Just visit this CE forum on Friday or Saturday Nights and the latest CE information is always posted to the top as a sticky. 

The new HD GUI is still not as good as the 922's GUI.
To me it looks a lot like the 922's guide, but its missing the channel logos.The new HD GUI is still not as good as the 922's GUI.
To me it looks a lot like the 922's guide, but its missing the channel logos.
The other screens however look more polished then the 922 which is what I have come to expect from DIRECTV... they are great at polishing stuff.
they needed to test the next software update thats going to roll out. as you can see the notes say "customer candidate". i'm not 100% sure on the HR20 but am sure about the HR24-500 will get it.What I'm concerned about is the fact that the HR20'as and HR24-500 didn't even get it offered to them, I don't care that the Saturday night CE was cancelled, it's just the fact that now with this BS going on, the rest of us may not get the same as the others....
Some of my channels have logos (MSNBCHD), and some of the Channels like HDNet Movies do have have pictures, for example, the Pulp Fiction Box is displayed in the upper right hand corner. I am super impressed with how quick it is. #Awesome
I think it takes time for the logos to load. I am thinking they will show up by weeks end. I am just ticked that I missed the update this week!!
I have an HR22, is there a way to force the download? I tried to reset the receiver and punch in the codes when the first screen came up to try to "force" the download but It didn't work, or maybe I did it wrong or maybe it just isn't going to be on the HR22??
So basically its best just to wait until they give it to me? Anyone know when this will be?
AriesGodofWar said:Some of my channels have logos (MSNBCHD), and some of the Channels like HDNet Movies do have have pictures, for example, the Pulp Fiction Box is displayed in the upper right hand corner. I am super impressed with how quick it is. #Awesome
downthedoor said:Made the mistake of doing a menu reset from channel 1, which said channel currently unavailable, and when it came back up it was a gray screen. When I hit guide, I got what's in the picture below. It sat like that for 5 minutes before the guide loaded up and it went to saying channel unavailable. I have 7 vod channels listed in the guide, and only fx works. The others all say channel not available when I tune to them. I have a HR-22-100, and it does recognize my connection (it will allow me to buy ppv's from the IRD.