That was always the reason for the auto skip feature. Charlie was using it for a negotiation tactic to help get the best deal for pricing of the channels. I remember reading that when they first came out with the feature. IF the channel doesn't agree to the new price on carriage ,DISH keeps the auto skip feature activated and those channels lose advertisement revenue, that the channel charges for carriage on their stations. Wonder why there is talk about extending Prime time anytime feature for other cable channels? Same deal. DISH is going to get the best advantage in the deal because they can use the prime time anytime feature and auto skip to get it. You can't say that old Charlie isn't smart in using technology that his company created, to give him the best advantage in deals with the bloodsucking channels. I can see them expanding the Prime time anytime feature expanding to include certain sports channels, movie channels, other basic popular cable channels. All it takes is moving the channels to the same transponder and then enabling the software to create the folder extensions and Viola ! DISH now gets a better deal for all those channels too. Very Smart.I understand that,I just don't like being used as a pawn. Let's be honest, at this point it does seem that was the actual purpose of the feature. Well played to be sure, just stinks is all.