Changing out a Dish 500 for a 1000.2

SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Pub Member / Supporter
Aug 18, 2008
Las Cruces NM
I have recently acquired a 211K and a 1000.2 to take along in my MH. I have recently acquired a 1000.4 WA because of better signal strength and maybe an easier setup due to the fine tuning to take the place of the 1000.2.
I am going to replace my old Dish 500 that is substantially installed to the eave of my house. The mast is the short one. I plan on using the same mast for the 1000.2.
Can someone give me the Azimuth, Elevation and Skew for 88001. I didnt get a manual with the 1000.2
Your Location Satellite Data Dish Setup Data
Latitude: 32.3002°
Longitude: -106.7530°
Name: Dish 1000.2 (110W, 119W, 129W)
Distance: 37074km
Elevation: 50.1°
Azimuth (true): 202.1°
Azimuth (magn.): 193.1°
Dish Skew [?]: 108.6°

Just go to and input your coordinates and it gives you all the info. Happy dish pointing!
I have recently acquired a 211K and a 1000.2 to take along in my MH. I have recently acquired a 1000.4 WA because of better signal strength and maybe an easier setup due to the fine tuning to take the place of the 1000.2.
I am going to replace my old Dish 500 that is substantially installed to the eave of my house. The mast is the short one. I plan on using the same mast for the 1000.2.
Can someone give me the Azimuth, Elevation and Skew for 88001. I didnt get a manual with the 1000.2

This is a follow-up to my first question.
I first want to say that the swap of my Dish 500 to a Dish 1000.2 is complete but not without some trails and tribulations.
At one time I had Dish network through out the whole house with a Dish 500 serving two dual recievers. All self wired and installed. It all worked great untill Cable finally got high speed internet in my neihborhood. I had to switch. I purchased all the cable from my local Lowes and was assured that it was EXACTLY what the local contractors used for new housing. The following was written on the Cable:
#353600 CATV FILE NO.E232338 (UL) CL8 QUAD SHEILD RG6 18AWG 75 OMH 06300ft 2006 41.
When I installed the 1000.2, I used the same two 3ft pigtails that were attached to the Dish 500. I couldn't seem to get a good stable signal when using my Sat Finder. I swapped those cables out for a store bought 6ft RG6 cable and promptly found all sats with a signal strrength of: 110@59, 119@59, 129@40. I was also using an unmarked white 20ft cable from the reciever to the sat finder untill I swaped it for a store bought 50 ft cable.
My activated 211K reciever is in my MH parked beside the house. I use the permanently mounted Dish to check out my MH TV stuff before leaving on a trip. I guess my question is: did the cable swap really have anything to do with my signal stability problem ? If so this is an FYI to all you self installers to look closley at your cables if your having these kinds of problems.
Most any RG6 will handle the Vip receivers and the DPP lnb and switching system.

The question, really, is how good are your connectors? Crimped connectors or compression connectors improperly installed may cause problems.
The old cable you had hooked to the dish was probably RG59 which is not suitable for satellite it may have been alright with the old system with the 500 dish but the new stuff requires RG6 for it to work correctly also make sure you have good fittings on all cable. If you have alot of breaks in the line with barrels sometimes that can cause issues as well its better to go almost all the way from dish to recv w/ ether 1 or no barrels in the line

Signal strength issue - 1000.4 EA

Self Installation of Dish 500+ for 118.7 EARC
