Charter Member Poll-Lease or Buy??


Original poster
Apr 3, 2004
Charter Member Poll-Lease or Buy and other comments

With the end of the free viewing period upon us as of 4-1 and with the end of the money back guarantee(MBG) ending 4-30 for charter members thought I would take a poll.

Do you as a charter member plan, as of the end of April (end of MBG) :

1. plan to change to lease ( ie get a refund of $800+ but pay $10/month)
2. plan on buying (do nothing) & no longer have any MBG
Charter Members Please Vote

Lets get some more poll votes & feel free to give feedback & let us know why.
Though rang is the post sticker :) this one is worthy of consternation, if only as a reminder that the big clock is ticking until the end of Apr.
I don't want VaVaVoom but I do want the 1 free plus pack. The way I figure it, if I went to lease it would cost me ~$25 extra per month for the lease and 1 plus pack. So by staying put, I will recoup the $500 in 20 months and own the STB (main advantage: no rental fees for the life of the STB). I'm also gambling that us "charter members" may get a break on the DVR whenever it's released.
Rick214 said:
I don't want VaVaVoom but I do want the 1 free plus pack. The way I figure it, if I went to lease it would cost me ~$25 extra per month for the lease and 1 plus pack. So by staying put, I will recoup the $500 in 20 months and own the STB (main advantage: no rental fees for the life of the STB). I'm also gambling that us "charter members" may get a break on the DVR whenever it's released.
Good point. I'll probably stay put also.
It would be useful if the DVR upgrade policy was announced by the end of the month. I actually have cable in addition to Voom and paying full freight there as I did not want to buy a 2nd STB (before the 199 deal, but even after I figured I would buy the DVR as my second unit). The current lease vs buy decision point is weighted AGAINST people wanting VaVaVoom. This seems short sighted on the part of Voom, i.e. it makes sense for 1+1 plus pack guys to stay put, but makes sense for people wanting full package to go lease. You would think this is opposite of what Rainbow would want to encourage, wouldn't you?
I believe we also have a 2 year in home service plan included with the buy option. Although if you lease, I'd say they would have to maintain in home also. It could be that after two years, us buyers may have to pay for service, while leasers get it free. There are just too many unanswered question to know if todays decision is the best one. I'm staying as a buyer, just because with my luck, if I bail now, I guarantee I'll get screwed somehow. I'll either miss out on a free DVR or something. I'm staying the course. Good luck to all.
I received a call from VOOM on 3.31.04 in the afternoon informing me that future service would be charged to my account, and am I aware of that etc. Then I asked about the refund, and she said I would loose my Charter status. I asked what that meant, and she said if there were for future deals for Charter members, but would be more specific than that. And there was no other motivation provided, although I did persist for awhile to try to determine why I should stay a charter member. So far, I see no reason. Can someone give me a reason, other than wait and see?
I'm still undecided on this, but find it interesting that the people who are posting replies are the ones who are leaning toward remaining a buyer. My sentiments are a lot like Geno. What will I miss out on if I switch? We are waiting for some kind of incentive.

The moderator (rudolpht) hits the nail on the head. What is the DVR upgrade policy? For me, that is the big unknown. So for now, I'm leaning towards doing nothing and staying a buyer, but need to have an incentive to remain that way. Otherwise, leasing makes much more economical sense.
VOOM said you are not allowed to switch to lease

I called VOOM this morning and the CSR said that I (a charter member) was not allowed to switch to the lease program.
Joseph Nardone
You CAN change to lease

I have not done it before but have seen others on the Voom Yahoo forum switch to lease. You may need to talk w/ their supervisor or ??

They told others that but when confronted w/ removing their stuff & re-installing it they realized that made no sense

I also doubt so far that the poll is very accurate as there are hundreds of views of this thread but less than 40 votes ( & over 1000 charter members)
suspect most just waiting towards end of month (money back gurantee deadline). Also I suspect have enough $$ that the $800 is not a big deal to them so more inclined to do nothing than get the $$ back.
Nobody is going to like this one including me. This really sucks:

Source: Yahoo Group

From: "dragonldy_mom" <dragonldy_mom@Y...>
Date: Fri Apr 9, 2004 7:17 pm
Subject: Re: Attempting to switch to leasing - here's the scoop

Okay, here's the deal with this. deep breath

Charter Members and Subscribers who purchase equipment can no longer
just 'switch' to the Monthly Equipment Charge (MEC)

New owners have 30 days to switch, then it goes like this.

In order to switch to MEC, one must:

A. Completely Disconnect- we roll a truck pick up equipment, ck it
back in, issue refund if applicable.

B. After DI, call back and place a new order for the MEC, and we roll
a truck and reinstall you.

---I have no input on this, nor do I have reasons behind the change--

Charter members chosing programing.

Simply call 800-GET-VOOM (call volume is under control for the moment)
And say I'm a Charter...this is what I want. A. Basic w/plus pk or B.
VaVaVoom. And that's all there is to do.

If you switch to MEC, you will lose 300.00 charter credit and the
free plus pack offers.
Sean Mota said:
Nobody is going to like this one including me. This really sucks:

Source: Yahoo Group
Sean-spoke to a Stven Murphy(Voom Sup.) who confirmed that I have indeed been switched from charter member status to lease as of 04/01 without any need for DI or re0install-called in my request middle of March and "post dated" the switch to 04/01 so as to get all the free prog. until 04/01. Was told that the refund for my equipment(810.00) would be sent in check form and that it was currently being processed. Online statement shows that I am being charged for rental IRD and my credit card has been billed as all lease customers are required to pay this way. Maybe I "squeaked" in before the change, but I was just told that "everything has been switched" already.
eschu97611 said:
Sean-spoke to a Stven Murphy(Voom Sup.) who confirmed that I have indeed been switched from charter member status to lease as of 04/01 without any need for DI or re0install-called in my request middle of March and "post dated" the switch to 04/01 so as to get all the free prog. until 04/01. Was told that the refund for my equipment(810.00) would be sent in check form and that it was currently being processed. Online statement shows that I am being charged for rental IRD and my credit card has been billed as all lease customers are required to pay this way. Maybe I "squeaked" in before the change, but I was just told that "everything has been switched" already.

I assume that you did this before 4/1 or just recently. Because it looks like if you try to do it now, they won't let you do it.
Sean Mota said:
I assume that you did this before 4/1 or just recently. Because it looks like if you try to do it now, they won't let you do it.
You got it Sean-I first called to switch to lease option in early March and then decided to wait until late march to set-up a 04/01 switch-it was done as scheduled on 04/01, but notes were placed in the system to switch me on that date when I called in March-just call me "Grandfathered In" if you like, I guess the switch is now a thing of the past unless one wants to endure a re-install
Makes you wonder why the latest change in policy w/o any announcement. It just gives bad publicity to VOOM. It is very bad to try to treat the people that you consider "charter" members like this. It just amazing that they would do this and not wait until 4/30 to do so. It is fake and gives you a bad indication that there is something wrong here and more than meets the eye. "Charter" should not hope for no DVR because of these changing policies. You never know if tomorrow something different is going to happen. BAD BAD BAD....
ok i voted - for owning. Comments - personal. Not really. How can we even begin to understand corporate undertakings and the paths that they veer off onto. The real questions are what we will do? Answer - choose one that fits your wallet from the market that is available at your location. Another - speculate, second guess and otherwise feed the rumor mill that exsists solely for the pleasure of those who love to aggrevate. Get a grip - choose!
If it requires a reinstall, I'm out, as in out-out. That is ridiculous & costs Voom $s. The bureaucracy was supposed to be fixed. Also remember the ability to switch (with or without a reinstall) is free for a limited time.
Voom Management Sucks-Don't count on getting anything

I agree with Sean & rudolph. They should be making charter members want to stay with good services, good software hardware & good variety of fresh programming. Instead. They are not doing that so they decide to instute a no switch to lease policy without notifying ANYONE. They obviously realize that they aren't giving charter members sufficient reason to stay & so rather than do so & rather than give us our promisecd money back, they implement changes to force charter members to stay, & keep all our moneys! I think most charter members would stay if given reason to-they has enough $$ to let VOOM keep our money this long!
I think that you can see that VOOM is not planning to treat Charter Members favorably in the future as they are not doing so now. You should plan accordingly. If they don't change this policy, I will de-install & get my $$ back. Will then re-install or might just take 1 of the others up on thir service!!
Looks like I'm staying in the 'buyer' category. Already made that decision in December. Voom service for me has been stellar. DVI to HDMI provides excellent picture and I'm very satisfied. Still haven't paid a dime for programming since December, and have two months left before the $300 rebate is exhausted.

Why buy a set with integrated tuner?

French satellite platform TDS to launch HDTV channel

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