Changed dish configuration what

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Mar 13, 2007
Lake Worth FL
I have the $69.99 WSI 6' special. Last summer I added 6" panels to it and my reception got a little better. Enough to please me for a while. Last week I added more panels to it and here is where I need some help. I went from Cm 180 to 221 Cm. The antenna depth is now 48.3 Cm. The focal length is 63.200 (24.9"). According to this new numbers I'm suppose to move the scaler ring closer to the dish and I have no idea how to do this. Any ideas or suggestions!!!
I didn't realize they make a dish you could add extensions onto to increase the size. It's an interesting concept as long as the infastructure it's mounted on can handle the elements such as wind. Since you increased the size of the dish from 6 foot to roughly 7 foot 3 inches I would say your scaler ring would have to go out not in. I could be wrong but you may want to double check with WSI.
I don't think that changes the focal length.
It does change the F/D ratio.
So, what does that mean...
I think it means the LNBF stays where it is (at the focal point)
But maybe the scalar slides away from the dish a little bit??
(which allows the LNBF to see all of the dish, not just the middle 6' of it)

I seem to recall Stogie5150 making a similar move (maybe not for the same reason).
But off hand, I don't recall what he did.
Something about spreading the feed supports...?
Maybe some simple bracketry?
Don't think it was hard to do, once he came up with the plan. - :up
You will need more of the LNB protruding through the scalar to ("Illuminate") see the dish extensions. ie F/D 4.0, LNB flush with scalar. F/D 3.0 LNB protrudes an inch past scalar.
Thank you guys. Moving the scaler ring away from the dish might be a problem. I did manage to move it forward yesterday and to my surprise I was able to pickup a couple of tps on AMC 10 that I didn't have before (4001 V 29079, 3867 H 15499 and 4140 H 18000). But there were other problems, I had no signal on SES 2 tp 3800 normally I get 72 Q. Lost PIXL on SES 3, TCT TV on SES1 and some other ones. Today I'm moving the scaler ring out. I'm hoping for the best.
Could this be deforming the parabolic shape with the added weight of the extensions?
Crossed strings across the original dish lip to lip would reveal this.
If the extensions follow the parabolic curve. the focal length will stay the same, but the F/D ratio will change. If they don't follow the parabolic curve, their only function would be to block out noise, earth or terrestrial. In this form, the F/D also does not change.
Hi, jibaro29

Have you done any more reconfiguring and testing with with your $69.99 six foot special dish... I was wondering what new development you have done with the dish.

I was thinking on adding some of those corugated plastic like boards used for advertising garage sales, and campaining purposes.

Since these boards are very stiff,there might be a problem in maintaining the parabolic shape of the dish.. But the advantage is that they are very light in weight.

First, I have to find some that are wide enough for the addition.

If you have any more ideas, let me know, and see if there are more ways to add lenght to these dishes without adding sustantional weight.
Not sure if I'm posting these pictures right but this is how I extend the lnb arms holder. I went from 27" to 28" from center. Once I got the lnb in place I notice a change on signal strength. I went from low 80s to steady 90s. Picture quality went down a tad but enough to make a difference.
Thanks for the response.

So, you made an extension to the LNB arm holder and the signal strenght went up, that sounds positive. But somehow the picture quality going down some, does not make sense.

Did you made any adjustment to the dish extension at all?. Went looking for the corrugated plastic boards, and did not found any to be wide enough for the intended additions to the dish. Once I find the right dimensions, I will tape or glue a layer of aluminum tape or foil to the board, I believe that, that might work.

Of course this will be only a test, and might have to improve the design with another type of material....first I have to be sure that this will work.
I think I need to move the lnb in/out. Not sure witch way to go. I'm waiting for a clear day to do this. Avenger, I did extended the dish another 6". I am closer to an 8'.IMG_2168.JPG

The dish is defenitely looking good.... Did you use some kind of mondo material, and if so, did it add alot of weight to the dish.... I looks much bigger than an eight footer. Were you still able to maintain the parobolic shape...I hope you don't mind all of these questions.

Once I buy the microHD, I would like to do something close to the same way and idea that you have done. My only consern is not adding too much weight to this dish, and having my dish mover over taxed by the added weight.

I congratulate you on your good work, and your good idea.
Avenger, I would not call it perfect shape but it does work. Sadly I'm going to have to take it all down and glue those panels real good this time around. The duct tape I'm using only last for a short period of time. I'm guessing those extra panels weight around lbs. I found out why I was loosing signal quality. The Manhattan 1933 is crapping out on me. It wont move my V-box, it shuts down the lnb for no reason and it like to reboot by itself. I'm sending this back to Ricks Satellite tomorrow. I reconected my SatHawk and everything is workng fine now.
jibaro29, looking at the picture it looked like you had applied some bondo and made it permanent, the duck tape is deceiving in looks.

Right now my dish is still having a bit of a problem in tracking the Clark belt like it should... As soon as my yard gets drier, I guess that I have to try to make things right...Have to do this before the microHD comes out for sale.

Sorry that your setup has to be dismantle. I am sure that the end results will be much better.
Today I was pleasantly surprised to get Univision on AMC 18. It seams like the farther back I move my lnb the better the results. I have added another 6" to my so called 6 footer and wait ...wait oh... there is I'm picking up channels that a normal 6' wont even have a chance to get. I have been working on this project for quite a while and all I have to say is thank you Galaxy- Marketing. My dish is upto 245.5cms.

I am glad that your dish is growing and getting better reception with your modification. You mentioned about moving the LNB farther back and that is this is making work much better.... How long of an extention to the LNB bracket did you made to have that better reception.

If you have a chance, please post some pictures of your new changes to the LNB bracket and the end panels....Since I have not been able to find the right size material that I intent to use, I think that a new plan is in the works... Will keep you posted on my progress, but I am still waiting for my yard to dry some more before proceding with the plan.

Thanks migold for that info. I have been using this website(Prime Focus reflector calculation) to calculate my focal length. When I input these #s 245.5cm by 49.5cm it gives me 76.658cm focal length. The way my setup is right now I can only 29.5 inches from center. Extending th LNB arms is not really a big issue here however, I do not want to this until I'm sure this is the way to go. I looked up what 915mm equates to and 36 inches is a lot. I am pleased with the results I'm getting now. My ultimate goal is to be able to pickup must of those 8/9FECs. Avenger, I post a picture of arms extension on my next post.
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