Channel 1 For School and EtNetworks

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Feb 17, 2007
I was wondering now that I got a motorized system working great.

Can't say how much thanks for all your guys help.

I still had a few more questions.

First of all. I have been looking around for Channel 1. Not the foreign channel 1. But channel one for school. All I found was complaints about it. Not what Bird it is on, encrypted or on KU band.

Any ideas?

As a side note since this is education and they do show comericals. One would think this would be free. But I doubt it. Since it is all marketing and contracts.

I got a motorized system and a stationary dish. I connected the 2 via discq switch. After the motor ofcourse. When I change between channels the dish still moves. Read about a simple A/B manual switch and a 22khz switch does not work before the motor. Any other options?

* On a side note. I'm looking at another receiver for FTA only. Is this is the case. What is needed to hook up and split the signals from the satellites. I do realize if the motorized dish is on a sat. Then only both recievers have to use that satellite. Read there was some kind of splitter switch. Either that or I can use the loop out connector.

When I got my quantum msr-500 receiver. It came with a etNetworks smart card in the system. I reset the system and cleared it off. So I don't have any transponders entered or anything. But is this card good for anything? Anybody have any ideas on what satellite the channels are on?


Channel 1 News...

That takes me back! I can remember watching Channel 1 news every morning in homeroom back in High School.

Still, there was this girl named Jillian that was in my homeroom for the four years I was in High School and I can remember watching her a little more. Talk about ratings!! ;)

Not from what I can tell

It just says they are killing the education unit. I assume due to lose of money. But from what I know channel 1 website and my brother says it is still going. Interesting how a business can make money yet since it isn't within a certain margin. They dump it. Then again I don't know how much it costs to run channel 1.

$35,000,000 is the last figure they came up with. But then again. Expensives could be $349,999,999. Anyway they are dumping it. My guess as I said before to sell.


I'm curious as to if anyone can downlink this. I would love to watch Channel One again. If anyone does come across it on G3C or G10R, please let me know! I can't get G10R here, but maybe I'll move the dish someday. Thanks!
You can watch the news thru the channel one website -- yea that's not the same as catching it off the bird. Looks like the wiki article is not 100% accurate -- they are still in business -- im watching the news broadcast for March 13th right now off their website as I type this. I remember looking forward to watching Channel One every morning in Middle School. (back in 1991) We watched it every morning as part of "Home Room" sadly when I got to high school the local HS didn't care as much about it and burried at the beginning of the day 15 mins before '1st period begun' and no one ever really got to see it as it was outside of the 'actual school day'
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I guess my cities of South Houston (my hometown, as seen getting nuked on Independence Day) and Pasadena needed those free tv's and vcrs per contract :) Fortunately they stayed with it; we watched those during home room, in high school (six periods total) and in middle school (8 periods total, 4 that were alternated every other day--LONG class) we saw it in the second period of the day which was entitled to 15 extra minutes. I miss those old days, nice schools, never saw bullies or whatever, just wish I paid attention a little more. Calculus AP was a fun class, English bored me as I hated some of the required reading. Why'd they pick such drab literature, mostly about fornication, poverty, and so forth? (Great Gatsby and Grapes of Wrath to name a couple)
I remember watching it in middle school and the first few years in high school in homeroom. They done away with homeroom my junior year of high school so that was pretty well the end of that. In middle school for a year or two they would quiz and test us on it which totally sucked back in 6th grade. We got the same test that those in the 8th grade got and a lot of people failed them. Most people thought it was lame and stupid. I had one of those remote control watches and I would turn it off (because the televisions would come on automatically when the show would come on).

One of the ladies that was on Channel one when I saw it back in middle or high school is one one of the news channels currently.
The school that I attended never even started showing Channel 1 until I was in the 8th grade. Even then, it was toward the end of the year but I can vividly remember watching the news throughout my High School career (1996 - 2000). We would watch it during our homeroom which was tucked between first and second periods and lasted for about fifteen minutes. In fact, just as soon as Channel 1 come on the air, the bell would ring to be in homeroom much like it would ring to move on to the next period as soon as the television was turned off.

I can remember buying a universal remote control that could be programmed to all television sets. I'm pretty certain that all of the sets were Magnavox and they were all identical (which I am positive of). I had a couple of teachers that were nearly deaf in hearing and would never even realize the television set had come on. In fact, we'd just turn the volume onto mute and turn it to some sort of program (usually the news). At that point, most every station was scrolling the headlines at the bottom of the screen so we could just read what was going on anyways. It sure as hell hurt us when tests rolled around, though.

There really weren't too many bullies in my school and I can say (in all honesty) that I was rarely ever concerned about going to school. Still, the tragedy out in Columbine happened during my high school career and I can remember somebody from the school that had more than just a few problems making a threat on Yahoo Chat for the next day (several months after Columbine). School attendance for my county was at a record low the day after that was on Yahoo (as it spread like wildfire). I can remember being a little intimidated after the news of that information. I remember seeing a few people get beat up during my school career but, oddly, most of this happened in middle school. It seems like all of the bullies just kind of come to an end after middle school which leads me to believe one of two things happened: They were failed and remained in middle school to torment younger kids or they simply quit school. At one time in High School (during my senior year) a kid made a hit list of about 19 people he planned on "eliminating". I was number 11 on the list and, for some weird reason, the principle only informed those that were in the "top 10". My only way of knowing I was 11 was because a kid that I knew saw the list and verified the handwriting and assumed I was just headed down to the office next and informed me I was on the list as the 11th person.

I always thought that was sort of sad because he had a full scholarship to attend the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and essentially threw it all away on that hit list. For a guy that claimed a milk truck ran over him out in Texas, he sure was smart. Let me get one thing clear: I don't aggravate somebody if I don't like them. If I don't like somebody or feel I've been done wrong, I will simply withdraw from people and will do my best to stay out of their way. I mentioned Jillian earlier on in the article and did finally get up the nerve to ask her to the prom (during my junior year). She accepted and (not to brag) I thought she would because she was always super friendly and seemed to have an interest in the things I talked about. God, she would make a conversation about a video game, football, the race, or just things from my past seem like one of the most interesting things she had ever heard of. For a senior prank, we all brought water guns into the school and pushed a Volkswagon of one of the assistant principle's onto the bridge (a hangout area at the school). He told each of us (about eleven of us) that we could either graduate high school or miss some stupid pool party and the prom. Obviously, we all chose to graduate high school. I would have asked Jillian again but knew I couldn't go and figured she might be interested in going with somebody else. She didn't go to the prom and about thirty of us went out to eat and just called it a night.

Then, we all just sort of went our seperate ways in college or in the work force and rarely run into one another. Some of us have moved into new areas, etc, and once in a while I'll get an e-mail from somebody that may be sick or getting married or something like that. As for college, it went great and I really wish I would taken more science courses. I was three-quarters of the way through a Business degree when I realized it wasn't calling me and changed majors to "General Studies" just so I could take more science classes. I wound up with a 3.75 GPA and was recently accepted into a M.A. program in Humanities at California State University - Dominguez Hills. It's a distance learning program and I have enjoyed all of the online courses that I have ever taken so it will likely be a good fit. WOW!! I've just typed a book....

Yes, all of the televisions were Magnavox and they were all identical and I do remember each room having a vcr as well. They were on these wall mounts.

For someone having a hit list, he got what he deserved. I think all of the news on that school shooting gave other kids out there the idea to do such things.
Yes, all of the televisions were Magnavox and they were all identical and I do remember each room having a vcr as well. They were on these wall mounts.

For someone having a hit list, he got what he deserved. I think all of the news on that school shooting gave other kids out there the idea to do such things.

Everytime the news covered a new "tragedy" in a school system, somebody would go to getting all these crazy ideas... :confused:

One of the ladies that was on Channel one when I saw it back in middle or high school is one one of the news channels currently.

Lisa Ling <sp?> was on the view for awhile if I remember and CNN's Anderson Cooper where both Channel One anchors back 'in da day'
OMG! Lisa Ling, Anderson Cooper, automatically on-turning tvs! The memories! I can't believe I remember them! Lol thats too cool. Yeah, I had a bum prom experience, sorta. It was supposed to be prom then the hotel party, not that I ever knew how to dance. I went with a Junior, I was a Senior. There was four of us that all went in the same car. My date and her sister were with me and one of my best friends. We were in the parking area finding a spot; the best friend talked us into skipping the prom and going straight to the hotel party. Grrrr I regret that, we had tuxes rented, and I paid for two tickets, and we didn't go. I remember Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory was on at the hotel. They all gathered the empty bottles and made a huge bottle pyramid out of it. This date of mine is now with my best friend. Had a chance to talk about "the good ol' days" and found she had her own prom her senior year, as did her sister, so I was the only one that lost out :( The friend never liked school stuff. Grrrrrrr.

Ps: was a fun read, cade, thanks for sharing
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