Check out the programing on dish now

In fact, I think they did a good job restoring it so quickly.
it happened pretty far outside most people's normal viewing. Normally i'd have still been asleep. :P

It was actually pretty amusing seeing all these international channels swapped with the regular channels. MTV had on some yoga in a language i couldn't figure out. Bunch of indian channels and shopping channels all over the place.
It was sad....TCM SD (132) was showing "Ishtar" with Warren Beatty and Dustin Hoffman from 3-5AM CT this morning.....with ten minutes to go, and poof....programming from Miami in Spanish.....who knows when it'll be repeated....and sadly Columbia has yet to release this film to DVD.
You guys know we have these things in the IT department called Hot Swappable routers and switches, so that way if one router failed, the 2nd router would automatically kick in. We called it a "Router Cluster" for those technical types. It prevents failures like this.

For those who say that there isnt maintance that cant be done, well there is. You can upgrade firmware, swap clusters if you have more than one, and you can reboot during periods of maintance, we would swap clusters, blow off the dust and reboot, and swap back. We would do these things that were like fire drills, but we would act like the equipment failed even though it didnt. You know "disaster recovery" So that way, it wouldnt take hours to get back up, but min. With how big charlie is, I kind of expected redundancy like this, but when you go cheap you get failures.
Man, glad I moved from the Western arc with the HD upgrade recently! The second hiccup in a month or two.
It was sad....TCM SD (132) was showing "Ishtar" with Warren Beatty and Dustin Hoffman from 3-5AM CT this morning.....with ten minutes to go, and poof....programming from Miami in Spanish.....who knows when it'll be repeated....and sadly Columbia has yet to release this film to DVD.
There are no fewer than 10 UN Resolutions preventing the release of Ishtar onto any medium beyond VHS. Hollywood doesn't want to be charged with crimes against humanity.
Man, glad I moved from the Western arc with the HD upgrade recently! The second hiccup in a month or two.

There are no fewer than 10 UN Resolutions preventing the release of Ishtar onto any medium beyond VHS. Hollywood doesn't want to be charged with crimes against humanity.

Hey....from what I did watch of the movie, it's actually not that bad.....the critics only made it out to be bad.
Hey....from what I did watch of the movie, it's actually not that bad.....the critics only made it out to be bad.
Agreed. It was a little offbeat/unexpected and it was so thoroughly criticized, I don't think many people ever saw it. I saw it anyhow and I laughed my head off! But I liked A New Leaf as well (another Elaine May movie), so what do I know?
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