CBS' Jericho: A Familiar Story

Maybe, just maybe this will at least show networks that they can't take major breaks in the middle of the season and expect to have the same viewers when the show comes back!!!! I'm still calling tomorrow though and hope everyone keeps up the fight!
Can I suggest that someone put together a form letter that we can copy & paste, including some kind of mention of both this site & thread. Then we can e-mail it to the aforementioned e-mail address.
lets spam that e-mail of the VP of programming ASAP, But please lets be friendly about this, no way they'll bring it back if we behave rudely in this. and e-mail, mail, call CBS EVERY day, not just tomorrow.

But spam only in the sense that we all send them email complaining. Lets not spam her email to kill it. I agree, we need to be productive and not antagonistic.
But spam only in the sense that we all send them email complaining. Lets not spam her email to kill it. I agree, we need to be productive and not antagonistic.

right, That was worded a little off key a bit wasn't it.

don't just spam for the heck of it.

oh and to the one who wanted for a key form, it's better to write how YOU feel personally, just write how you feel about the cancellation. if you want to post links to the thread, then great.
yeah that's an idea. there is a LOT of them going around, and the threads on the CBS website are just awesome, one problem is, that due to the cancellation, CBS.c0m will be shutting down the Jericho boards on at midnight PT tonight I believe.
OK All kinds of ways to contact CBS and other sources on this. use EVERY single one of them:

We have to do something about this!!

Venting our anger and frustration isn't going to bring the show back! We are the only ones that can make that happen!

1. Email CBS

2. Call them and leave voicemail

(212) 975-3241/3247/3245

3. Email the Exec VP in Charge of Programming, Kelly Kahl

4. Sign this online petition, its over 16,000 and growing by the minute.

5. Get the critics involved. They don't work for CBS, they aren't the bad guys, be nice and ask them for help. ; (Click on Ask Kristin next to her picture) ; (Click on Email Michael Ausiello)

6. WRITE CBS A LETTER ON A PIECE OF PAPER AND PUT IT IN AN ENVELOPE. Not an email, an actual letter, flood them with mail.

Ms. Kelly Kahl
Senior Exec VP of Programming
CBS Television Network
51 West 52nd St.
New York, NY 10019

Also there is an another idea running around on the net of folks sending CBS packages of nuts in a protest of this cancellation that is nuts by CBS.
this is just down right stupid now:
CBS has lost a viewer, and that INCLUDES NFL, NCAA, Golf, and the local news as well.

I just sent this one over they steam me!!!

Quite frankly, your response letter to those writing about the cancellation of Jericho is weak at best. Although I know it is probably a chain letter, not even written by you, I still have to say something. The reason you have lost a key demographic (and will continue to do so) is because there is not focus on QUALITY. While it may have struggled slightly (gee, do you think that it might be because you guys take shows off of the air for 5 weeks at a time??) it has a decent following. Do you know why? Of course you don't! It is QUALITY. This is something that your network and the other "Big 3" seem to NOT comprehend. You have all been losing viewers within the past several years because the QUALITY of your programming has continued to decrease! Low and behold, a QUALITY show like Jericho comes along, and you have to nip that in the bud in favor of fluff.

Your letter also stated that your network has communication with the fans…

"At CBS we never cancel a show without a great deal of communication between our public groups and you the fans."

But in the very next sentence, you state

"It was believed that Jericho had lost a significant amount of fans since the original pilot of the show."

Believed??? If you were in contact with fans, you would KNOW, I would think.

There are a good number of us out here, hoping that shows like Jericho come along. It is not mindless fluff or banter, it is good television. But good television, QUALITY television, is something that seems to be lost on your network and many of the others.

Continue to do what you do, and I will continue to do what I do. You, along with your cohorts – NBC, FOX, ABC, remove the quality programs that you produce (albeit a rare occasion) and I will continue to watch some recorded cable television, a DVD, or perhaps read a book. After all, I know all of those are QUALITY; otherwise I would not have picked them. And I know that no matter how long they are there, they will STILL be QUALITY. Kind of like Jericho, except for the fact that my recorded shows (from cable/dish), DVDs, and books all have conclusions.

Thank you for your time,
A Former CBS viewer
petiton is past the 20,000 mark already.

Oh yeah here is what is ironic, guess what was the top headline on our NBC stations' website today?

that CBS had cancelled Jericho. folks, I mean it's getting coverage as if they cancelled American Idol with just the final 2 left, not a half bad Idea if I do say so myself.
petiton is past the 20,000 mark already.

Oh yeah here is what is ironic, guess what was the top headline on our NBC stations' website today?

that CBS had cancelled Jericho. folks, I mean it's getting coverage as if they cancelled American Idol with just the final 2 left, not a half bad Idea if I do say so myself.

I'd agree with that!! Canecel American Idiot at any time...that would be ok for me!

By the way up to 20360!!
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I'm shocked:eek: . I love this show. I have communicated by frustration with CBS. I need to just get used to the fact that network television is dead. I used to think it was just FOX that did this to me (Dark Angel, Firefly, etc). Just cancel a program without a conclusion, after putting it on vacation for weeks at a time, pre-empting it, then moving it around to every night of the week. Heck FOX replaced Dark Angel with Firefly, then only aired 5 episodes of Firefly before cancelling it. I guess we will get another forensics show on CBS. NCIS, CSI-NY, CSI-Miami, CSI-Vegas and now.....wait for it.........CSI-Cincinnati:rolleyes: . They have a CSI everywhere else. It reminds me of how NBC has milked the vitamins out of Law and Order or ABC with Primetime.


Thank God we have more than just 4 or 5 channels.
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The petition to save Jericho is the 2nd most popular one, only behind the dumb NBA suspensions.

to those who have NOT filled out the petition, do so.

also, a few pages back I have all the contact info for CBS in NY. CALL them tomorrow and complain, and call every day if you can, send letters all the time. if no one picks up the show, it won't be for a lack of effort that's for sure.
Here is what CBS had to say about Jericho in the article in Zap2it:

CBS would like you to know that it was a tough decision to cancel "Jericho," its entry into last season's plot-driven serial glut.

That will probably be small consolation to the show's fans, who watched the show's first -- and only -- season end with the titular town's fate very much up in the air. But, as CBS Entertainment president Nina Tassler put it Wednesday, "It just wasn't performing."

The ratings bear that out. After drawing a pretty solid 10.7 million viewers over its first 11 episodes in the fall, it fell off sharply after a long hiatus. The second half of the season fell to around 8 million viewers, with the adults 18-49 numbers also taking a sizable hit, often hovering just above a 2.0 rating.

"You know, it had good viewers, loyal viewers, but the show just really kind of lost its engine," Tassler says. "It was a hard decision. It's a hard decision in any year."

As for the cliffhanger ending, Tassler can only shrug. "We go through this every year," she says. "It's the nature of the beast."

Having learned the lesson about long hiatuses, CBS is hoping to avoid the same situation this season with its drama "Swingtown," about suburbanites exploring the boundaries of social acceptability in the 1970s.

"The plan is to air it in its entirety from the premiere to the finale, which is why we're holding it until midseason," Tassler says.

My take -- the network SCREWS UP with a 12 week hiatus, and then kills the show.

The worst part, its numbers would have been a HIT on NBC. :rolleyes:

Might be worth arguing in emails that Jericho deserves a second chance, given the screwup by CBS with the Nov - Jan break.
They admit their mistake with the hiatus.. what Zap2It doesn't point out is that it was moved to a time slot opposite AI when it came back. Duh! Don't you think that might account for most of the ratings drop off (not everyone has two tuner DVRs)!

For the VP of Programming to even suggest CSI in her reply is insulting.

Keep those emails and petitions going!

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