Charter member options


Original poster
Dec 18, 2003
As a charter member, here are what I think are my options. Please let me know if anything is missing or wrong.

Option 1
Do not switch to lease, choose HBO as free plus pack

Cost: $40/month
2004 Total cost: $40*9 - $300 = $60
2005 Total cost: $40*12 = $480
Total cost thru 2005: $540

2 HD Premium movie channels
7 SD Premium movie channels
21 HD Exclusives
50 SD channels
18 music
23 HD, 50 SD, 18 Music

Option 2
Switch to lease, choose HBO as plus pack

Cost: $65/month
2004: $65*9 - $800 = -$245
2005: $65*12 = $780
Total: $535

2 HD Premium movie channels
7 SD Premium movie channels
3 HD Marquee Bonus pack (DiscHD, BravoHD, NFLHD)
21 HD Exclusives
50 SD channels
18 music
26 HD, 50 SD, 18 Music

Option 3
Do not switch to lease, choose VaVaVoom

Cost: $80/month
2004: $80*9 - $300 = $420
2005: $80*12 = $960
Total: $1380

10 HD Premium movie channels
26 SD Premium movie channels
3 HD Marquee Bonus pack (DiscHD, BravoHD, NFLHD)
21 HD Exclusives
50 SD channels
18 music
34 HD, 76 SD, 18 Music

Option 4
Switch to lease, choose VaVaVoom

Cost: $90/month
2004: $90*9 - $800 = $10
2005: $90*12 = $1080
Total: $1090

10 HD Premium movie channels
26 SD Premium movie channels
3 HD Marquee Bonus pack (DiscHD, BravoHD, NFLHD)
21 HD Exclusives
50 SD channels
18 music
34 HD, 76 SD, 18 Music

Option 5
Drop Voom and keep Cable

Cost: $73/month
2004: $73*9 - $800 = -$143
2005: $73*12 = $876
Total: $733

1 HD Premium movie channel
11 SD Premium movie channels
3 HD other channels (InHD, InHD2, ESPNHD)
153 SD channels
45 music
4 HD, 164 SD, 45 Music

  • If keeping Voom and choosing VaVaVoom, its better to switch to lease. If not, its a toss up, but probably better to switch in case you decide on VaVaVoom later.
  • Options 1-4 would also include whatever digital locals you can get.
  • Option 5 includes channels I would really like to have (FoodTv, FoxNews, BBC, ESPN Family, TechTV, Turner South (Braves games), InHD (HD Baseball))
  • Option 5 only includes CBS, NBC, and Fox local digital channels

I hope that is accurate, and if so, it helps someone else decide. I know I'm sure having a tough time deciding.
Shouldn't you also consider the cost of equipment. So option 1 would have to be $940 and option 3 would be $1780 spent over the remaining 21 months. I think I'm leaning towards either Option 2 or Option 5.

adtoolco, it is not obvious, but the cost of equipment (or corresponding refunds) is actually accounted for in the above calculations if you look more carefully.

jcato, I wasn't able to verify this again yet, but when I called voom last week, I was told that the Marquee pack is now part of the basic package, even for charter members! This makes your Option 1 a bit more attractive in the long run.
adtoolco said:
I see the refund. I was referring to the $400 paid for the equipment. Maybe I'm being REALLY dense today. If I am looking at this wrong please walk me through it. Thanks. -Chris
As I understand, jcato has paid $800 for equipment (750 + tax). In options 2, 4 and 5 he/she gets full refund of $800; in options 1 and 3 he/she is only entitled to the $300 credit.

By the way, I have just called VOOM and confirmed that the Marquee pack is included in option 1. This makes option 1 more attractive for charter members who are not planning to switch to Va Va Voom. Switching to lease option cancels your charter member status.
Ilya, first off thanks for the replies and your patience. Second let me preface this by letting all know I failed accounting 101 in college. That being said here is the math in my head: $40x21= $840, $840-$300(credit) = $540, $540+$750(Equipment) = $1290
Arggghh! Thats even more than before...I'm lost and confused. All I know is I'm going with the lease.
jcato's total numbers only show future costs from now on. If you'd like to see the total costs including the initial $800 investment, then yes, you need to add $800 to each of those total numbers. To all 5 of them! You will get the total cost from day one in each case. And no, don't subtract the free pack. Add those 3 channels to the list in option 1 instead. I hope, I confused you enough for today :)
Sorry for the confusion. The cost is from April on. Since you'd need to add $800 to each option, the relative comparisions are still valid.

As for the Marquee pack, I kind of thought that was the case, but their website shows it as a separate pack, so I went with that. Doesn't change any of the costs, but Option 1 would have 3 more HD channels.

I just wish charter members got some kind of consideration on the VaVaVoom package.
My understanding is you lose the programming credit when you switch to lease. This skews the calculation assuming you you lose the 300 credit which is unspent at time of switch. Assuming end of Apr as last opportiunity to switch w/o an "installation charge" of, i.e., reinstallation charge, ~$200, means up to $100 (assuming max burn of VaVaVoom+PBHOTHD).

This skews the numbers more, with initial outlay figured in.

Option 1 540+800 = 1340

Option 2 535-$65 burnt credit. Switch by end of Apr. 470 total with one month of extras.

Option 3 1380+800 = 2180

Option 4 1090 -90 Burnt Credit = 1000

Option 5 For me is 110/mo to get all HD offerings = 2310

What am I missing? Is it a nobrainer to switch to lease and get VaVaVoom vs min commitment keeping equipment.
$300 Programming credit

Would you please refresh my memory on the $300 programming credit?
I'm not sure if I'm eligible to get it.
Had my install Feb 10th
Paid $399 for first STB and $199 for second STB
Haven't paid anything else yet.
The only thing you are missing is the ownership of the equipment. At the end of 2005 they get the equipment back under the lease plan. If you don't switch to lease you still own the equipment which should be worth something, even if just for the OTA antenna and dish. So subtract say $80 to options 1 and 3.

At least this is my take on this.

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