guidlines for configuration menu?)? *or* is it XM sending data that is confusing Recast into thinking the song is done before it really is?

Thanks in advance for any help.
FYI: I've used older versions of TimeTrax without this issue... it only showed on v1.4.