CBS-HD East moving to channel 9483 on April 14th

Thats correct, has nothing to do with the SuperDISH, just means people with 6000's who dont have a 8PSK module and people with a Dish 5000 need to upgrade their equipment to something that supports 8PSK. :)
johnewhite said:
As I write this, both 9453 AND 9483, CBSHD(East), are being tranmitted on 61.5 at Tp 20.

My guess is 61.5 and 105 will both transmit 9483 8PSK and drop 9453, and 148 and 105 will both transmit 9484 CBSHD(West) 8PSK and drop 9454.

I am receiving CBS-HD on both channels 9454 and 9484 off of the 148 bird right now. I have heard that CBS-HD no longer resides on 105.
Olay i'm confused..I have the 105 superdish for the 110,119, and 105 bird..I also have the 811 I had to install another dish 300 aimed at the 61.5 bird to get cbs-hd..
Rlanham said:
I currently get the CBS east coast feed in the 7000's (not HD) on my superdish. Do you think I will automatically get the HD feed in the 9000's in April? When I originally qualified & signed up for CBS last month, I was told that it was HD, of course that was wrong, but I just kept the channel since it was $1.25/month.

The CBS HD (WCBS-NY) that I get, I get from 61.5 on a separate dish.

The channel didn't automatically show up even though I have East/West nets. I had to call and ask for it. No charge though.
Well, some of the posts in this thread are close.

9483 and 9484 the numbers assigned to CBS HD east and west at 105 when they were uplinked many months ago, but never were allowed to be seen by subscribers, have moved to the wings and joined 9453 and 9454 as mirrors on the same transponders. On the displayed April 14th 9453 and 9454 will disappear, leaving 9483 and 9484. At that time the signal will switch from plain ole QPSK to either 8PSK(more likely) or QPSK Turbo Coded FEC.

At this time CBS HD east and west have left 105, at least as far as the system knows. In fact the transponder is no longer in the system.

It seems that 61.5 and 148 will be the locations for a while.
Last year, all of the talk about HD involved moving all the HD channels to 105 and giving all existing HD subs a free SuperDish upgrade.

But that plan flopped when E* determined that the aging low powered sat at the 105 spot could not cover major areas of the north and south conus. So they instead shuffled around SD channels on the 110 sat to squeeze in the HD channels using 8psk modulation.

Recently, they offered subs with model 5000 receivers, a free 811 or reduced price 921 and will now switch the two CBS-HD stations on the 61/148 sats to 8psk so they take up less bandwidth for the time being.

Adding the CBS-HD station to 105 makes it available via a SuperDish to subs that qualify and and are within the reduced footprint of the dying 105 sat.

Later this year, E* will launch a replacement sat for 105 which will eliminate the coverage problem and provide a lot of additional capacity. So I believe that E* will try to hold off on any new HD channels until the new bird is operational. At that time, they'll probably announce the new channels along with some kind of SuperDish upgrade deal. And that will also spell the end of CBS-HD on the 65/148 sats too.

Remember too that last year E* waited until D* offered their HD package before responding and made their package available a few months later. I expect the same thing this year.
Just making a correction to some miss information. E* is NOT launching a new satellite for 105. The new satellite will be launched by SES (the company E* is leasing from at 105)
I might have said something that caused a misguided train of thought.

I would have assumed the move of CBS HD off of 61.5 was for customers who have a superdish and is unable to recieve a wing due to equipment incompatability.
n0qcu said:
Just making a correction to some miss information. E* is NOT launching a new satellite for 105. The new satellite will be launched by SES (the company E* is leasing from at 105)
Well, if we're going to get picky about it, then SES Americom is NOT launching it either. It (AMC-15) will be launched by International Launch Service.

Nevertheless, a year ago SES Americom struck a multi-year service agreement to provide satellite capacity to EchoStar Communications at the 105 orbital slot. Given the limited unused bandwidth on sats at 110 and 119, the 105 slot will likely play a critical role in E*'s HD offerings over the next several years.
EdV said:
Recently, they offered subs with model 5000 receivers, a free 811 or reduced price 921 and will now switch the two CBS-HD stations on the 61/148 sats to 8psk so they take up less bandwidth for the time being.

This is the first I've heard about owners of the 5000 receivers receiving upgrade offers. I searched for a thread on this offer, but I didn't find anything about it (or I'm blind :shocked ).

Where can I get more info? I would like to take advantage of this!

Hmm, if they change it to 8PSK then is there a chance for another HD channel soon too?? Sure hope so!!

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