CBS' Jericho: A Familiar Story

I'm still sad at Bonnie being killed off :river


I have a question about Bonnie.... my wife and I found it odd that last year she talked and they played the audio. I know she is deaf in real life but she talked very good and legible for a deaf person. This year they are using subtitles and muting the audio of her talking. What's up with that? Were people actually complaining that they couldn't understand her? She speaks a lot clearer than do many of the tech support or customer service reps out of India or the ebonics of the Al Sharptons in this country.

As far as killing her off. It could have been worse, in that they could have killed off any number of better characters instead, including Mia. An interesting twist would have been the death of her brother protecting Mia in the same scenerio instead. But I guess they need him later on for the big fight, the big lug that he is.

Hawkins is a great role and the actor is fantastic at it. I wouldn't be upset if they killed off his wife, fueling his angry but level headed fire. I'd have to say that he has become the most important character, taking that role away from Jake. It was intended for Jake to be the center of the story when the show first launched, but not anymore.
Well, at the end of this last weeks show, the announcer said 'only 2 more episodes this SEASON'

Not 'Only two more episodes in the series', so I assumed it was going forward from that

Yeah, but they always say that when renewing the show is still up in the air. Many a show has said "Season finally," instead of "series finally" and never come back for another season.
I have a question about Bonnie.... my wife and I found it odd that last year she talked and they played the audio. I know she is deaf in real life but she talked very good and legible for a deaf person. This year they are using subtitles and muting the audio of her talking. What's up with that? Were people actually complaining that they couldn't understand her? She speaks a lot clearer than do many of the tech support or customer service reps out of India or the ebonics of the Al Sharptons in this country.

I have a soft spot for Bonnie as my youngest daughter is deaf. I know what you mean but the correct choice of wording is enunciate. Shoshannah Stern (Bonnie) and Marlee Matlin are heroes to her. It's not often that she sees someone in the spotlight that is just like her that she can relate to.

I would hope not, but you never know. People can be inadvertantly insensitive. She did speak this year, but her conversations were more private with her brother and Mia.

It could end up on the scifi channel for next season.

Has there been talk of this or is this just speculation.

Why not put it on Universal HD? The reruns look great on there. Most people don't have SciFi HD yet but have Universal HD available. I have been watching Jericho this long in HD on CBS, I don't want to go back to watching it in SD on SciFi. If my provider adds SciFi HD by then, that is cool by me, but I don't see that hapenning just yet.
Tuesday's show ended with the announcement that there was only one more episode this season. Could be that they are going to end with a cliff-hanger about the bomb and maybe Jericho will return as a Jan/Feb replacement or as a 2 - 4 hour movie. Just speculating, of course. I can see the ending now. Jake and Hawkins are trying to warn the Cheyenne gov't about the bomb as it slowly ticks down. The show ends with 24 hours left on the bomb's timer.
It's over, Johnny....

Jericho cancelled as CBS gets ready to air finale that wraps up the storyline.... Well at least we got a great 7 hours of wrapup to last years cliffhangar..... If only they had events happening at this riveting a pace last year......

SyFy Portal
Thats a month old link... still nothing concrete anyhwere, and you would think something would leak out whether next week is really the end.

nvm. on the side of the link i see the official story with quotes from the producer.
Looking forward to seeing how they end it. Hope it is ended definitively. But a lot to wrap in 43 minutes.

To quote a now famous line, "Nuts" :)
it's crazy thats cbs for you.they cancel jericho for what reason low ratings.i would blame low ratings on the writers strike for hurting jericho.maybe sci-fi,usa or another network will pick it up and continue the series.we can only hope.
Good ending. It was jam packed with what may otherwise be two or three (or more these days) drawn out shows into one. It was closure on the show, yet could easily be left open for a season 3 on another network.

When they said they were showing the alternate ending as a "series finally" on CBS, I had in mind the bomb would go off wherever Hawkins and Jake had been moving it when they got caught, and that the town would all out brawl. I thought they would do everything to kill it off, which could have turned out as a great show or horrible train wreck, depending on how they did it.

But I was surprised at the "happy" ending and the message of hope for the future in the aspect that it is left wide open. There is now a revolution and Texas will sure be on the side of east of the Mississippi USA, which is the good ol' USA reborn. Previously, it was up in there air whether Texas would go with the Allied USA (the bad guys that actually did the attacks) or whether they would go with the United States. Jake and Hawkins succeeded in getting the bomb to Texas and proving that the new government in Cheyenne was up to no good.

I thought Jake was going to get shot down, game over. But it turned out well for him and a good ending for the show. I also had forgotten that Jake was actually a pilot, right? I knew he worked for that dirty corporation behind the new Allied Government over in Afghanistan, but I totally forgot that he had flown planes. They should have thrown us a reminder a show or two back, because those that missed the first season wouldn't have known Jake's history and thought, "when did he learn to fly?" For Jake, who the show was meant to be centered around but it got away from him and more onto Hawkins and a broader story, it was brought back onto him in the finally hours. He had to get that bomb back to Texas and he did. All this reminded me of the first episode where Jake came home, back to his small town of Jericho. I think that he was sick of everything going wrong out there and knew J&R (forgot the actual name) were up to no good. He was right and saved his own life by going back to Jericho.

So, the ending was good. I would like to see a third season or a mini-series about the revolution and us getting our country back. I think with Beck folding, followed by the other troops folding when they saw Hawkins laptop, they may not have too much trouble turning other military ranks against Cheyenne. So there may not be much of a revolution. But there will be a revolution, short and to the point, they should consider a mini series. Maybe a cable network will pick it up.

If they don't. I'll settle for the ending of season two. It wasn't a bad ending at all, but the whole season and the canceling thing have made the show a clear victim of that faggotty writer's strike. I don't know who was responsible and frankly, I don't care, but the writer's strike was pathetic.

Maybe some good came out of the writer's strike. I am thinking some previous union supporters changed their mind about unions and realized how damaging they are. Please don't missunderstand me, maybe the writer's were right and the corporation was wrong. But what ever happend to indivduals going to bat for themselves.? The union drew this out too long. You know, if you are a good writer, you'd have a job in a non-union world, and could negotiate your share of online video royalties yourself. As an individual, you may get more than a breakdown of individuals as a whole would get. If you are good. But anyway, the silly writer's union strike is over and maybe our shows will be fixed by next year.

I can see it now though. Do you think this years season of ANY show on DVD will be cheaper than last years full season on DVD, or will they stick with the pricing plan. Jericho for example, 7 shows. I wonder if they will charge as much as season 1 for this season when it comes out on DVD.
Changed the above post to a spolier tag -- hard to do without actually reading it, but I managed it. :D

Didn't want to spoil it, since I didn't get to it last night.

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