Charlie Chat HDTV Quote

Who is the judge that decides what' compelling and what is not?

I'm guessing that the umpteen shopping channels he tosses in everytime there is a rate increase could be a start for ditching considering most here don't consider them "compelling" at all.

E* posted a profit and broke the 11 million customer mark.

They say a fool is born every minute, looks like Charley knows how to find emm.

Filling 121 with Internationals with their high subscription fees brings in cash and doesn't get in the way of future plans.

This really had our interest for the past two years we subscibed to Dish. But alas neither the wife of I speak Tagalog, Urdu, Farsi, or or even have the slightest interest in Al Jazzer. Hell, she's from Central Europe and doesn't even see any of it interesting yet.
Dish Network is no longer the leader nor the innovator. I've been with Dish since 1996 but probably not much longer. If Voom fails, DirecTv will be the leader in HD, not Dish and Charlie will once again be the follower.

Charlie isn't a big fan of HD, his quotes are pretty clear on that. He doesn't plan to add any HD until HE finds "compelling" content. My local cable company has a more aggressive stance on HD than Dish....obviously DirecTv does too...with it's plan to add local nets in HD. Dish just doesn't seem to have the programming value over DirecTv that it once did. For 8+ years, I've extolled the virtues of Dish of DirecTv.... I don't feel that I can do that any more.
I'm guessing that the umpteen shopping channels he tosses in everytime there is a rate increase could be a start for ditching considering most here don't consider them "compelling" at all.

Thank you Mustang !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was wondering when someone would bring this up about all of those shopping channels,you get rid of just half of them and you could add who knows how many more " new " and "different channels " that could be considered more compelling
FKy.Guy said:
Thank you Mustang !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was wondering when someone would bring this up about all of those shopping channels,you get rid of just half of them and you could add who knows how many more " new " and "different channels " that could be considered more compelling
Part of the revenue of any DBS provider or cable system is the PAYING channels like QVC, etc. E* and D* can keep customer costs lower by hosting those irritating channels. The revenue can also pay for more "compelling" channels.
I have no special interest in E*. I am just a subscriber who has been with them since 1996 and expected a hell of a lot more for paying for the Everything Pak and buying their receivers. Since 1996 I have been very quiet on this board and any other board about E* dealings.

I am not making these things up and E* is the one who had put their foot on their mouth various times within the past 2 years by not following their own statements. If one does not like it, please ignore my statement. I have seen worse ranting if that is what you want to call it.

Believe me when the time comes to drop E*, I will do it without any hesitation. No one here on this board can tell me when to do that because no one here pays my E* bill. I have already gotten rid of a 721 and if anyone here is willing to give me $1,200 for two 6000us I bought, I will be happy to make the deal and shut up. Anyone here has as much rights to bring to light what E* misrepresentation of their "next fall statements" are. These are not rants but statements that E* has made in the past.

If I have offended anyone here with my language, please let me know and I will apologize but my statements are directed towards E* and not anyone here.

Again E* had dug themselves this whole and they have no one to blame but themselves. They lack credibility on their statements.
My question is IF they add more hd will they charge more?

In the case of the premium hd channels like Starz, Movie Channel and Cinemax, they should all be added for free to AEP just like HBO and SHowtime. Tnt was added in the hd pack but the sd version come in top60 and above. I don't want to pay more for hd versions of the same channels I already get in AEP. It doesn't seem fair to pay more for the hd versions.

Now the Hdnet Hdnet movies DiscoveryHD channels are all channels I don't get already, I can see charging for these. I just wonder how long they will try to charge more for the hd versions of channels aready carried in sd?

We are in transition from sd to hd so I know they will try to charge more for them , but my question is how many of us will pay more to see the hd versions of same sd channels? That may be one reason why Charlie hasn't added more hd channels also. He would have to charge more which might make him look like Dish is more expensive than Directv. The other reason is Charlie wants to make $$$$$. If he can't charge more for the hd versions of the same sd channels he is losing money in his eyes.

Maybe we are still to early in the transition to make this profitable yet. Just look at Voom and it 's problems. Maybe when they start adding the hd versions of the networks on cable and satellite and the congress sticks to a firm cutoff date for the analog signals, we can start building demand for more hd from the common customer.
He should get the same rate that Cable gets by adding StarzHD (or any other premium channels) to their premium package. If that was the problem that Starz was asking for more, we will have heard a long time ago Charlie complaining about it.
BFG said:
Yeah, with fellow respect, Sean your e* ranting and bashing is starting to annoy me and is depressing when I'm just trying to read threads and help people. Maybe you need to block the E* fourms from your posts if E* bothers you so much. I've stepped away from the voom forum, so could you do the same please :)

Bryan with all due respect as well. This thread is about the "next fall statement" stated on the Charlie Chat by Charlie Ergen. This thread is not about helping anyone. I think members need to hear both sides of the story. We are not here to please Charlie or E* because next Fall (I assume 2005) they will add HD. We heard this before and should be alarmed about the decitfulness of that statement based on similar statements made within the past two years.

Bryan, why should I block myself from the E* forum when I am a subscriber and pay the same bill as anyone here does. This is where I am different. I came to question Charlie statement because I am a subscriber to E*. I do not go to other Forums to which I have no business of being there. I came here because I am a subscriber. The day I am not a subscriber, I will not post here anymore.
Maybe something is getting ready to happen with Starz.In my March dish flicks it says, March 28th Starz is introducing Starz comedy and Starz edge and combined network titled Starz Kids & Family, and a name change to Starz InBlack (was Black Starz.) Now Starz is dropping Encore HD which may have been the holdup on adding Starz HD because E* didn't want it. Now maybe Starz will do all HD on the HD channel since they are getting rid of Encore HD.Maybe Charlie and them have come to an agreement (I hope) and add these March 28th. I can't figure why they would print this in dish flicks if there not going to add at least Starz Edge and Comedy.

Any thoughts on this from someone else?
Comcast has StarzHD without EncoreHD, you don't have to carry both.

Again, StarzHD is worthless, only one new movie premiere in HD for both March and April, and it has been already on, when my first promo with Comcast is up in five months this package is gone, why do I need to watch ED movies on a HD channel, I already have a up-converting DVD player for that.
Didn't I hear that StarzHD was going away? Or was that one of the other HD premiums?
E* better get some more HD this fall or I will likely be gone. In fact, if the Comcast HD DVR had a built in ATSC tuner, I would have jumped back to them last month. The price was right and the equipment looked pretty good. I just want access to an ATSC tuner as backup for those inevitable times that the primary service looses their sound or picture (like during the SB or the Final 4) and I also want to retain some benefit of all the time and money I've put into getting 6 of my 7 local DTV channels OTA.
E* better get some more HD this fall or I will likely be gone.

Good luck I'm having a hell of a time getting them canceled. From what I've been reading on here it's not unusual either. I guess it's one way to keep your customers. Piss emm off so bad and put them off so long they pay you just to avoid the hassle of shutting them off.
Premium HD Channels

I subscribe to both HBO and SHOWTIME because they offer the HD channels.
If Charlie would offer the Starz and Cinemax HD channels, I would subscribe. Until then, I will save my money. Also, why don't they move CBS-hd to 105 ? At 61.5, charlie wants me to pay $200. for another dish install.
jmd102354 said:
I subscribe to both HBO and SHOWTIME because they offer the HD channels.
If Charlie would offer the Starz and Cinemax HD channels, I would subscribe. Until then, I will save my money. Also, why don't they move CBS-hd to 105 ? At 61.5, charlie wants me to pay $200. for another dish install.

If you have must carry stations on 61.5, then if you ask for the must carry stations they will install the required pieces free, and voila you'll also have access to hit CBS-HD.

FKy.Guy said:

Thank you Mustang !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was wondering when someone would bring this up about all of those shopping channels,you get rid of just half of them and you could add who knows how many more " new " and "different channels " that could be considered more compelling

The large checks Charlie receives from these channels is compelling to him..... To him it's the dream scenario..... They pay HIM to carry their channels....
Also Charlie said if you want the Pentagon channel the would install you at 61.5 jmd102354. Thats another option, and I believe he said for free.
Why do I have a feeling that Mr. Ergen is watching Voom in his mansion...? Just read that he is the 55th richest guy on the Forbes list. He could take money out of his own pocket and create some HD channels if he really wanted to.

NBR for 50x series???

MDU install? can i do it?

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