January 06, 2011 03:00 PM Eastern Time
New REESE® Minis Are Most Surprising Launch at the 2011 Consumer Electronics Show
They're Tiny, They're Unwrapped, and They're State-Of-The-Art in Candy
2011 International CES
LAS VEGAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--In one of the most unexpected launches at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), the REESE® brand, makers of REESE® Peanut Butter Cups, today unveiled the latest mini-innovation in candy snacks – REESE® Minis. Billed as the next big, little thing, REESE® Minis are making history as the smallest REESE® Peanut Butter Cups ever, and the first snacking candy to be introduced at CES. In fact, REESE® Peanut Butter Cups is The Official Candy of the Consumer Electronics Show.
REESE® Minis, from The Hershey Company, are only slightly bigger than a button and feature the same delicious taste of the traditional REESE® Peanut Butter Cups in a smaller, unwrapped version that lets REESE® lovers easily enjoy their favourite treat anytime, anywhere.
"Techies at CES seek out cool innovations like mini-tuners, mini-cams, nano-mice, mini-keyboards, and gotta-have gadgets so small you could fit a fistful in your pocket," says Anna Lingeris, spokesperson for the REESE® brand. "So who says that the next, big mini innovation can't come from a candy company? REESE® Minis reflect the best in creative product innovation and 'on-the-go' interfacing with user taste buds. And they solve an important issue for techies, too – their size and unwrapped state makes them ergonomically perfect for one-handed internet surfing or tapping out a text message."
The REESE® brand, taking a page from some of the top Silicon Valley product launches, took the show by storm in the Grand Lobby with a giant orange REESE® box and a count down to the big unveiling the first day of the show. Well-known tech personality and self described "geek, internet entrepreneur and technology enthusiast" Chris Pirillo of Lockergnome, and Jim St. John, Vice President of Research & Development at The Hershey Company, opened the giant 10' x 20' box to reveal the new REESE® Mini, appearing in the spotlight on a glass pedestal. Extremely tall men wearing shirts that read "the next big, little thing is here" then began mass sampling of the product. Prior to the reveal, the extremely tall guerrilla teams scoured the conference drawing attendees to the launch event.
"Unveiling the new REESE® Minis at the world's largest consumer technology tradeshow highlights how compactness and accessibility have across-the-board appeal – whether you're talking smart phones or sweet treats," said Mr. St. John.
To build buzz prior to CES, the REESE® brand also worked with a handful of tech influencers, to create teaser videos to drive visibility for the launch. The videos, which spoof the "unboxing" trend in the tech world, didn't reveal the new product but feature influencers opening up the giant orange REESE® Peanut Butter Cup boxes and teasing the product launch. The videos have had widespread play on YouTube, as well as across a number of social networks, including Twitter and Facebook.
REESE® Minis will be sold in 210g, re-sealable, standup pouches (SRP $4.19), keeping them fresh and delicious. REESE® Minis also come in 130g small peg bag (SRP $2.99) and. Both items are available at mass, grocery, drug and convenience stores across Canada.
For additional information and images, visit New Reeses Minis
About Hershey Canada
Hershey Canada Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of The Hershey Company (New York Stock Exchange: HSY) that distributes and sells confectionery, snack, refreshment and grocery products in Canada. Major brands include Chipits, Eat-More, Glossette, Hershey's, Jolly Rancher, Oh Henry!, Reese, and Twizzler.
To learn more about Hershey Canada, visit Refresh Page.
Photos/Multimedia Gallery Available: News | Business Wire
New REESE® Minis Are Most Surprising Launch at the 2011 Consumer Electronics Show
They're Tiny, They're Unwrapped, and They're State-Of-The-Art in Candy
2011 International CES
LAS VEGAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--In one of the most unexpected launches at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), the REESE® brand, makers of REESE® Peanut Butter Cups, today unveiled the latest mini-innovation in candy snacks – REESE® Minis. Billed as the next big, little thing, REESE® Minis are making history as the smallest REESE® Peanut Butter Cups ever, and the first snacking candy to be introduced at CES. In fact, REESE® Peanut Butter Cups is The Official Candy of the Consumer Electronics Show.
REESE® Minis, from The Hershey Company, are only slightly bigger than a button and feature the same delicious taste of the traditional REESE® Peanut Butter Cups in a smaller, unwrapped version that lets REESE® lovers easily enjoy their favourite treat anytime, anywhere.
"Techies at CES seek out cool innovations like mini-tuners, mini-cams, nano-mice, mini-keyboards, and gotta-have gadgets so small you could fit a fistful in your pocket," says Anna Lingeris, spokesperson for the REESE® brand. "So who says that the next, big mini innovation can't come from a candy company? REESE® Minis reflect the best in creative product innovation and 'on-the-go' interfacing with user taste buds. And they solve an important issue for techies, too – their size and unwrapped state makes them ergonomically perfect for one-handed internet surfing or tapping out a text message."
The REESE® brand, taking a page from some of the top Silicon Valley product launches, took the show by storm in the Grand Lobby with a giant orange REESE® box and a count down to the big unveiling the first day of the show. Well-known tech personality and self described "geek, internet entrepreneur and technology enthusiast" Chris Pirillo of Lockergnome, and Jim St. John, Vice President of Research & Development at The Hershey Company, opened the giant 10' x 20' box to reveal the new REESE® Mini, appearing in the spotlight on a glass pedestal. Extremely tall men wearing shirts that read "the next big, little thing is here" then began mass sampling of the product. Prior to the reveal, the extremely tall guerrilla teams scoured the conference drawing attendees to the launch event.
"Unveiling the new REESE® Minis at the world's largest consumer technology tradeshow highlights how compactness and accessibility have across-the-board appeal – whether you're talking smart phones or sweet treats," said Mr. St. John.
To build buzz prior to CES, the REESE® brand also worked with a handful of tech influencers, to create teaser videos to drive visibility for the launch. The videos, which spoof the "unboxing" trend in the tech world, didn't reveal the new product but feature influencers opening up the giant orange REESE® Peanut Butter Cup boxes and teasing the product launch. The videos have had widespread play on YouTube, as well as across a number of social networks, including Twitter and Facebook.
REESE® Minis will be sold in 210g, re-sealable, standup pouches (SRP $4.19), keeping them fresh and delicious. REESE® Minis also come in 130g small peg bag (SRP $2.99) and. Both items are available at mass, grocery, drug and convenience stores across Canada.
For additional information and images, visit New Reeses Minis
About Hershey Canada
Hershey Canada Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of The Hershey Company (New York Stock Exchange: HSY) that distributes and sells confectionery, snack, refreshment and grocery products in Canada. Major brands include Chipits, Eat-More, Glossette, Hershey's, Jolly Rancher, Oh Henry!, Reese, and Twizzler.
To learn more about Hershey Canada, visit Refresh Page.
Photos/Multimedia Gallery Available: News | Business Wire