Channel logos


SatelliteGuys Pro
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Lifetime Supporter
Feb 18, 2012
clinton Township
I noticed that when hopper was up and running, I hit guide to hope to have seen the channel logos but nope as dish didn't have it available. Installer called tech support who said a software update will be downloaded in the next few days that will include the channel logos. At least that's what he was told. Is anyone else experiencing no channel logos??
I had no channel logos a first and he just rebooted and then they were there. I just got mine installed a few hours ago so the few day thing doesn't seem right. mine is fully functional. apps and everything. I am trying to figure our the home networking stuff now
I just got mine installed and had channel logos right away. Give it a little time though. They'll probably show up.

Okay cool. The installer is still here. The Joey is not linking to the hopper. Tech support isn't much of help to him . That's the only thing he has left to do is that.
Have him try this...

one of the primary points of emphasis we tried to make during the install process is that if a Joey is connected to the MoCA network before the Hopper is activated, it could put the Joey in a state that seems unrecoverable. In most cases, the Joey will show “1303” searching for a Hopper. If a Joey is in that condition, we suggest the following work around to recover it:
(Assumes the Joey is connected to the MoCA network via coax and the Hopper has finished all downloads and activation.)

  1. Disconnect the co/ax (moCA) connection from the Joey
  2. Place the Joey in standby using the front panel
  3. Reconnect the co/ax (moCA) connection to the Joey
  4. Reset the Joey (AC reset is suggested)
  5. The Joey should then boot back up to 061 and do the software download
From here the Joey should be recovered.
Been through 4 joeys and it still won't link. It will go to the installation screen but it won't download the right software?? Nor will it link it
Been through 4 joeys and it still won't link. It will go to the installation screen but it won't download the right software?? Nor will it link it

maybe it's the hopper?

mine linked even though it says moca has failed. my installer said that's what the two he has done have said, even though everything works perfect.

HDTV Requirement for Hopper Joey installation?

Hopper, What a surprise!

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