Ch 139 TBS

TCM and FMC are considered "Basic" or "expanded Basic" cable channels by the channel providers. They want these channels among the rest of the basic channels in the line-ups. TBS was moved to channel 139 for the same reason.

IFC, WE, Bravo (which used to have mostly movies and was commercial free), AMC (which is a movie channel and used to be commercial free), TCM and FMC are nicelu bundled as "Basic movie channels"

See ya
Part of the deal that channel providers reach with cable and satellite systems is channel placement.

ESPN Classic and ESPN News are not in between ESPN and ESPN2 by accident, There is a sizeable discount to providers if they put ESPNews and Classic in between the two more popular channels. There are similar things of this type for many other channels.

See ya
Derwin0 said:
Never noticed where it was in the lineup.
With Atlanta locals, I can just tune to 17 :D


TBS is NOT the same is WTBS, years ago both TBS on Cable, Satellite and OTA WTBS were identical and was then and only then a True Superstation.

At some point TBS changed to only aired nationally cleared content or content they own full national rights too.

The reason TBS is being moved is likely because the channel assignment in the 230's is where the othe real Superstations are located. The new 139 channel assignment will place the channel amongst other national content channels.

BTW the 230's have always been home of the Superstations and the 240's have always been the home of Distant Network channels.

Stargazer said:
Why dont they just make it to where we can number the channels that we want them to be on the receivers?

can they do that ? like uplink all the channels to like a channel with 4 or 5 digits to and let you remap them yourself.... like a favorites list ....if you wanted?
maybe you can go online or something and like remap you list for all your receivers. or fill our a card if you don't have the internet,for people that don't read this
JohnL said:
TBS is NOT the same is WTBS, years ago both TBS on Cable, Satellite and OTA WTBS were identical and was then and only then a True Superstation.
At some point TBS changed to only aired nationally cleared content or content they own full national rights too.
I could care less why they're being moved.
But all TBS/WTBS content is nationally cleared, except for certain Braves games (usually ESPN playoffs where WTBS has OTA rights). And commercials are different, WTBS has more local commercials.
That is all that's different, I have watched TBS all my life (my dad is a huge Braves fan). Check the guide if you wish, they are identical.
But all TBS/WTBS content is nationally cleared, except for certain Braves games (usually ESPN playoffs where WTBS has OTA rights). And commercials are different, WTBS has more local commercials.
That is all that's different, I have watched TBS all my life (my dad is a huge Braves fan). Check the guide if you wish, they are identical.
Today's TBS "Superstation" schedule:

8:00 am Movie Perfect Murder, A Perfect Pork Roast

The same time fram on WTBS:

8:00 am Captain Planet Trouble on the Half Shell
8:30 am Feed Your Mind Stop Buggin' Me
9:00 am Your Stories (TV-PG) Ghost Hounds, Ghost Hounds, Character Bound, S17 Babcock & Dawsey
9:30 am tbs Storyline Storyline #15

It also looks like on WTBS at 6am every weekday you can watch Headline news at 6am. On the TBS "Superstation" you can watch "Momma's Family". eeeeeeshhhh.

Next Saturday on TBS "Superstation"
8:05 am Movie Devil in a Blue Dress

8:00 am Captain Planet Fine Print, The
8:30 am Feed Your Mind Operation Whale Watch
9:00 am Your Stories (TV-PG) S17 Dunkerly, Rhythm of Life, S17 Gillooly, Art of Survival
9:30 am tbs Storyline Storyline #14

Yes, the schedules of WTBS and TBS are very similar and almost the same, but they are not identical.
Hey don't knock Mama's Family! That's one of my favorite shows! If you want to see headline news of the same thing all day, just watch CNN or something boring like that!

e* Question from a current D* sub

Lost one satellite feed . . . what's wrong??
