Nevin said:
Yeah, I tried to repeak the dish the other night. Rather than adjusting it all at once, I first worked on the horizontal placement. I moved it left, then right and tightened it when I got the highest SSQ, 70. Then, I moved the vertical placement up and down and still couldn't get above 70. I had someone watching the signal quality meter on Voom's menu while I was doing this. Is there a better way to do this? Would I be better off to adjust vertical and horizontal all at once?

Umm... Nevin you can try that but before you do it. I would mark with a pencil or a crayon where it is right now so that if you go too far you can always go back.
windpiper said:

I'm a new VOOM retailer in the northern Illinois area (LakeVilla area )
I'm SBCA cerfied installer.I have Voom here and its awsome. :)



welcome. I am not in northern Illinois but is nice to see you here and answer some of the questions of customers in your area. Do you have a website? How does it work if somebody tries to get Voom through you. Thanks.
Service Call

So, I had a service call scheduled for 7/8, which I waited a week and a half for while my channels weren't coming in. I called the local installer on Wed., 7/7, to make sure everything was ok. He said he would have his guy call me in the morning to give me a better idea of when he would be coming out, so I wouldn't have to leave work earlier than necessary. So, by 11:00 A.M., I still hadn't heard from him, so I called their office again. He seemed surprised the installer hadn't called me yet and told me he would have him call me. He also said that we were the 4th job on the route, so he'd probably be there between 3 and 5. So, I left work at 3 and went home to wait. Well, he never showed up, and he never called. I find this rude and unacceptable.

This morning, I called the installer, Adant Wireless, at 8:00 A.M. and told Bart that the guy never showed up last night. He said, "He didn't show up?" I said, "No." He asks, "Did he call you?" Again, I said, "No." He then mumbled, "Aw, Jesus," and I heard him ask people in the office if they had heard from Steve so-and-so. Then, he said he would find out what the deal was and call me back. That was 2 1/2 hours ago. What a way to run a business. :mad:

Adant is not a good company and they play tons of games. This same thing happened to me, no call, no show. Every time there is an issue Adant trys to blame voom or some other provider. This Brent or Brant guys talks all technical and then when you come back at him he says, I don't really know that much about it. Well if you don't know about it then don't call people. The bottom line is the installers they are sending out are not putting the equipment in correctly. They installed my VOOM service and pointed the dish at 52! That was the main issue. When it was re-pointed to 97, I have not had any issues. The OTA is a whole different story. They say they need a direct line of sight. This is true but in Chicago most stations broadcast from Sears Tower so they point at Sears Tower... Now let me guess you don't get channel 2? The reason is that channel 2 broadcasts from the Hancock. You have to point the antenna in the middle of the two buildings and WHAM now it works! Imagine that.

Don't let the installer leave if you picture is not clear. If your voom channels are breaking up it is because they don't have a strong enough signal. 50 is the bare minimum just to get a connection, you need at least 85 (in my opinion) to get a good solid picture, especially when it rains!

Good luck.
Thinking about Voom in Chicago


I live just down Montrose from you (Montrose and Clark area) and your feedback is VERY valuable to me. Thank you!

I have a intermediate amount of knowledge of Satellite and HD technology (but growing everyday as I read the new posts.)

I am thinking of switching from E* to Voom. I already have an OTA antenna (a 6' off-air antenna from Radio Shack) and have my condo already wired for E*.

A couple of questions:
1) Will Voom install the antenna I already have? (It has not been installed yet because as I was going to install it, my E* switch died on me so I decided to wait until I see whether I was going to Voom or not.)

2) I already have my unit wired with the correct cabling. It goes in through the wall, over the ceiling and down to a wall outlet. Can they just connect the cables from the new satellite dish to the already existing wiring?

3) If they can connect the wiring to the already existing wiring, how successful have people been in talking the installer into laying new wiring into a room that already doesn't have it? I mean, they wire one room, does it matter where that room is?

4) From what I have seen on this site, I should not let them leave unless the satellite and OTA strength is over 85. There is no excuse that they should be able to give me seeing that I am only 5 miles from the source, direct line of sight, right?

5) Is there anything that I should be aware of with these installations that I have not covered here? (Especially anything that the installer might say about things not working.)

I know a lot of these questions can ba answered by calling the installer in my area once I order BUT I wanted to throw these out to you guys, my band of brothers so that I know what to say and what not to accept when I talk to the installers.

Any help you guys can give me would be VERY appreciated!

Well, I received a service call on Wednesday, 7/14. The installer brought a new receiver and by the time he left, we had a SSQ of 88-93. We also trimmed a few tree branches that he said could've been in the way. Also, the new receiver has the new 6.00 software. The OTA scanning feature is awesome! We went from receiving 3 local stations to 12. The only network we were missing was Fox. Then, last night, I adjusted the rotor on our OTA antenna and got a lock on the local Fox station. So, we're now getting 13 local stations. This new software is splendid. :D

To be honest with you... I would keep echostar. I also have DishNetwork and find myself using it more and more. The only time I switch to voom is to wach HD locals. So unless you plan to get the full VaVaVoom package for 80.00+ a month I would say just go and get a HDTV set top box for the locals in HD, since you have the antenna already.

Voom is an ok service but you will not get the same amount of channels that you are used to with echostar and you wont have ppv any longer. Since I am a cubs fan it is also a huge issue that you do not get FSN. Voom doesn't carry it.

So check everything out before you buy. The installer will love to use your existing cable that way he is not out of potcket for the wire.
IamtheMp3God said:
To be honest with you... I would keep echostar. I also have DishNetwork and find myself using it more and more. The only time I switch to voom is to wach HD locals. So unless you plan to get the full VaVaVoom package for 80.00+ a month I would say just go and get a HDTV set top box for the locals in HD, since you have the antenna already.

Voom is an ok service but you will not get the same amount of channels that you are used to with echostar and you wont have ppv any longer. Since I am a cubs fan it is also a huge issue that you do not get FSN. Voom doesn't carry it.

So check everything out before you buy. The installer will love to use your existing cable that way he is not out of potcket for the wire.

Why don't you just get a 811 for the HD locals? I have the basic Voom package along with "E"s HD's. As far as Voom I have had it about one month. I do like Rush & Equator channels. Some of the movies are really bad but there are some good classics. I will give Voom about six months. If things don't improve with the basic HD I will cancel.
Finally got installed last Friday. The first installer was not informed that a large ladder was needed for the install - 3 story building. The second installer showed up with a large and small ladder, plus a helper. He didn't seem to enthused to do the install - he didn't think he could get his ladder into my yard even though last week the guys who looked at the gutters used their large wooden ladder. He seemed happier once I let him know he could reuse the previous tenants wiring. He ended up using his small ladder on my raised deck - he still charged me $50 for the large ladder. After assembling the dish/antenna on the ground, he mounted it and eyeballed the orientation without testing the signal strength. We went inside and set up the box - signal strength was around 60. He said that was plenty. He went through the box setup - we were getting no trips, couldn't authorize the box. After over an hour on the support line they finally suggested he repeak the dish. This time he had his helper on the phone - a 96 signal strength this time. We started getting trips on the box. Authorization worked. The satellite channels were working perfectly. The OTA channels were another matter. For some reason I am only getting channels 2, 5, and 7. I am only 5 miles from downtown Chicago - I can pick up many more channels using a small inside antenna and an HD card in my PC. Installer said the rest of the OTA channels would show up later. I didn't quite believe him, but figured I would see what happens. No luck. I called Adant today to let them know about the missing OTA channels. Len (I think), said that he hadn't heard of my problem before and told me to call Voom to schedule a service call. So, in a week someone will have to summit my roof again - Voom wants to send a larger antenna. Should the installer have aimed the OTA antenna with his helper? This is my first foray into satellite television.
I posted all this already... ART! All you had to do was read my posts. Don't be suprised if they charge you another $50.00 ladder fee.

The satellite is a computer, stuff is not going to just magically come in later in the day because the installer said so. The dish pointing has to be at 85 or higher or it wont work! You may get a picture for a day or two but it will eventually fail you. The local antenna is a pointing issue. A bigger antenna won't do anyhting. They have you pointed right as sears tower with no give on either side.
I don't want to pay 600.00 for a Dish 811 system. It ins't worth it, and I like my PVR501 with no monthly fee for the PVR functions.
art said:
...For some reason I am only getting channels 2, 5, and 7. I am only 5 miles from downtown Chicago - I can pick up many more channels using a small inside antenna and an HD card in my PC. Installer said the rest of the OTA channels would show up later...

Hmmm, what channels do you get with your HD card? Can you enter those channels into your Voom box directly? Is your Voom installed antenna pointing in the correct direction? I have a hard time thinking a larger antenna will do any better from 5 miles out of the city. I am almost 45 miles from downtown and I get everything except for channel 2 reliably with a Voom supplied Stealth antenna.
Hi All;

Well, after a year with DTV, and only 4 hd stations, I am changing to Voom; install scheduled next week..
After reading alot of bad and good stuff, I am crossing my fingers, hoping their service is as good as DTV, with about 30 more hd channels..
I live in the Downers Grove area; been using a Winegard Square Shooter for the OTA stuff, and usually get most things except never channel 2-1, and spotty channel 7-1, and 50-1;
Any suggestions on what to have the Adant installer do or bring before he comes out here? I have been happy with DirectTV, but they just dont have enough HD; plus, I am hoping that I will be able to get CBS and ABC better with the OTA that Voom provides..

thanks to all!

wase4711 :p
wase4711 said:
Hi All;

Well, after a year with DTV, and only 4 hd stations, I am changing to Voom; install scheduled next week..
After reading alot of bad and good stuff, I am crossing my fingers, hoping their service is as good as DTV, with about 30 more hd channels..
I live in the Downers Grove area; been using a Winegard Square Shooter for the OTA stuff, and usually get most things except never channel 2-1, and spotty channel 7-1, and 50-1;
Any suggestions on what to have the Adant installer do or bring before he comes out here? I have been happy with DirectTV, but they just dont have enough HD; plus, I am hoping that I will be able to get CBS and ABC better with the OTA that Voom provides..

thanks to all!

wase4711 :p
Welcome wase!

If you have a "taller" 2 story house, you may want to make sure they use a 40 foot ladder. That was the one thing that burned me with Adant the first time they came out to install my Voom system. Unless you have a lower area of your house accessible that has LOS to the satellite.

As far as OTA, you should be able to get all the OTA channels no problem (except for CBS). I am in Sugar Grove about 45 miles out from the towers downtown and can get them all (EXCEPT CBS) no problem with an attic antenna. I had Voom install the Stealth on my roof and I can now get CBS watchable about 40% the time. To get it more reliably, I would need an upgraded big old ugly antenna up there which I'm not quite ready for. But being in Downers, where you are 10 or so miles closer, you may have better luck. CBS is totally a craps shoot in Chicagoland! It's really horrible that the biggest HD broadcast supporter in the 3rd biggest market got stuck with a VHF digital signal. :mad:

I'm surprised your square shooter doesn't get 7 and 50 better. No surprise about CBS though. I think the square shooter is only for UHF and upper VHF stations. CBS is lower VHF broadcast on channel 3.
FunkyBoss said:
Welcome wase!

If you have a "taller" 2 story house, you may want to make sure they use a 40 foot ladder. That was the one thing that burned me with Adant the first time they came out to install my Voom system. Unless you have a lower area of your house accessible that has LOS to the satellite.

As far as OTA, you should be able to get all the OTA channels no problem (except for CBS). I am in Sugar Grove about 45 miles out from the towers downtown and can get them all (EXCEPT CBS) no problem with an attic antenna. I had Voom install the Stealth on my roof and I can now get CBS watchable about 40% the time. To get it more reliably, I would need an upgraded big old ugly antenna up there which I'm not quite ready for. But being in Downers, where you are 10 or so miles closer, you may have better luck. CBS is totally a craps shoot in Chicagoland! It's really horrible that the biggest HD broadcast supporter in the 3rd biggest market got stuck with a VHF digital signal. :mad:

I'm surprised your square shooter doesn't get 7 and 50 better. No surprise about CBS though. I think the square shooter is only for UHF and upper VHF stations. CBS is lower VHF broadcast on channel 3.
Hi Funky Boss;

Thanks for the info..
How do I ensure they bring a 40' ladder to the install?

I live in a 2 story townhouse, and my current DirectTV install is on the side of the house, above my patio, about 8 feet up..never had a problem with Sat reception, just the OTA issues...BTW, will they use the existing dish/bracket/wiring?
Is the VOOM satlite located in the SW sky like Direct TV? Should I have them use my Square Shooter, or go with the unit they install?

Thanks again for your input!
I am crossing my fingers on CBS!!

wase4711 said:
Hi Funky Boss;

Thanks for the info..
How do I ensure they bring a 40' ladder to the install?

I live in a 2 story townhouse, and my current DirectTV install is on the side of the house, above my patio, about 8 feet up..never had a problem with Sat reception, just the OTA issues...BTW, will they use the existing dish/bracket/wiring?
Is the VOOM satlite located in the SW sky like Direct TV? Should I have them use my Square Shooter, or go with the unit they install?

Thanks again for your input!
I am crossing my fingers on CBS!!


Voom doesn't face the same way as DirecTV. It faces more SE. So hopefully you have line of sight for that. If you have the LOS from your existing installed equipment, they may be able to reuse it. It usually depends on who they send to do the install. Since reusing existing equip is less work, I'm sure most will have no problem with it.

As far as the ladder, they would have to schedule that beforehand. So it's hard to tell. One guy came out to my house on the initial install date, took a look at the house, and said you need a 40' ladder. we'll have to reschedule. Luckily, this was months ago when they weren't as busy and could send someone out a few days later. And the two guys they sent out turned out to be great guys (Buck and Les). They do charge $40 for the 40' ladder, but it was worth it.

I would let them install whatever antenna they have. I don't think the SS will work well for CBS (digital channel 3) in our area. You'll have to research the specifications, but I believe "they say" it is best for channels 10 and above.
FunkyBoss said:
Voom doesn't face the same way as DirecTV. It faces more SE. So hopefully you have line of sight for that. If you have the LOS from your existing installed equipment, they may be able to reuse it. It usually depends on who they send to do the install. Since reusing existing equip is less work, I'm sure most will have no problem with it.

As far as the ladder, they would have to schedule that beforehand. So it's hard to tell. One guy came out to my house on the initial install date, took a look at the house, and said you need a 40' ladder. we'll have to reschedule. Luckily, this was months ago when they weren't as busy and could send someone out a few days later. And the two guys they sent out turned out to be great guys (Buck and Les). They do charge $40 for the 40' ladder, but it was worth it.

I would let them install whatever antenna they have. I don't think the SS will work well for CBS (digital channel 3) in our area. You'll have to research the specifications, but I believe "they say" it is best for channels 10 and above.
Yes, I have a good LOS to the SE, so hopefully they will use existing install..
Did you let them install the Diplexer, or did they use an inline power source? How is your PQ? DirectTV PQ has been perfect for me...

Also, I have read about alot of billing nightmares in the last 30 days, being billed serveral times for the same month..has that happenned to you?

Thanks again for your help!

wase4711 said:
Yes, I have a good LOS to the SE, so hopefully they will use existing install..
Did you let them install the Diplexer, or did they use an inline power source? How is your PQ? DirectTV PQ has been perfect for me...

Also, I have read about alot of billing nightmares in the last 30 days, being billed serveral times for the same month..has that happenned to you?

Thanks again for your help!

I had them run separate lines for everything without diplexers. My stealth antenna, because of this, requires a power source. I think the PQ is fine. I just had digital cable before, and Voom blows that away. I honestly don't watch any SD anymore. Pretty much all HD viewing now. I actually do see the 'microstutters' many report on the forum here, but I have learned to live with them since they claim to be fixed on the upcoming 6.x software update.

My billing has been fine so far.

Any BOSTON metro VOOMers?

Grand Rapids, MI Voomers..

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